mandag 16. november 2015

4.) Written 2015.11.16 for CIA. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Are NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the Russian President Vladimir Putin the worlds most dangerous friends? - Is Jens Stoltenberg Putin's eyes, ears and voice in NATO? - What did Putin in 2013/2014 do to make Angela Merkel suggest and support Jens Stoltenberg as the next leader of the worlds most powerful army? - Was Putin & Co the mentor for Jens Stoltenberg's / Norwegian Labour Party's economic frauds and mentor for J.S.'s / LP's political frauds? - How to investigate and arrest Jens Stoltenberg (Norwegian Prime Minister 2005 - 2013) for creating and protecting the fraudulent cooperation between, partly state owned and LP controlled, DNB bank and Oslo Stock Exchange and Norwegian Trustee. The Fraud Triangle DNB/DNM-OSE/VPS-NTM has been defrauding Norwegian and international investors for 10's of billions of USD since 2008 in stock and bond frauds. - Arrest also Tor-Aksel Busch, Director of Public Prosecution, who has for the last 28 years (10+18) been aiding and protecting Labour Party and Labour Party's crimes.

16 November 2015.
- Are NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the Russian President Vladimir Putin the worlds most dangerous friends?
- Is Jens Stoltenberg Putin's eyes, ears and voice in NATO?
- What did Putin in 2013/2014 do to make Angela Merkel suggest and support Jens Stoltenberg as the next leader of NATO / OTAN the worlds most powerful army?
- Was Putin & Co the mentor for Jens Stoltenberg's / Norwegian Labour Party's economic frauds and mentor for J.S.'s / LP's political frauds?
- How to investigate and arrest Jens Stoltenberg (Norwegian Prime Minister 2005 - 2013) for creating and protecting the fraudulent cooperation between, partly state owned and LP controlled, DNB bank and Oslo Stock Exchange and Norwegian Trustee. The Fraud Triangle DNB/DNM-OSE/VPS-NTM has been defrauding Norwegian and international investors for 10's of billions of USD since 2008 in stock and bond frauds.
- Arrest also Tor-Aksel Busch, Director of Public Prosecution, who has for the last 28 years (10+18) been aiding and protecting Labour Party and Labour Party's crimes.
- Since I now name most of the suspects in my blog I now write my own full name as well. All those I list know who I am and most of them have known it since before 20100525.
My name is Asmund Agdestein 19610819 and I am from Bergen, Norway. But I live pennyless in Thailand. Last year I bought a cheap Chinese tablet because a neighbour got Wi-Fi. After googling a bit too much about those listed here, they (probably Labour Party's people) made it clear that they knew who I am - and that they keep a record of what i do on the internet. So when I revisited a soft porn site I had been to before, I was redirected to a Scandinavian insurance company instead. Since I had other things on my mind, I didn't look closer at the page I was presented. The web adress I thought I saw does not exist so it could have been a personal message and threath directed to me...
They know where I am and what I do, so here it is: I am cleaning a small beach in Thailand and I am being "paid" with two meals a day and a mattress in a windowless and water less little hut.
I am still penny less because you readers do not care about what I write about or because LP has had my account blocked. 
My account number is further down the blog in the capital letters A to Z section...
  Who is most likely to kill me?
- Labour Party: LP doesn't kill people but they sometimes locks those who point out LP criminality in mental asylums... 
One of the best examples is former diplomat Synnove Fjellbakk Tafto. How many times LP has had her locked up and forcefully medicated, I do not know. It just seems like each time she wrote about LP criminality, she would be locked up...
But what will happen if I manage to trap LP "in a corner"? Will LP have me killed then?
- Jens Stoltenberg 19590316.
Leader of Labour Party 2002 - 2014.
Prime Minister of Norway 2000 - 2001 and 2005 - 2013.
Now: Secretary General of NATO 2014 - until arrested in 2016, 2017, 2018 or 2019...
According to me former Finance Minister Jens Stoltenberg part planned the Fraud Triangle, a fraud cooperation unmatched in any other western European country. Jens Stoltenberg part planned, made possible and protected the stock fraud cooperation between the state owned and LP controlled bank DNB and Oslo Stock Exchange. And the bond fraud cooperation between DNB / OSE and Norwegian Trustee (NTM). The Fraud Triangle DNB/DNM - OSE/VPS - NTM was fully operational from 2008/2009. 
Since then the Fraud Triangle has defrauded Norwegian and international OSE stock and bond investors for 10's of billions of USD.
J.S. passed the test to become a hunter in 2008 or 2009, when I read it I thought: "NOW you are on a slippery slide, boy..."
Does Jens Stoltenberg want me killed? Or will he let me spin my net around him until I will get him arrested?
- Thorbjorn Jagland 19501105.
Leader of Labour Party 1992 - 2002.
Prime Minister 1996 - 1997.
Now Secretary General Counsel of Europe 2009 - 2019.
I don't accuse him of anything - except being childishly naive...
- Jonas Gahr Store 19600825.
Millionaire  in NOK.
Leader of Labour Party 2014 - ?
Time will tell if he is rotten or not...
- Tor-Aksel Busch 19500317.
Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions 1987 - 1997.
Director of Public Prosecution (Norwegian: "Riksadvokat") 1997 - until later suspended and arrested in 2016, 2017, 2018 or 2019...
28 years with protecting LP from being prosecuted - and that will sooner or later send him to prison...
- Rune Bjerke 19600617.
Ex LP politician.
CEO DNB since 20070101 - of the partly state owned and LP controlled bank...
Rune was the one - according to me - who "constructed" the Fraud Triangle.
Rune would let his best friend, and best man at his wedding, Jens Stoltenberg decide if I should be killed or not.
- Bente Avnung Landsnes 19570808.
The only woman in my blog...
CEO OSE since 20060101 + a lot else on Oslo Stock Exchange / VPS...
She would let Rune Bjerke decide.
- Employee of DNM. Unknown to me.
Would let Rune Bjerke decide.
- Employee of NTM. Unknown to me.
Would let Rune Bjerke decide.
- Jens Ulltveit-Moe 19420716.
Multi billionaire in NOK.
President of NHO 2000 - 2004.
According to me JUM is "NFS" or "Norway's Foremost Serialswindler".
I chased him out of his CRU/Crew fraud and his partly under way INTEX Resources fraud. If he wants me killed he will contact Ola Maele.
- Ola Maele 19570129.
Billionaire in NOK.
One of Norway's biggest land owners. Loves hunting and accepts - grumpily - that the hunted can turn around and hunt him - with words... In secret O.M. is a LP fanatic and together with JUM Ola sabotaged the election for the conservatives, so that LP would win more votes... 
I suspect Jens Stoltenberg and Ola Maele to hunt wildlife together - and to plan political and economical crimes...
O.M. would leave any killings to be Jens Stoltebergs decision.
- Carl Krogh Arnet 1956.
Founder of the only company I have found that was founded - according to me - as a fraud - NEXUS. Ex CEO and main shareholder of APL. Now CEO BWO.
In the summer of 2009 Carl moved up to the top of my list over people most likely to kill me. I showed his BWO CEO picture to a close relative of me and he said shocked: "Gosh! He looks like a creep!". I wrote this on a discussion forum in Norway and a few weeks later Carl came with a new CEO picture where he actually looks like he is smiling...
Carl wouldn't know about Rune, so he would leave it to whoever is in charge in DNM to decide what to do with me.
- Cameron Barton Canadian.
The fraudster that can be anything... Ex CEO, CFO and member of the board in AGI / Artumas.
Cameron wouldn't know about Rune, so he would leave it to whoever is in charge in DNM to decide what to do with me.
- My three original fraud teachers were Ola Maele, Per Kverneland and Gerald Engstrom - I learned all about fraudsters  deception and how fraudsters crush and suffocate a share price - by e.g. pretending to be complete idiots... They and then CEO E.M. did everything to make possible costumers uninterested - so that they could suffocate the company - and the share price - even further...
In the autumn of 2008 I sat almost three months in Ventspils in Latvia and wrote 58 parts with 310 issues about the Repant fraud. 
Together Ola, Per and Gerald sat for years in the board of directors and planned how they should let the shareholders pay for the development of Repant / Microlux. 
The joint company that now includes Bevesys OY, will go ahead with a claim guesstimated to be around 100 mUSD in compensation from "big brother" Tomra. 100 mUSD for holding Repant and Microlux down and for causing Bevesys to go bankrupt. But will Tomra let the fraudsters win? No! Tomra will send Ola, Per and Gerald straight to prison for defrauding their own shareholders... 
Repant has also the patent of a special recognition system that can be worth a LOT of money if it can be used in all forms for vending machines.
First OSE listed Repant CEO - from Bergen - was innocent. Second CEO E.M was a part of the fraud, but I don't like to add the regretful sinner to this blog, when I released my findings of the Repant fraud in November 2008, E.M. got a sick leave of a number of weeks - to be a fraudster is not for everyone's liking... If present day CEO of Repant is a part of the fraud - or a witness - I do not know...
- Ola Maele is further up the blog. He will claim that he did not take part in the fraud and that Per and Gerald defrauded him. He is just lying - his sale of his own Repant shares was just a "pre made alibi" intended to knock the share price further down... Ola got his own deal with Gerald - and that deal is secret...
- Per Kverneland 1959.
Per was one of the original founders of Repant and later on CEO. Repant / Microlux was listed on OSE 20070103. 
Per's main part of the fraud was to be a clown doing everything wrong. Like selling shares by mistake and then buying them back again... In June 2009 the fraudsters manipulated the share price up 358% in two days so that Per could sell his shares and Systemair AB could sell some of their shares. But like Ola Per has his part of the company, his part of the Tomra compensation and his part of the new recognition system - in a secret deal with Gerald...
Per would leave any decision about killing me to Ola. Per is a creep - but not that bad a creep...
- (Alf) Gerald Engstrom 1948. Skinnskatteberg, Sweden.
Billionaire in SEK.
Founder and main share holder Microlux. Second share holder was CEO M.E.
Gerald / Farna Invest, with Ola and Per in secret, passed 90% ownership and delisted Repant / Microlux / Bevesys 20150626 after they willfully had managed to crush the share price 99%.
I call Gerald "SFS" because his extreme stinginess has made him - according to me - "Sweden's Foremost Serialswindler"...
In November 2008 I mocked Gerald, leader of the board in Repant, for being Sweden's stingiest person after he had given his Norwegian wife 6,000 free and used bricks as a Christmas present... Then I mocked Gerald for always wearing suits from the 70's on Systemair AB photos. Shortly after he came with a new Systemair AB CEO photos in a "new" suit... If you "investigate" you can probably find out from the other photos who's suit he borrowed... Then I mocked CFO in Systemair AB, who then was member of the board in Repant, for being overly happy as if he daily took a too big a dose of happy pills. And shortly after he came with a new CFO picture in Systemair AB...
Gerald would leave any decision about killing me to Ola. Anything goes - as long as criminally stingy Gerald doesn't have to pay for it...
The rest of the blog is unchanged and you find it under "October" marked 15 January 2015. Unchanged because I have no money and a clump foot that makes me sick with high fever if I sit too long. I would like a Lap Top computer, but no one has a spare one - and my tablet is a joke that most of the time doesn't work - because of viruses and sabotage...

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