fredag 24. oktober 2014

3.) Written between 2014.10.24. and 2015.01.17 for CIA. Is NATO's new Secretary General, Jens, Russia's Eyes, Ears and Voice? + Was Russia mentor for Jens and Labour Party's economical frauds? And was Russia mentor for Jens' and Labour Party's political frauds? Jens as Prime Minister = Same as in Russia: To Manipulate. To Control. To Exploit. To Betray. "J'accuse!" Jens now: To Spy? To Sabotage? To Betray?

17 January 2015.
This blog is mainly about NATO's new Secretary General, Jens, and how Jens and Norwegian Labour Party organized economic crimes as funding for Jens and Labour Party's political crimes. This blog describes the best - and the best protected - fraud systematization and fraud organization Europe has ever seen.  Jens and Labour Party made it SO advanced, it makes Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme look like a little child's play.
I will in this blog explain why Jens CAN NOT! be trusted by any in the NATO organization. Nor can Jens be trusted by any of NATO's 28 member countries or by Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.
For many decades criminals and their defense lawyers have claimed that "No one is guilty until proven guilty". But that is not correct. A person becomes a guilty criminal at the moment he or she commits a crime. That applies to all of us, and Jens is of course no exception.
With this blog I want to point out that - according to me - Jens belongs in a prison cell in Oslo and definitely NOT in the main office in NATO. And I am betting my own freedom that I am right, for if I wasn't right I myself would have had to spend several months in jail for writing "false statements". In spite of that the main persons in this blog have known who I am since before 25 Mai 2010, they have not contacted the Norwegian police claiming "false statements"...
The focus now in this blog is shifted to how Soviet Union / Russia, for decades, has been a mentor for Labour Party. I now see Russia as mentor for the fraud organization in both Jens' / Labour Party's economical frauds and Russia as mentor for Jens' / Labour Party's political frauds. This blog also shows how Labour Party, for decades, has tried to please Soviet Union / Russia. I write about four stock frauds in this blog and all four companies were sold for pennies to three Russian companies. Coincident? Not at all! Four generous gifts given by Jens and Labour Party to Russian companies partly owned by the Russian government. Four generous gifts given by Jens and Labour Party - and paid for by the four companies Canadian, American and Norwegian share and bondholders...
NATO's new Secretary General, Jens, had a very special childhood with a LOT of freedom and hardly any consequences for him if he did something wrong. I believe the subject Jens ever since his childhood has been on a "slippery slope" - where something bad led to something even worse. Jens has an excellent ability to hide who he really is, because he has been practicing most of his life...
In the 60's, 70's and 80's several members of the Labour Party were caught spying for the Soviet Union. The most famous of them all were the Labour Party politician A.T. who was arrested in 1984. A.T. got the CTS ("Cosmic Top Secret") clearance for NATO, but I do not know if he managed to do any spying against NATO for the Soviet Union. A.T. gave Soviet Union information useful for a full scale invasion of Norway, his damage was so great it would cost several military budgets to fix the damage. A.T. got a 20 years prison sentence, but Labour Party got him out after just 8 years. LP's eagerness of getting him out of prison sparked rumors that LP was behind A.T.'s spying and that A.T. threatened to tell the truth if LP didn't get him out of prison.
In 1989  and in 1990 KGB tried to recruit Jens as an informer and spy, but KGB apparently failed. But KGB did keep a file on Jens and they did give him the code name "Steklov".
Under the first Russian president, B.J., the ex KGB spying machine was suffering.
But then we got "V." and things changed. "V." is rumored to be Europe's richest person and is rumored to own - among other things - 4,5% of Gazprom, 37% of Surgutneftegas + a big chunk of Gunvor Group. In other word, he knows how to seriously "cut corners" - to get what he wants... But what does he want now? "V." was brainwashed by a failed state, Soviet Union, he was brainwashed by a failed, and by now outdated political ideology, communism, but most of all he was brainwashed by KGB - where he ended up as an KGB officer in Dresden in DDR.
As an ex KGB officer and an ex FSB leader, spying is in his blood and in his DNA. The only thing "V." really wants from Jens and Labour Party are classified documents about Norway's defense and NATO.
In mid April 2014 "V." said how much he hated the then Danish Secretary General of NATO. A few days later "V." told about his friendship with Jens on Russian TV. "V." and Jens have met each other many times since they first met in the year 2000 and a friendship has evolved. This is how "V.", quite sweetly, put it in April: "We have very warm relations, including personal relations,..." Did "V." show his excitement in April because he knew he would get his own "hand puppet", Jens, in the leadership of NATO?
My question is this: Has "J." followed in the footsteps of other Labour Party connected spies and, even before entering NATO, has provided classified Norwegian documents to please "V." and Russia?
I believe that Jens, as the new Secretary General for NATO, will have several tasks to continue to please "V." and Russia. The main task would be to provide "V." and Russia with whatever secrets "V." and Russia needs to know about NATO. But both "V." and Russia - and the future main world threat China - want a more "toothless" NATO. Jens can sabotage NATO by leading NATO into a path were NATO becomes more "toothless", indecisive and ineffective and occupied with other world problems like e.g. IS. According to me "V." and Russia want Jens' NATO SO indecisive and SO ineffective that "V." and Russia can "shoot Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia in the head" without NATO and Jens doing anything more than to come with empty threats.
And what about Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania? How safe are they really with Jens as NATO's leader, and - according to me - Jens as NATO's and Europe's betrayer?
Jens couldn't "hit the ground running", but by now he is able to do serious damage to NATO - and he could of course spy from day one...
"V."/FSB have made Russia into a dictatorship.
"V." & Co have apparently been mentor for Jens and Labour Party so that Jens and Labour Party could turn Norway into a very watered down version of "V." & Co's Russia. But what EXACTLY have Jens and Labour Party given "V." & Co in return? And what EXACTLY are they willing to give in the next ten years of "V"/FSB's dictatorial rule?
I and more than half the population of Europe see "V." as Europe's most dangerous person. And I see "V."'s  "hand puppet", Jens, as Europe's brand new second most dangerous person...
Sooner or later something will "tip the scale". My predictions: When Jens and Labour Party fall, they will pull mentor "V." with them down - and Interpol will be on "V."'s front door...
Luckily "V." has children and grandchildren so "V."/FSB will, hopefully, not start WW 3 to divert attention...
"V."/FSB/Russia see NATO as Russia's only enemy. "V."/FSB/Russia has chosen to become NATO's only country enemy. As soon as "V."/FSB leave office, Russia can continue on the (now halted) process of becoming a true democracy. As a true democracy, and as a true useful world nation, Russia can in the future become a member of NATO.  With other expansions, like e.g. Australia, NATO stands strong when China shows its true face 15 - 20 - 25 years from now.
China's leader said some months ago that China had no aggressive future expansion plans - well - China's leader lied. Or he would probably claim, using Chinese philosophy, that to tell people what they want to hear, is not really lying...
Labour Party + Jens + "V."/FSB + The Chinese Communist Party Vs. me?
What? Wait a minute! Just by chance I was chosen by "the evolution of democracy in Norway" to expose Jens and Labour Party and now I am supposed to solve serious international problems as well? OK then! -  I will not run away from my chores! But I will like to point out that I have been broke for four years - and counting - maybe someone soon can lend me some money?
I was, and I am, the right person at the right time - but with the wrong audience: Naive Norwegians...
Please do not delete my English blog, I know what I am doing and I am willing to take the "V."/FSB/SVR/GRU "health risk"...
My Norwegian blog does not mention Russia at all.
 (>>>> Du finner den norske originalteksten ved å klikke på "februar (1)": >>>>>>>>>>)
 My English blog is extra LONG and this is the first of four contents:
a. ) I am protected by my freedom of speech.
b. ) Why this blog has FOUR tables of contents.
c. )  Russia feared this blog before I accused Russia of anything wrong...
d. ) Acronyms explained.
e. ) "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."
f. ) Jens as Secretary General of NATO. - Was it premeditated and planned, or just opportunistic?
g. ) What will be Jens' and Labour Party's secret agenda in NATO?
h. ) Jens is Labour Party. Labour Party is Jens.
i. ) This blog describes the best - and the best protected - fraud systematization and fraud organization Europe has ever seen. Mentor: Russia. "J'accuse!"
j. ) Four stock frauds for the benefit of three Russian companies.
k. ) Norwegian Labour Party is the worlds best protected criminal organization. Mentor: Russia. "J'accuse!"
l. ) Criminal Labour Party's "State within the State". Mentor: Russia. "J'accuse!"
m. ) Criminal Labour Party, and other organized crime, has editorial control over the mainstream press and media. Mentor: Russia. "J'accuse!"
n. ) Criminal Labour Party has control over key organisations and key persons like the current Attorney General. Mentor: Soviet Union / Russia. "J'accuse!"
o. ) Criminal Labour Party has its own fake "whistleblower prize" "The Zola-prize" to map whistleblowers and dissidents in Norway. "J'accuse!"
p. ) Criminal Labour Party puts whistleblowers and dissidents in straight jackets in mental hospitals. Mentor: Soviet Union. "J'accuse!"
q. ) Criminal Labour Party is sabotaging political discussion forums to scare off serious writers and serious readers and serious debate. Mentor: Russia. "J'accuse!"
r. )  Swedish politician: "Norway is the last Soviet State!"
s. ) "V."/FSB have made Russia into a dictatorship. - But for how much longer?
t. ) When will the people of Russia finally be able to get a President they truly deserve?
u. ) The confusing dates - have been fixed...
v. ) April: I have been sabotaged by the "data virus" ​​ Whatisit?
w. ) October: New text sabotage. Whatisit?
x. ) About me.
y. ) I will not return to Norway until Jens is arrested and the criminal organization called "Labour Party" is dissolved...
z. ) A new word: "A jenser" and "to jens"...
And then comes: "The second content: A - Z."
 a. ) I am protected by my freedom of speech.
 This blog is written and designed to fit the (fake) Norwegian whistleblower price Zola Prize criteria: "The prize is awarded people who openly and unafraid uncovered or thwarted conditions that threaten human dignity, democracy and the rule of law in Norway." The blog is written the way I see it, after six years of part time private investigation, and I'm therefore protected by my freedom of speech. "All" subjects in the blog have since before 25 May 2010 known who I am, without having prosecuted me for any "libelous statements"...
 b. ) Why this blog has FOUR tables of contents.
 I have for more than six years written more than 100 threads about fraud and deception on a discussion forum for stock trading in Norway. All of the threads were later deleted. In 2013 I decided to write a summary of some of my threads and took some of what I had written earlier and put it in a very long thread. The main TOC of the thread was "6. to 24." I wrote those parts in 2008 (Ventspils, Latvia and Bergen, Norway), 2009 (Bergen, Norway and Istanbul, Turkey), 2010 (Phnom Penh, Cambodia and Thailand) 2011, 2012, 2013 (Various places in Thailand). To make the long thread easier to understand I wrote my second TOC "1. to 5." as an introduction and explanation.
But those I wrote about got someone to sabotage for me and all my old threads were deleted and new threads were deleted within days. So in February 2014 I decided to write a blog in Norwegian, but with a blog I would reach people not interested in stocks and fraud so I had to explain it differently and wrote the third TOC "A to Z".
 In April I decided to translate my Norwegian blog into English. The reason for that was that the main person in my blog, Jens, got the job as the (next) Secretary General of NATO, he then went from being a problem for five million people to be a potential problem for close to a billion people. With new readers unfamiliar with Norway, Jens and the criminal organization called "Labour Party" I had to write the fourth TOC "a. to x."
 That is why this blog has four TOCs and that is why some things have been repeated...
"6. to 24.", "1. to 5." and "A to Z" were translated from my Norwegian blog with the aid of Google translation. This part, "a. to x.", does not exist in Norwegian so this is written with my own kind of English-English and American-English pick n mix...
c. )  Russia feared this blog before I accused Russia of anything wrong...
In mid July the interest from Russia just jumped from nothing to at lest 18. That was two months before I blamed Russia for doing anything wrong. In mid September, when I started blaming Russia for everything, I noticed that all interest from Russia had, somehow, been deleted. ALL!
Important: Russia SHOWED that this blog is about Russia LONG before I had blamed Russia for anything! And by deleting Russia's interest they thought I would not be suspicious of the sudden interest from Russia...
In beginning of September Russia was on 11 since the previous count was deleted.
d. ) Acronyms explained:
NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
CTS = Cosmic Top Secret clearance for NATO.
KGB = Committee of State Security in the Soviet Union.
FSB = Federal Security Service. (Secret police agency.) Ex KGB.
SVR = Foreign Intelligence Service. (Espionage agency.) Ex KGB.
GRU = Main Intelligence Directorate.
 AP = Arbeiderpartiet = Labour Party. Norway's most powerful party. Founded in 1887.
 LP = Labour Party / Labor Party (Arbeiderpartiet).
"J." = Jens, AP-Jens, LP-Jens.
 DNB = Norway's biggest and most important bank. 50.97% Government / National Insurance Fund / DNB owned. LP controlled.
 DNM = DNB stock broker company. 100% DNB owned. DNB controlled.
 OSE = Oslo Stock Exchange. Norway's main trading place. 19.82% DNB owned. DNB controlled.
 VPS = OSE data storing. Part of the Oslo Stock Exchange.
 NTM = Norwegian Trustee. The link between the company and the bondholders. 25% DNB owned. DNB controlled.
 Finanstilsynet = The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway.
 Økokrim = The Norwegian National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime.
 e. ) "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."
 I started writing about economic crimes in 2008. In September 2009 I discovered that the economic crimes were organized and that Oslo Stock Exchange cooperated with the main stockbroker firm DNM in defrauding shareholders. I also discovered that the main Norwegian trustee cooperated with OSE and DNM in defrauding bondholders. I called it the Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM. It was clear from the start that the state owned bank DNB was behind it all. DNB owns DNM 100%, OSE 19,82% and NTM 25%. The Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM is SO open and SO ruthless that they PROVE that they are protected by showing no fear and no caution.
 It was not until 2012 that I was willing to admit that the only one who can protect someone "100%" in Norway is "my own" party Labour Party AND that the only person capable in LP to be behind something like the Fraud Triangle would be "TwoFaced Jens".
 Jens was Finance Minister 1996-97. Jens was Prime Minister for the first time in 2000-01. Jens lead Labour Party from 2002 to June 2014. Jens has for 9 years been the most powerful person in Norway. First 8 years as Prime Minister and then 1 year due to the legal and illegal powers he and LP gained while he was PM.
 The Labour Party's share of the multi billion NOK income from the Fraud Triangle goes mainly to "building" and maintaining Labor Party's own "State within the State". That's how Labour Party is the real ruler of Norway - even when they are not in the government...
 f. ) Jens as Secretary General of NATO. - Was it premeditated and planned, or just opportunistic?
 "20140328 Appointment of Secretary General designate
 This afternoon, the North Atlantic Council decided to appoint Mr. Jens Xxxxxxxxxxx as Secretary General of NATO and Chairman of the North Atlantic Council......
 Mr. Xxxxxxxxxxx will assume his functions as Secretary General as from 20141001......"
 There is no secret organization trying to take control over NATO - at least not now. The idea behind the "Bilderberg Group" is intelligent and even I would want to go to one of their annual meetings. The "Freemasons" remain stuck in their own silliness. The "Illuminati" was dissolved in 1785. A complete "NWO" would never work, and any intelligent person would know that.
Only Russia and China want to control NATO in an illegal way, but they had hopefully no way to have an influence on who would become NATO's new Secretary General.
Jens and Labour Party are, and have always been, opportunistic. Create a situation and discover along the way how the situation best can be exploited. Jens as the new Secretary General of NATO is one of the most important persons in Western Europe. The possibilities for finding situations that will benefit Labour Party and Jens will be nearly endless.
 Labour Party has been manipulating people for generations and they know how to get what they want.
Jens has been manipulating people all his life and he knows how to charm anyone so that they will trust him and do what he wants them to do.
Jens lead Labour Party from 2002 to June 2014.
Thorbjorn lead Labour Party from 1992 to 2002. Thorbjorn was in 2009 elected Secretary General of the Council of Europe and in June 2014 he was reelected for another five years. On TV in the 80's, 90's and 00's Thorbjorn always came across as naive, almost dumb, but I guess CoE made him grow up. I do not accuse Thorbjorn of anything in this blog, except being naive - almost dumb...
 Anyway. Thorbjorn was probably promoting Jens as the next Secretary General of NATO. Labour Party was for sure promoting Jens 24/7. - AND all "TwoFace Jens" had to do was to be as manipulative as he could - in any situation...
 Many international leaders have supported Jens to become the leader of NATO - and no one of them have any reason to feel ashamed. They assumed that if there could possible be anything wrong with Jens, Norway would have been able to find out by now. Little did they know that Labour Party controls most of the people who daily "quality stamp" Norway - and that most of those "quality stamps" are FAKE...
 How will it end?
 Maybe Jens himself in 2015 or 2016 will decide that he will continue to lead NATO - via Skype - from his prison cell in Oslo? - Some leaders can sometimes be a bit difficult to get rid off...
 g. ) What will be Jens' and Labour Party's secret agenda in NATO?
I believe that Jens, as the new Secretary General for NATO, will have several tasks to continue to please "V." and Russia. The main task would be to provide "V." and Russia with whatever secrets "V." and Russia needs to know about NATO. But both "V." and Russia - and the future main world threat China - want a more "toothless" NATO. Jens can sabotage NATO by leading NATO into a path were NATO becomes more "toothless", indecisive and ineffective and occupied with other world problems like e.g. IS. According to me "V." and Russia want Jens' NATO SO indecisive and SO ineffective that "V." and Russia can "shoot Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia in the head" without NATO and Jens doing anything more than to come with empty threats.
And what about Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania? How safe are they really with Jens as NATO's leader, and - according to me - Jens as NATO's and Europe's betrayer?
Jens couldn't "hit the ground running", but by now he is able to do serious damage to NATO - and he could of course spy from day one...
h. ) Jens is Labour Party. Labour Party is Jens.
Since 2002, it has gradually become more difficult to distinguish between what Jens do and what the Labour Party do, Jens and Labor Party / Arbeiderpartiet has gradually become one.
When I in this blog write LP, I write in reality Jens too. When I in this blog write Jens, I write in reality LP too.
What LP has done, he has done. What he has done, LP has done.
If LP falls, he falls too. If he falls, LP falls too.
Labour Party has protected their prince for more than 30 years. How did LP manage to prevent that the two AUF leaders Jens (1985-89) and Trond (1992-96) were among the defendants in AUF trial in 1998? If the two LP-princes had been prosecuted and, if convicted, I would not have needed to write this blog...
A blog "Europe's most naive people" (European Social Survey) is too naive and national smug to bee able to understand...
AUF = (Arbeiderpartiets/Labour Party's youth organization)
AUF trial = Membership number fraud. Four people imprisoned - but not their leaders Jens and Trond...
i. ) This blog describes the best - and the best protected - fraud systematization and fraud organization Europe has ever seen. Mentor: Russia. "J'accuse!"
Fraudsters can earn billions in a rising stock market, but they can - thanks to "shorting" - earn far, far more in a falling stock market. Not only can they earn more, but it becomes much easier to hide a fraud...
In September 2009 I discovered the Fraud Triangle and I felt a bit of sick pride that Norwegians had developed something SO advanced, so now I feel a bit disappointed that it probably was an idea that came from Moscow...
This blog describes the best, and the best protected, fraud systematization and fraud organization Europe has ever seen.  Jens and Labour Party made it SO advanced, it makes Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme look like a little child's play...
Fraud collaboration between Labor Party, DNB bank, Oslo Stock Exchange and Norwegian Trustee. The protection Labour Party provides for DNB bank and for the Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM, and the protection being provided to protect Labour Party itself. The blog tries to explain how Labour Party uses it's share of scams billions NOK to develop its secret, illegal, uncontrollable and undemocratic "State within the State". This blog is a summary of more than six years of self-paid part-time study and part-time private investigation concerning financial and political fraud and deception in Norway.
"My own" ex-Labour Party has for decades built up a network of control over all what LP considers important in Norway. Much of it is done through LP-nepotism. LP-nepotism which is mostly not illegal.
LP got a criminal mind already in the 1970's when LP was given "gifts" in the millions from foreign oil companies who wanted the very best oil fields at the very, very best conditions. - Now the word for that is "corruption"...
But this blog deals with the LP organized economic and political fraud and deception since 2002. And especially the time period after 1 January 2007.
1 January 2007, the Labour Party took fraud control over the state-owned bank DNB. It was done when LP placed Jens' very, very best LP-friend, Rune, as head of the bank. DNB took fraud control of the Oslo Stock Exchange and DNB took fraud control over the Norwegian Trustee. LP had through the state-owned LP-bank DNB created the Fraud Triangle DNM - Oslo Stock Exchange / OSE - Norwegian Trustee / NTM.
Main Fraud collaboration DNM - OSE, organized stock fraud, started in 2008. Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM, organized stock and bond fraud, started in 2009.
Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM showed in 2008/2009 carelessness in their scams. They did not hide what they were doing. Only someone who is COMPLETELY safe can behave that way. Someone PROVING that they are protected. Only LP - through its LP-nepotistic control - can offer such "100%" protection in Norway. ONLY LP!
But LP would not found Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM and protect fraud without LP got "half" of the fraud proceeds. Fraud income which totals billions of NOK per year. Fraud revenue LP uses to develop its secret, illegal, uncontrollable and undemocratic "State within the State".
Mentor: Russia.
Traitor: Labour Party and Jens.
j. ) Four stock frauds for the benefit of three Russian companies.
In this blog I write about four major frauds that the Fraud Triangle DNM - Oslo Stock Exchange - NTM was behind and where the companies values ended up in Russian companies. Four frauds where Jens and Labour Party - and the state owned Statoil - gave generous gifts to Russia. Generous gifts paid for by the Canadian, American and Norwegian share and bondholders. I have written a lot about the frauds further down the blog so I will just take it very briefly now:
- Statoil is owned 67% by the Norwegian State. Statoil is in very close cooperation with Rosneft.
- Gazprom is the worlds biggest gas company. The Russian government owns 50,23% of Gazprom. "V." is rumored to own 4,5% of Gazprom.
- Rosneft is Russias biggest oil company. It contains large parts of ex Yukos. Yukos fell victim to a fraud led by the Russian government. Russian government owns 69,5% of Rosneft.
- Severstal is Russia's larges producer of steel. Severstal is a major supplier of large diameter pipes and other steel products to both Gazprom and Rosneft. Severstal is 79,2% privately owned by "V."'s close friend A.M..
1. The most interesting fraud was the Canadian oil and gas exploration company AGI/Artumas. It had areas in East-Africa valued at 3 billion NOK or 500 million USD. The fraud was spectacular and from one trade to the next the shareholders lost 641 million NOK or more than 100 million USD - for NO reason whatsoever...
The main parts of the company was sold for a fraction of its value to an Irish company rumored to be owned and controlled by senior Gazprom employees, the rest of the values went to the French company M & P.
2. Nobody builds the worlds most expensive arctic harsh environment FPSO without a contract. Nobody! But who had a secret contract to have Nexus # 1 built? Statoil, Gazprom Neft, or Rosneft? I bet it was built for Rosneft.
The shareholder lost 1 billion NOK and the bondholders lost 1 billion NOK. 2 billion NOK is about 330 million USD.
3. Cru/Crew Gold was bought by Severstal after "NFS" - Norway's Foremost Serialswindler lost in his fraud. Was it planned from the start that Severstal should get the company - or was Severstal just opportunistic? In January 2012 Severatal's gold interests, including CRU's Lefa (Guinea), was put in a new company, Nord Gold, and listed on LSE. A.M. owns 84,4% of Nord Gold.
4. ITX/Intex Resourses was also bought by Severstal after NFS lost in his fraud. Again, was it planned from the start that Severstal should get the company - or was Severstal just opportunistic?
Earlier, because of possible "health risks", I didn't like to dwell too much about the Russian connection in the four frauds. Here are two exceptions:
"AGI Gazprom = C.E.+(CEO + M&P + DNM + NTM)" Posted by : Artist ( 20090820 10:58 ), read 1272 times
"AGI Russian mafia / Gazprom and DnB NOR Markets Fraud?" Posted by : Artist ( 20090823 9:13 ), read 1099 times
Mentor: Russia.
Traitor: Labour Party and Jens.
k. ) Norwegian Labour Party is the worlds best protected criminal organization. Mentor: Russia. "J'accuse!"
I wrote in a thread that Labour Party is the worlds best protected criminal organization and someone replied that surely Italy with its mafia is worse, but it's not. Italy is too big and the mafia is too fragmented to get total control. Norway's Labour Party wrote the "gold standard" on how to get TOTAL control. LP started when LP was in power, and recruited the people LP needed to recruit or replaced the people LP needed to replace. Simple: Get control ower the key people in the key organizations. Within some years LP controlled everything LP needed to control in small, rich and childishly naive Norway.
The Labour Party would of course not risk that the party could come in a situation where the party could be forced to liquidate. Therefore, LP control - according to me - "everything" including "Finanstilsynet", "Økokrim" AND the current Attorney General. And LP & Co. has editorial control over the major press and mainstream media - which means that Norway no longer has "the fourth branch of government" or "fourth estate".
Do you understand now what I mean by a "State within the State"?
Mentor: Russia.
Traitor: Labour Party and Jens.
l. ) Criminal Labour Party's "State within the State". Mentor: Russia. "J'accuse!"
"State within the State" = Labour Party and Jens sits no longer in government, but LP and Jens has nevertheless greater real power than the elected government. The fact -according to me - that LP has taken control of whatever LP considers most important in Norway, I consider as a "State within the State". A "State within the State" that LP is financing through stock fraud and bond fraud.
Mentor: Russia.
Traitor: Labour Party and Jens.
m. ) Criminal Labour Party, and other organized crime, has editorial control over the mainstream press and media. Mentor: Russia. "J'accuse!"
Norway lacks TOTALLY the press and media as "the fourth estate" - which very much undermines Democracy!
 LP & Co are forcing the mainstream press and media, that they control, to "quality stamp" Norway daily. And THOSE quality stamps are fake...
With editorial control over the country's newspapers LP & Co can decide what newspapers do - and especially do NOT - write about. LP contributes with editorial control over the A-press and editorial control over the license paid TV/radio giant NRK.
Editorial control is thus perfectly legal, but without the "fourth estate" Norway is missing a VERY important part in a credible Democracy.
I remember in 2009 that someone suggested that I should get the communist newspaper "Klassekampen" interested in a case "for the editor had financial background." My reaction was this: "Do they really have SO good control!?"
But "Klassekampen" is important for Labour Party for the newspaper "proves" that "even the communists can't find anything wrong with Labour Party's Norway".
Mentor: Russia.
Traitor: Labour Party and Jens.
n. ) Criminal Labour Party has control over key organisations and key persons like the current Attorney General. Mentor: Soviet Union / Russia. "J'accuse!"
In this blog I have written a lot about how LP has spent decades to take control over key organizations like "Finanstilsynet" and "Økokrim" and key persons like the current Attorney General. In this way Labour Party itself can't be - in any serious way - investigated, can't be prosecuted and can't be stopped...
Mentor: Soviet Union / Russia...
Traitor: Labour Party.
o. ) Criminal Labour Party has its own fake "whistleblower-prize", "The Zola-prize", to map whistleblowers and dissidents in Norway. "J'accuse!"
The whistleblower prize "Zola-prisen" was founded in 1998. I do not know if Labour Party started the prize or if LP took control over the prize later.
I wasn't aware of the prize until September 2009. My first reaction was that a prize that wants whistleblowers to be open is a sick and suspicious prize, so I googled "whistleblower killed" and got  "900,000" articles and comments about the problem "being a known whistleblower". Then I read the rules and regulations and reacted on several oddities, mainly that the five members of the jury should ALL HAVE TO agree on the winner. It is completely impossible for five individuals to agree on a truly deserving whistleblower. COMPLETELY impossible. Take the worlds most famous whistleblowers ( none mentioned - and none forgotten) and one out of five would immediately start screaming repeatedly and uncontrollable "TRAITOR!!!". When I saw that they all had to agree I KNEW something was wrong. Terrible wrong. But it's not illegal to have a fake prize, so I didn't study it any further...
But in 2012 I finally admitted that it's "my own" political party, Labour Party, that is behind the Fraud Triangle and that it was natural that Labour Party is behind the fake whistleblower prize also. THEN I wanted to study the fake prize, but I have now been without money for four years so the study of the fake prize have always been postponed...
Studied or not, the deal is like this - according to me:
Everyone in Norway can suggest a whistleblower that is warning about problems in Norway. All the suggestions goes into a database over whistleblowers. Labour Party gets the database and studies who is a problem for Labour Party and who will potentially be a problem for Labour Party later. So the main point with the prize is to map whistleblowers and dissidents LP is not aware of yet. Map so that Labour Party can start surveillance.
But at the same time LP have to make the prize appear to be real by giving away prizes. By controlling at least one of the five board members LP avoids that someone critical to LP can get the prize. The prize have close to 100 members who pay for the prize and all  expenses. Is Labour Party smart or what! Criminal Labour Party rules! But not for too much longer - I hope...
It wasn't just the prize rules that are "totally wrong", there are other aspects as well: Why have no person with serious criticism of Labour Party been given the prize? And nothing is more time consuming and costly than to be a whistleblower in Norway - so why is there no prize-money connected to the prize? I had written many things I was supposed to look into, but I have several kilos with handwritten notes so it is impossible to find what I am looking for now...
A few years ago people were very interested in my IP and at that time I used to hide my IP using "". Then I discovered that was one of very few places that blocked's IP. Why on earth would they block that IP unless they were harvesting IPs? And where Labour Party, and other organized economic crime, especially looking for my IP?
Someone should contact the French Embassy in Oslo and ask them to deny Labour Party to misuse the French whistleblower and author Emile Zola's name!
I will, however, continue to (mis)use excellent wording in my blog...
The most important rule: The five board members must agree 100% on the winner...
"d. Hvem som skal få prisen og om den skal deles ut det enkelte år, bestemmes av styret.  Styrets beslutning skal være enstemmig."
Mentor: No mentor. Probably self made - and inbreed - by Labour Party.
Traitor: Labour Party.
p. ) Criminal Labour Party puts whistleblowers and dissidents in straight jackets in mental hospitals. Mentor: Soviet Union. "J'accuse!"
- "Labour Party-special": Threat of forced hospitalization, straight jacket and forced medication. LP has attempted to crush among others diplomat, lawyer and LP whistleblower S.F.T.. She pointed out several problems but the main problem was that the deal Labour Party made with the EU is unconstitutional and therefore illegal. Each time S.F.T. writes and publish something, she is put in mental hospital again. Criminal Labour Party's goal is to suffocate dissidents and to suffocate whistleblowers so that criminal Labour Party can avoid criticism.
Looks like I am at the very top of criminal Labour Party's wish-list:
- 27 July 2012 a reply to me in a discussion forum: "Interesting that (the discussion forum) allows a mentally eventually run fool getting romp with meaningless bogey and delirium. Are we talking Sandviken Hospital aber sofort??? "
Mentor: Soviet Union.
Traitor: This looks like something Labour Party got from the Soviet Union in the 70's or the 80's. The Soviet Union used torture and murder, Labour Party isn't that bad - yet...
q. ) Criminal Labour Party is sabotaging political discussion forums to scare off serious writers and serious readers and serious debate. Mentor: Russia. "J'accuse!"
LP has through its "foot soldiers" sabotaged political discussion forums in Norway, and it has been going on for several years. This is done partly by the fact - according to me - that the discussion forums are being constantly polluted with idiocy - to scare off serious writers and serious readers and serious debate. AND it is done partly by planting deliberate idiocy that is linked to as "proof" of the discussion forum lack of seriousness - if someone were to show too much interest in the serious stuff being written in the forum.
"Serious" LP-people stand up and discredits the principle of evolving "conspiracy theories", and they discredits people's own efforts to understand the society AND especially to understand the secret RELATIONSHIPS within the society. At the same time LP's "foot soldiers" are writing and "constructing" idiotic "conspiracy theories" to get people to "understand" that to read "conspiracy theories" is a waste of time...
Efficient and good political discussion forums could have been a replacement for the press as the "fourth estate". Labour Party both understood and feared the possibility - and prevented it by ruining possible contenders...
Posted by: Next (27.08.12 9:28), read 65 times Ticker: AP
"Labour Party uses racism as "noise barrier" against LP-criticism?"
Mentor: Russia. For more than 10 years Russian web brigades, instructed and paid by government connections, have been sabotaging Russian political discussion forums.
Traitor: Labour Party and Jens.
r.)  Swedish politician: "Norway is the last Soviet State!"
In 1999 a member of the Swedish government said: "Norway is the last Soviet State!" "They are so incredible nationalistic." "Everything is politics."
What did he actually mean? What did he know?
I think he meant that LP and the state of Norway has as much control over "everything" in Norway, as the leaders of the Soviet Union controlled and regulated every aspect of society in the old Soviet Union.
s. ) "V."/FSB have made Russia into a dictatorship. - But for how much longer?
"V."/FSB have made Russia into a dictatorship.
"V." 2000 - 2024: "V." President / dictator 2000 - 2008. "V." PM 2008 - 2012. (President  period changed to 6 years.)
"V." President / dictator 2012 - 2018. "V." is expected to "win" the "election" in 2018. President / dictator 2018 - 2024.
10 more years with "V."/FSB.
Why should anyone, anywhere in the world, accept that?
t. ) When will the people of Russia finally be able to get a President they truly deserve?
The first President of Russia was an alcoholic.
The second President of Russia evolved into a dictator.
The third President of Russia was the dictator's "hand puppet".
The fourth President of Russia is again the dictator.
I have been on four bicycle rides in Russia and I have, all together, almost crossed the whole country on bicycle. I know that the people of Russia deserve a better President than these three...
No person living only in the Soviet Union / Russia - between 1922 and 2014 - has never lived in a democracy - and has never been truly free...
u. ) The confusing dates - have been fixed...
Google is American and translate both letter written and (some) number written dates into American dates: month/day/year.
I am European and I am translating this blog into English mainly for European readers, therefore every letter written date is written day.month.year.
To avoid that number written dates will be automatically translated with possible further translation of this blog, I am using 8 digits with no "punctuation" "." and I am using the ISO 8601 format: yyyymmdd.
If any doubt about any dates, my Norwegian blog is correct.
What kind of numbingly naive and gullible nation would let the same person be Attorney General for 17 - SEVENTEEN - years?
First he was the Deputy Attorney General for 10 years and now he has been the Attorney General for 17 years - and counting. - But not counting for too much longer...
Was he one of Labour Party's boys all ready in 1987? Or did he slip into LP's pocket years later?
- Messages from Ministry of Justice and Public Security I have changed to 8 digits dates: yyyymmdd E.g.:
19970822 Publisher: Ministry of Justice and Public Security
Tor-Aksel Xxxxx new Attorney General.
Deputy Attorney General Tor-Aksel Xxxxx is in Council today appointed Attorney General.
He was appointed to his current position in August 1987.
Xxxxx becomes Attorney General 19970901
In the election in 2005 (Government period October 2005 - October 2009) I voted for Labour Party and Jens for the very, very, very last time. My question is this: WHAT did I vote for? - Did Jens "cross the line" for the first time in 2006/2007 or did he "cross the line" years earlier?
- Messages from the Government I have changed to 8 digits dates: yyyymmdd E.g. x 2:
Jens Xxxxxxxxxxx's First Government 20000317 - 20011019
Jens Xxxxxxxxxxx's Second Government 20051017 - 20091020 - 20131016
This message came from DNB when Labour Party and Jens had placed Jens' very, very best LP-friend as the leader of the state owned - and Labour Party controlled - bank DNB. And Rune - aided by LP - had a VERY special task ahead of him...
- Messages from DNB bank I have changed to 8 digits dates: yyyymmdd E.g.:
Rune Xxxxxx has taken over as group chief executive of DnB NOR.
I have written more than 100 "threads" about fraud and deception on Oslo Stock Exchange.
- My threads I have changed to 8 digits dates: yyyymmdd E.g. x 2:
Posted by: NFLvsDNB (20140213 03:44), read 367 times
"Seven years with [Labour Party / DNB / OSE] organized and managed stock fraud"
"TOP 8 OSE stock exchange "Matching halt" scams adapted to DNM fraud"
Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20090920 20:58), read 1881 times
Hooray! The Fraud Triangle is working and the Fraud Triangle is generating billions of NOK for Labour Party annually. Here is an example (of a Norwegian - Canadian cooperation) using DNB / Labour Party's Fraud Triangle DNM - Oslo Stock Exchange - NTM. - And notice the pre-trade of mind blowing 12 minutes and 48 seconds. Normal pre-trade is 3 - 4 minutes...
- Messages from OSE I have changed to 8 digits dates: yyyymmdd E.g. x 2:
Title Confirmation on Number of Shares Issued and Outstanding
There will be a pre - trading session ( CLIN ) until 12:40.
DNM - OSE - NTM could execute it all SO ruthlessly and openly because the Fraud Triangle is protected by all-controlling Labour Party:
- Stock quotes are originally written with 8 digits dates: yyyymmdd E.g.:
20090701 AGI Oslo Bors 0.77 0.77 0.18 0.30 _82.706.104 24.155.616
20090702 AGI Oslo Bors 0.33 0.44 0.27 0.27 _50.692.900 17.031.043
20090703 AGI Oslo Bors 0.06 0.07 0.04 0.05 493.687.840 24.723.231
What a name! Norwegian TRUSTEE... Let me see -  with a qualified Majority of two thirds of a minimum 1/10 of the Outstanding Loan being represented you can make a decision? So in theory you only need the absolute minimum of 6,67% of the Outstanding Loan voting in favor to make a decision "legal"? For how long have you been protected by your name TRUSTEE - and by Labour Party?
- Messages from Norwegian Trustee I have changed to 8 digits dates: yyyymmdd E.g.:
The bondholders are herby summoned to a bondholders' meeting
Time: 20090817 at 13:00 hours
Place: The premises of Norwegian Trustee ASA
"According to the Loan Agreement, the Proposal require ( i) a qualified Majority of two thirds of the Bonds represented at the bondholders' meeting voting in favor of the Proposal and ( ii ) a minimum of 1/10 of the Outstanding Loan being represented at the meeting. Bondholders may be represented in person or by proxy."
Jens got THE job! - But was it all pre-planned or just opportunistic?
- Messages from NATO I have changed to 8 digits dates: yyyymmdd E.g.:
20140328 Appointment of Secretary General designate
This afternoon, the North Atlantic Council decided to appoint Mr. Jens Xxxxxxxxxxx as Secretary General of NATO and Chairman of the North Atlantic Council......
Mr. Xxxxxxxxxxx will assume his functions as Secretary General as from 20141001......
Thorbjorn lead Labour Party from 1992 to 2002. He is not a part of this blog and I don't accuse him of anything except having been naive - almost dumb... Hopefully, international experience in the Council of Europe have made Thorbjorn a lot more awake and alert the last five years...
- Messages from Council of Europe I have changed to 8 digits dates: yyyymmdd E.g.:
20140624 The Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) today re-elected Thorbjorn Xxxxxxx (Norway) Secretary General of the Council of Europe for a five-year term.
His term of office will start on 20141001.
v. ) April: I have been sabotaged by the "data virus" ​​ Whatisit?
Sabotage: On 21 September 2014, while rewriting this blog into English, I got problems with the text. The text was after a while automatically altered or deleted completely. I "washed" the text on a discussion forum and discovered the "data virus": ​​
The virus is normally invisible in text. The text in the Norwegian part of my blog is clean so someone, somehow, managed to place it in my text while I was rewriting it somewhere else on the web. I did most of the rewriting the same way, but I only found the data virus in four "chapters".
I know nothing about data viruses, so this could normally be something that is not considered a "data virus". My point is that whatever it is, it screwed up my text - and those who put it there knew it would...
Some examples of the data virus and where they put it:
- AGI / Artumas was a Canadian oil company with vast gas and oil reserves in the border area between ​​Tanzania and Mozambique.
- The AGI scam was characterized by a huge money spending without the Board made ​​any attempt to raise new capital.
- AGI OSE history ( stock was spliced ​​100 to 1 )
- The main values ​​of AGI entered into the French company M & P and an Irish company that supposedly had been taken over by senior Gazprom employees...
- OSE let DNM push pre price DOWN!, DOWN! and further DOWN! while DNM created a panic among nervous shareholders who feared that their share values ​​would be lost.
According to them self this is something of the most damaging I have written in my blog and AGI / Artumas was - like CRU / Crew Gold - a Canadian company with many Canadian and American shareholders:
Data virus ​​ placed in my text in these four places:
>>> 3.c) Who founded the Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM and when was it started?
>>> 6.1 U&T : Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM in AGI / Artumas "Matching halt" scam. "J'accuse!"
>>> 6.2 U&T : AGI: Norwegian record(?) in OSE led scam? The false "Matching halt" -77% stock price CRASH from ONE TRADE TO THE NEXT in the AGI / Artumas scam! "J'accuse!"
>>> 6.3 U&T : Norwegian Trustee in AGI / Artumas scam. "J'accuse!"
w. ) October: New text sabotage. Whatisit?
3 October 2014 I got problems when I updated the text. Copying the text from the blog to save it, I noticed lots of "squares" as if it had become a PDF file. The result was that the copied text first 20 lines, or so, was as a background while the whole text was like a second layer on top of the "20 lines".  The whole text could be scrolled, but the text was faint and "impossible"  to read.
x. ) About me.
My name is Asmund and I'm 53. Altogether, I have traveled in 88 countries and crossed 50 of them on bicycle. I have more than 36 years of national and international experience to recognize the true person behind "people like" ambitious, intelligent, cold, calculating "TwoFaced Jens"...
I began to invest in shares on OSE privately in 1992 and I have owned shares in over 40 company as a private investor. I saw that the exchange evolved from a fairly honest trading place to a trading place with organized economic crime. In 2007/2008 and in 2009 I was my self exposed to investor scams so I sold my last shares in the fall of 2009, to be able to afford to continue my self-funded private investigation. I'm from Bergen, Norway, but I have stayed in Asia in "political exile" since the fall of 2009.
I'm no insider for insiders only see their task in the scam without fully understanding how it all fits together. But with my unique life background, I have the experience to be able to see what has happened - and see what is about to take place...
Through my private investigation I can find enough to reveal LP & Co. But I can not do that without money, without internet, without food and without a room. 150 NOK per day is all I need in loans. If LP has made "Finanstilsynet" or "Økokrim" or the Attorney General to suspend my account in "Sparebanken Vest", you can find someone who can open the account again. Maybe someone in Bergen can go in a "Sparebanken Vest" bank and make a cash deposit?
See "V ) Loans to me?" a little further down in the blog for details.
> In July 2014 I spent four days just promoting this blog on a discussion forum in Norway - and no one reacted financially... I got about 100 new Norwegian readers to the blog, but nobody helped me so that I could be able to help Norway. Personally I think Labour Party got someone  to block my bank account. The alternative is that Norwegians by now have evolved from being Europe's most naive people (European Social Survey), to be the worlds most naive people - incapable of grasping what I am writing...
y. ) I will not return to Norway until Jens is arrested and the criminal organization called "Labour Party" is dissolved...
I regret all the years I have spent in Norway under the rule of Labour Party.
I will not visit Norway until Jens is arrested and the criminal organization called "Labour Party" is dissolved!
After more than six years of writing about organized economic fraud and deception, I haven't been able to find a single friend!
Even "my fiend" the Norwegian whistleblower prize "Zola-prisen" is Labour Party fake - and unfriendly!
I will not stay in Norway until most Norwegians have been able to WAKE UP! and GROW UP!
z. ) A new word: "A jenser" and "to jens"...
Since I actually like annoying the people I write about, I "honor" Jens with the brand new English word: "A jenser" and "to jens". "A jenser"  is a person who exploits and betrays a people in an all controlling and unstoppable manner. In a sentence: When Jens was Prime Minister of Norway 2005 - 2013 he and Labour Party were "jensing" the Norwegian people.
Cool word or what?
I can't rewrite the whole blog now: "AP/Arbeiderpartiet" is "LP/Labour Party" and "J." is "Jens". + Just put "Soviet Union" or "V." or "V."/FSB" or "Russia" in wherever you think it will fit in...
This blog is long and it has therefore FOUR contents.
Here is the second content A - Z:
A ) Am I still "the most important Norwegian writer"? Is this then the most important blog written by a Norwegian?
B ) Labour Party is a serious threat to democracy, Legal Rights and Human dignity in Norway. "J'accuse!"
C ) Labor Party was "my own" party ...
D ) Facts, "facts" and reasoning "facts" about LP / DNB / OSE political and economic fraud and deception.
E ) A frustrated ex-insider complained in 2010 that fraudsters are hailed "by ministers, journalists and people in general."
F ) "Norway is thoroughly corrupt country..." now 17 years with the same Attorney General. Intentional suffocation of Legal Rights in Norway? "J'accuse!"
G ) "My own" ex-party Labour Party needs many billions NOK to develop its secret, illegal, uncontrollable and undemocratic "state within the state". LP defraud us on the Oslo Stock Exchange because LP mistakenly believe that LP has a moral right to do so. LP's billion NOK organized frauds are a "revenge on" what LP mistakenly believe is "the Conservative Party voters and the Progress Party voters" who - according to LP's "philosophy" - are "typical stock market speculators AND tax evaders.".
H) The "best" and most dangerous form of DNM / OSE billion NOK frauds - and all are protected by the main fraud profiteer Labour Party...
I ) How many dozen suicides have major fraud profiteer LP helped to trigger via DNM and the Oslo Stock Exchange over the last six years?
J ) Do I have talent as a poet?
K ) "Negative" consequences for Norway at the forced dissolution of Labour Party.
L ) Positive consequences for Norway at the forced dissolution of Labour Party.
M ) "What should I say if one of your blog's main suspects is calling and pleading for help?"
N ) What went wrong for Norway?
O ) Who will help Norway to get rid of organized crime? Government + one of the "20"? EU? NATO?
P ) Mahatma Gandhi shows the way ...
More about me Asmund:
Q ) Irritated at me?
R ) A private investigators penny less life in Asia - and you have no reason to envy me...
S ) Do I have more family here than I have in Norway?
T ) Do I have grounds for political asylum in Asia on humanitarian grounds?
U ) I live in an small Asian village - without internet ...
V ) Loans to me? Never has anyone been so long and so to the degree alone - and broke - with something that is SO important for Norway's Present and Norway's Future ...
W ) "Blog photo" of me.
About Oslo Stock Exchange and shares:
X ) Oslo Stock Exchange is more important to Norway than you think:
Y ) Exchange's 14 biggest losers are now down between -99.5% and -99,998% from shares highest price.
About the organized stock fraud:
Z ) "Seven years with [Labour Party / DNB / OSE] organized and managed stock fraud" or the more "Labour Party-ideological" title "Let us defraud the Conservative Party voters and the Progress Party voters - they are exchange speculators and tax evaders!"
A quote with demands my blog certainly meets: "Substance. Blog should bring us something. Preferably items that one finds no or few other places."
The writing of my Norwegian blog started on 16 February 2014, but my Norwegian blog was not "completed" until the 18 April. This my English blog was started om the 19 April 2014, and the text is still evolving and improving.
Please make people interested in my blog.
1 EUR = 9 NOK
1 USD = 7 NOK
A ) Am I still "the most important Norwegian writer"? Is this then the most important blog written by a Norwegian?
In October 2009, I was voted "the most important (Norwegian) writer" - and since then I have become even better and even more accurate. Will this blog in the future be considered the most important blog a Norwegian have written?
Did the person who wrote the post below know that "the very blackest and darkest forces of the Norwegian society" was - and is - AP in collaboration with the AP-bank DNB, OSE and other organized economic crime?
Labour Party has the last seven years spent - according to me - revenues in the billions NOK from organized stock fraud to finance secret, illegal, uncontrolled and undemocratic control over Norway. This means that AP already controls what AP wants to control in Norway, although AP no longer is in the government. AP has in reality developed a "state within the state". What AP did to Norway and the Norwegian population - according to me and my blog - is so serious that the party may be forced to liquidate.
Posted by: Guest (20091001 14:50), read 565 times
RE ^ 1: KOA: FxxxAS / DNM / Nordea report them to Økokrim!
"NFL 98/2 you are a fantastic writer!
Yes, I would say that you are the most important writer in this country, regardless media (newspapers, radio, television, etc.) and genre.
The work you do can not be considered high enough. You stand - alone - against the very blackest and darkest forces of the Norwegian society.
I am so impressed that I can not find words. Thank you! "
B ) Labour Party is a serious threat to democracy, Legal Rights and Human dignity in Norway. "J'accuse!"
This blog deals with AP / DNB / OSE organized, systematic and directed stock and bond fraud scam in many billion NOK class. Scams to finance AP's secret, illegal, uncontrollable and undemocratic political control over Norway. AP's own "state within the state".
All that I have written in my blog is such I see it after six years of self-paid and self performed part-time study and part-time private investigation. Unfortunately for Norway and Norway's Future, I've been broke for over three years now and therefore not wery efficient as a private investigator. The blog is in reality a loan application to all law-abiding people so that I can continue my private investigation on behalf of Norway's Economic and Political Future.
The blog is written in such a way that I deliberately annoys the people I write about and the blog is written for the whistleblower-price Zola Prize criteria: "The award is given persons > open and fearless < has > uncovered or thwarted <> conditions that threaten human dignity, democracy and rule of law in Norway. <" Zola award is based on the French whistle blower Emile Zola's newspaper article" J'accuse! "
The data for the blog I have taken from the Oslo Stock Exchange, Netfonds and corporate websites. Information for the preparation of the blog, I have obtained from (under AP / SV / SP government), from AP's website and on the basis of, among other websites of DNB, "Finanstilsynet", "Økokrim", Attorney General and Supreme Court.
What I'll explain in the blog includes these six main claims:
1) Why AP is a serious threat to Democracy in Norway.
2) Why AP / DNB is a serious threat to the Rule of Law in Norway.
3) Why AP / DNB / OSE is a serious threat to Human Dignity in Norway.
4) Why Norwegians naivety, personal selfishness and "present-day-egoism" is a serious threat to Norway's Future. (European Social Survey: "Norwegians are Europe's most naive people.")
5) Why an AP & Co editorial gagged and controlled main press and mainstream media, "fourth estate", is a serious threat to Democracy, Legal Rights, Human Dignity and Norway's Future.
6) Why we live in an age that - "thanks to Labour Party" - is crucial for Norway's further development. We MUST solve the problems now, and not push the AP / DNB created problems over to the next generation.
When I wrote about "six years of AP / DNB / OSE organized crime" on the discussion forum, Norway came in a little accidentally difficult situation. Other criminal trumps their fraud operations through both the Oslo Stock Exchange and in the community. If they are stopped or punished, they threaten to expose AP's falsehood Norway: AP / DNB / OSE / "Finanstilsynet" / "Økokrim" etc.
The hidden economic and political crime in Norway will not stop until we stop AP & Co...
AP believes that Norway can not function without AP, maybe it's time that we show the world that AP is wrong and that we ourselves choose and manages to be a free and independent people.
C ) Labor Party was "my own" party ...
I voted for "my own" party AP for the very, very last time in 2005. During 2009 the closeness between AP and the state owned AP-bank DNB become too disgusting, so I choosed not to vote. In 2013 I chose also to not vote. By 2017 hopefully AP has been forcibly dissolved by a future AP-free Supreme Court. Thus, all the honest politicians in ex AP can form a new party to participate in the general election in 2017.
Did I vote criminals into the Norwegian government in 2005? Or did they cross over to criminality in 2006/2007?
I thought all these years that democracy in Norway was both "self-propelled" and "self-healing" and that I therefore could leave the boring, uninteresting and self-centered Norwegian politics to others...
This blog will include motivating studies so that future generations can recognize criminals BEFORE they get into the government. AND motivating studies so that future generations can recognize crime developed IN government.
D ) facts, "facts" and reasoning "facts" about LP / DNB / OSE political and economic fraud and deception:
Virtually everyone in Norway is invested in equities either directly or through mutual funds and / or through pension funds. Therefore what I write about stock fraud is important to virtually everyone in Norway, while what I write about political fraud and deception is important to absolutely everyone in Norway .
For six years I have written about financial fraud and deception on the Oslo Stock Exchange, writing on a discussion forum. In September 2009, I discovered that Norway's main trading Oslo Stock Exchange collaborated with DNB broker company DNM in fraud of shareholders and that DNM and OSE cooperate with the largest trustee, Norwegian Trustee, in fraud of bondholders. I called the DNB systematization of financial fraud for "Fraud-triangle" DMS - OSE - NTM".
What was interesting was that DNM and OSE was SO hard and SO open that they PROVED with their arrogance that they were protected. Protected by powerful owner DNB, I thought AP-naive ... It was not until January 2012 that I was willing to see that AP / DNB founded the "Fraud-triangle", and that it is ONLY AP that can protect someone "100%" in Norway. AP would off course not have founded the "Fraud-triangle" and protected organized financial fraud if not AP had received "half" the fraud billions. Fraud-triangle DMS - OSE - NTM generate fraud revenue estimated by me to at least 12 billion NOK annually since 2008. But AP would off course not protect financial crime unless AP itself felt "100%" protected ...
- Facts: AP is known for its legal - but unfortunate - nepotism where they place AP-people in "all" offices AP consider important.
- Facts: 1 January 2007 AP placed the Prime Minister's very, very best AP-friend - and "best man" at "J."'s wedding - as head of the state-owned bank DNB.
- Facts according to me: DNM and OSE cooperate in fraud of shareholders and the complete Fraud-triangle DMS - OSE - NTM cooperate in fraud of shareholders and bondholders.
- Facts according to me: By not trying to hide their "fingerprints" Fraud-triangle DMS - OSE - NTM PROVES that they are PROTECTED.
- My reasoning "facts" builds on six years of self-paid part-time study and part-time private investigation of Norwegian fraud and deception - and 36 years of international experience to recognize criminals and to understand criminals ways of "thinking".
- Reasoning "facts" according to me: AP & Co. enlists also people who are already in positions that AP & Co. want to control. This is done either voluntarily and free of charge through what the person believes is common ideology, or through bribery and corruption. But it can also be done by luring someone into a criminal offense trap, that can be used against the person as blackmail, and the opportunities for creating extortion basis is almost endless...
- Reasoning "facts" according to me: AP & Co. control the main press and mainstream media. There is no illegal control only editorial control so that certain topics can not be discussed. In addition the press and media is used to create meaning management, for the Norwegian readers and listeners, within a variety of topics. And to convince the Norwegians that Norway, the "world's richest country", is the best country to live in and that severe economic and political crime of course does not exist in "absolutely perfect" Norway...
Press and media control is nevertheless enough to mean that Norway no longer has the press and the media as "the fourth branch of government" or "fourth estate". And "The Fourth Estate" is considered VERY important to safeguard a country's democracy. And without "The Fourth Estate" there are no one to report when a party becomes criminal and gets hidden totalitarian tendencies...
- Reasoning "facts" according to me: In 2009 I discovered that the Fraud-triangle DMS - OSE - NTM were so ruthless that they proved they were protected and therefore had NO fear. Only AP can protect someone "100%" in Norway. But AP would off course not protect fraud without AP received its share of the annual billions. AND AP would off course not protect anyone without AP beeing sure AP is protected. AP / DNB control - according to me - both the "Finanstilsynet" and "Økokrim". But it is not enough protection for AP to feel SURE that AP itself can not be stopped, exposed and forcibly be dissolved. According to my reasoning AP MUST also controle the Attorney General, who heads the prosecution, and AP must believe that they somehow can control the Supreme Court.
- Summa punch line according to me: AP & Co controles everything AP see as important in Norway. Lawful through its unfortunate AP-nepotism. Lawful through what people believe is common ideology. Or illegally through bribery, corruption and extortion. In addition AP & Co. controles press and media. AP has through its own "state within the state" assumed control over Norway despite that AP no longer is in government. And AP is funding it all - according to me - with AP / DNB / OSE organized and managed stock and bond fraud in the billions.
E ) A frustrated ex-insider complained in 2010 that fraudsters are hailed "by ministers, journalists and people in general."
Posted by: Guest (20101128 18:44), Read 41 times
RE ^ 1: VPS leader of a loan pool for short stocks?
"There are few, perhaps only a handful who cares about economic crime., I know it abound, as I have been on the inside. It is so disgusting to see that the same people will keep on year after year, while hailed those of ministers, journalists and people in general. Norway is thoroughly corrupt country, while UD create a body against corruption abroad, I think they could well have begun here at home. "
"The same people will keep on year after year, while hailed by the ministers, journalists and people in general."
"The same people" = scammers
"will keep on year after year" = written in 2010 let's say 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - and I add 2011, 2012, 2013...
"while hailed by the ministers" = the ministers? Ex-prime minister? Ex-finance minister? Ex-Minister of Justice? All three?
"journalists" = according to me AP & Co. controles media in Norway so that scammers are hailed by some journalists does not surprise me...
"people in general" = according to the European Social Survey Norwegians Europe's most naive people - naive and inexperienced, naive and dull...
F ) "Norway is thoroughly corrupt country..." now 17 years with the same Attorney General. Intentional suffocation of Legal Rights in Norway? "J'accuse!"
19970822 Publisher: Ministry of Justice and Public Security
Tor-Aksel Xxxxx new Attorney General.
Deputy Attorney General Tor-Aksel Xxxxx is in Council today appointed Attorney General.
He was appointed to his current position in August 1987.
Xxxxx becomes Attorney General 19970901
The current Attorney General has held the position for 17 years. He has virtually Norway's most important "regular" job. What kind of childishly naive, gullible, blue-eyed Norwegian mentality has allowed the same person to be the head of the prosecution in Norway for 17 years - and counting?Norway which, according to insiders "is thoroughly corrupt country". In this "thoroughly corrupt country" the Attorney General has for the last seven years, with "ringside seat", witnessed - according to me - that LP has taken control over "all" economic fraud in Norway. And that LP has included DNB, Oslo Stock Exchange and Norwegian Trustee as LP's main fraud tools. LP & Co have "castrated" both "Finanstilsynet" and Økokrim" to hide the LP / DNB organized fraud. LP's part of the scam income funds LP's secret, illegal, uncontrolled and undemocratic control over Norway. LP's own "state within the state".
This has happened WITHOUT the Attorney General has done anything. Has LP & Co "castrated" the Attorney General too? It can of course be extenuating circumstances, such as LP and other organized crime has threatened him and his family. But one who puts his own and his own family's safety as more important than national security, should off course not become Attorney General.
According to me the Attorney General should be deprived of his position and charged with gross and prolonged misconduct.
An Attorney General should henceforth not be able to sit more than four years. And why has there never been a female Attorney General in Norway?
G ) "My own" ex-party Labour Party needs many billions NOK to develop its secret, illegal, uncontrollable and undemocratic "state within the state". LP defraud us on the Oslo Stock Exchange because LP mistakenly believe that LP has a moral right to do so. LP's billion NOK organized frauds are a "revenge on" what LP mistakenly believe is "the Conservative Party voters and the Progress Party voters" who - according to LP's "philosophy" - are "typical stock market speculators AND taxevaders.".
I'll try to explain why AP considers it morally right to defraud what AP sees as "the Conservative Party and the Progress Party voters, who - according to AP's "philosophy" - are "typical stock market speculators AND taxevaders."
Norway owe AP a big "thank you" for the construction of a modern and rich Norway, but according to AP we owe AP SO much, much more. Therefore, AP do to us what AP wishes to do because - according to the AP - we are all ungrateful despite the fact that we all are forever beholden to the party.
AP has a very unrealistic self-image of the party's importance for the future of Norway, for AP AP is "the truth the way and the life." AP actually believe that Norway can not exist without AP. And AP is willing to do what must be done, for AP to reach AP's open and hidden goals. For AP "the end justifies the means". And AP can cross the line to illegality with COMPLETELY impunity because AP controles ALL organizations that could potentially have stopped AP.
AP has its own monitoring, a monitoring that focuses on whistleblowers and potential AP-whistleblowers. Monitors that for AP betray Norway and for AP betray their own children's future.
AP has become like a "state within the state". But having an effective and hidden "state within the state" is costing billions of NOK and AP needed a source of income. And that's WHERE exchange fraud in many billions NOK came into play.
AP has a very immature and quasi-socialist conception of OSE.
Based on AP's "mindset" there are no socialists "playing the stock market." It is - according to APs "philosophy" - only "tax evader and immoral Conservatives Party and the Progress Party voters who are the stock exchange speculators". Since AP believes that AP is the State, AP perceive that tax fraud affects AP directly. According to AP tax evaders are "playing the stock market". It was therefore "natural" for AP that AP wanted to billion NOK swindle the "tax cheats" that are "scamming the State and therefore scamming AP directly".
It was - according to the AP's "phillosophy" - "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth."
AP defraud us on the exchange because the AP mistakenly believe that AP has a moral right to defraud and "revenge" on what AP mistakenly believe is "the Conservative Party and the Progress Party voters, tax evading stock market speculators."
H) The "best" and most dangerous form of DNM / OSE billion NOK frauds - and all are protected by the main fraud profiteer Labour Party...
The form of stock fraud that I find most interesting is when a whole company, or a companys main assets, shall be swindled away from the owners / shareholders.
A hypothetical and simplified example: A familiar actor such as billionaire "NFS" (Norway's Foremost Serial Swindler) buy into a company. NFS is more closely discussed a little further down in the blog. NFS buying-in price of 50 NOK. He buys 20% of its shares and thus becomes the largest shareholder. He pays 1 billion NOK for the shares, which values ​​the company at 5 billion NOK. As the largest shareholder he demands and gets the position as chairman. Everything goes well with the company and the press praises the company and the shareprice rises. The demand for shares is great. DNM (DNB broker company) manipulates the shareprice heading on further UP. At a price of 100 NOK, NFS sell all of his shares for NOK 2 billion. He sells the shares hidden so he will not lose power in the company. So far he has earned one billion NOK.
At a price of 100 NOK he borrows 20% of the shares from the other shareholders. The borrowed shares he sells at an average price of 100 NOK and he gets 2 billion NOK for the shares. It is called "shorting" and AP / DNB controlled "Finanstilsynet" wants no rules or registry because by "Finanstilsynets" opinion it "would be too expensive" (read: Too hard to keep DNM / OSE scams hidden ...).
Then the chairman NFS starts his efforts to crush the shareprice. In cooperation with the executive (CEO) they create as many problems as possible for the company. Real problems are being blown up and catastrophizing. In the press comes "news" items about the possible bankruptcy for the company. The shareprice drop. DNM manipulate the price DOWN!, DOWN! and further DOWN! Two years have passed and the shareprice is down 99% to 1 NOK. Chairman NFS is buying back the shares he borrowed and he buys at the average shareprice of 1 NOK. What he sold for a total of 4 billion NOK he buy back for 40 million NOK.
So far he has earned 0.98 + 1.98 = 2.96 billion NOK.
In this example, chairman NFS manipulated the price down 99% at 24 months and it may seem a little fast. His personal best is to manipulate the price of the CRU / Crew Gold down 97.1% at 21 months as director / chairman.
"" CRU JUX -97.1% controlled price collaps as director / manager "Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20100224 08:34), read 1367 times"
"" CRU JUX Norway's # 1 detail planner? "Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20091213 16:21), read 2148 times"
Then comes a quote from an unknown foreign company to acquire the Norwegian company price 2 NOK. Chairman NFS accept the bid and ask all shareholders to also accept the bid. The bid is accepted and the entire company is sold for 200 million NOK.
I gave him the title "Norwegian Foremost Serial Swindler" and he is undoubtedly good. So NFS is of course behind the foreign company... Then NFS and CEO fixes the real and fictitious problems and sell the entire company for 5 billion NOK two years later.
NFS has earned from the entire scam 2.96 + 4.8 = 7.76 billion NOK. Along the way, he has had some "petty expenses" so let's say his real scam profits are 7 billion NOK. Before paying DNM and OSE - and AP.
Let's say NFS pay 1 billion NOK to DNM and DNB backers for that DNM and DNB should plan and manage the fraud. Let's say NFS pay 1 billion NOK to Oslo Stock Exchange and DNB backers for OSE accepting and protecting the scam. And let's say NFS pay 2 billion NOK to AP since AP was protecting the fraud by controlling Finanstilsynet, Økokrim, presse, media osv.
It appears that DNM / DNB, OSE and AP have been paid too well, but they have not. Without OSE and without AP participation it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to implement such a fraud. OSE has controls that recognize fraud. And Finanstilsynet, Økokrim and the Norwegian authorities are smart enough to get such fraudsters sentenced...
That leaves Norway's Foremost Serial Scammer left with 3 billion NOK in fraudulent profits after a four-year part-time job ...
DNB's backers are mainly AP. Let's say that the 2 billion paid to DNM, OSE and backers, 1 billion NOK goes to AP.
Thus, AP earned 3 billion NOK on a single scam.
The shareholders of the company from peak price of 100 NOK to 2 NOK lost 9.8 billion NOK.
Any "haircuts" (billions NOK losses) for any bondholders - and fraudulently staged by the Norwegian Trustee - kept out for simplicity's sake.
This was a simple and straightforward example of a simplified NFS fraud.
A little bit further down the blog I have several examples of real and more complicated NFS scams.
The thread had two alternate titles: "Seven years with [Labour Party / DNB / OSE] organized and managed stock fraud" or the more "AP-ideological" title "Let us defraud the Conservative Party voters and the Progress Party voters - they are exchange speculators and taxevaders!"
I remember a few years ago that someone wrote that "NFS" in freedom represents everything that is wrong with Norway." So I was not the first who understood what NFS really represents ...
I ) How many dozen suicides have major fraud profiteer LP helped to trigger via DNM and the Oslo Stock Exchange over the last six years?
What is so particularly dangerous with this kind of investor fraud is that the price decline seems so unnatural and exaggerated. An unnatural and exaggerated price reduction attracts the gambler type who "knows" that the stock will turn around. People who buy too many shares and invest too much capital. Often borrowed capital. Capital that they in no way can afford to lose. The investors do not understand that they are being ripped off and that the fraudsters plan to win and that therefore - as planned - there will be virtually nothing left to the other shareholders.
In the 16th part in the discussion forum thread below, I have given examples of suicides in the NFS , DNM, OSE, AP scam CRU / Crew Gold. A father of three who just had taken his life and a few of which were dangerously close to committing suicide:
"16 Human Dignity: The most extreme consequences for the weakest stock fraud victims." J'accuse! ""
CRU / Crew Gold is probably the company and the scam that has triggered the most suicides among investors. Most suicides were committed in November 2008 and it was a month before I became interested in the company - and the billionaire who I later gave the title of Norway's Foremost - and most dangerous - Serial Swindler.
Unfortunately, it was not until January 2012 that I began to understand that AP was involved in fraudulent activity on the Oslo Stock Exchange.
However, how many suicides have AP through stock fraud been partly guilty of in the past six years?
Let's say six suicide on average per year over the past six years. This represents about 1% of the average number of suicides in Norway per year. Then there will be over 30 suicides in six years.
Over 30 suicides that will become part basis for the arguments that AP should be forcibly dissolved. And the AP will be forcibly dissolved even though it may turn out that it is mainly just one AP-person behind AP's suicide triggering crime.
- Even AP's own ignorant and innocent supporters will probably come to see it as both acceptable and required that AP should be forcibly dissolved ...
Maybe it's time to quote Arnulf Øverland?
"You shall not bear so well, the unfairness that - (does not fall) - upon yourself."
J ) Do I have talent as a poet?
Inspired by Arnulf Øverland and inspired by "those who are no longer here," I come with my poetic contribution. Do I have talent as a poet? Can I "dedicate" it to Labour Party, DNB and the Oslo Stock Exchange?
"The flickering flame of a dying heart, the flickering flame caused by the unbearable pain YOU thoughtlessly and ruthlessly inflicted."
K ) "Negative" consequences for Norway at the forced dissolution of Labour Party.
AP has probably figured out that there is a "good" reason for what I'm writing never would be solved officialy: It would be too costly for Norway and it would damage confidence in the government if it was revealed. But that's not true! Here are the only two "negative" consequences of what I write, ALL other consequences are positive.
The "negative" consequences for Norway of what I write in this blog:
1. "negative" consequence: Am I right in what I write about "my own" ex-party AP - and other AP-crimes others have better overview over - it is possible a future AP-free Supreme Court will forcibly dissolve AP. It should not be a mitigating circumstance that the criminalization of AP mainly is due to one person. Thus, AP's overt and covert billion NOK values ​​realized and handed out to the AP / DNB fraud victims. At least in the largest and most transparent scams.
AP's honest politicians can of course start a new party in an attempt to get over the minimum vote threshold at the next general election in 2017.
2. "negative" konsekvvens: DNB was a victim of the illegal portion of AP's control freak nepotism. OSE and NTM were victims of the partial criminal AP-bank DNB. Let us for all simplicity sake say there are extenuating circumstances for OSE and NTM so they do not come in repayment liability to their scam victims.
But DNB comes in liability on par with AP.
Let's say that everything DNB has of value will be sold so that the core business of DNB - banking business - is saved. This eliminates the "Guarantee Fund" to get on track. And thus preventing that the shareholders - DNB's ignorant "fraud profiteers" - will get their shares "zeroed".
- This will be all the "negative" consequences for Norway. Then Norway will proudly be writing the international "gold standard" for how other democratic countries can react when a previously well-functioning democratic party, in a previously well-functioning democracy, is secretly becoming a criminally totalitarian party - funded by fraud. We then show national strength by beeing able to expose and stop AP. - And I can again feel pride when I'm abroad telling people that I come from Norway ...
If we do not resolve it "now" and push "the AP problem" on to the next generation, you will all be hated by the Future Norway, including your own children and grandchildren ...
L ) Positive consequences for Norway at the forced dissolution of Labour Party.
Some very few of the many positive consequences of what I write in this blog:
Where to start?
- Since "my own" exclusive party AP has so much hidden - and partly illegal - controle, Norway is in reality no longer a functioning democracy. For no matter who is in government, it is nevertheless AP that controles what AP think are important to be able to controle. In charge of Norway, and us all, until we put a stop to AP.
- AP's people prison: "AP's control freak nepotistic guardianship State "Norway the last Soviet State"" becomes "compulsory liquidated" and Norway's population becomes a free people.
- Without AP's clammy control freak "occupation", Democracy, Legal Rights and Human Dignity becomes reintroduced in Norway.
- Then, finally the AP's monitoring, including the Conservative Party and the Progress Party, and the end of APs surveillance of anyone else who is able to stop AP / DNB. And then there will be an end to AP's mapping of Norway whistleblowers and the end of AP's monitoring of the whistleblowers warning about AP / DNB crime.
- For years, AP pursued a deliberate policy to create the largest possible cost and highest possible number of debt slaves in Norway. Here are three reasons:
a ) AP calculates that debt slaves, stock losers and other poor as sure AP voters.
b ) Debt slaves are focused on themselves and their own family. Thus not being able to be potentially troublesome citizens who ask uncomfortable questions about the AP created problems in society.
c ) Deliberately AP policy which provokes greater expense and greater personal debt will generate more revenue for the AP-bank DNB.
- There will be an end to all the worry suicides triggered by AP and DNB organized stock frauds.
- When AP & Co loses its clammy editorial control of major press and mainstream media in Norway, Norway will again have a free "fourth branch of government". Thus, in the future, a free press and a free media could reveal if Norway again develops a political "cancerous tumor" with totalitarian tendencies.
- And some over enthusiastic Norwegians need to calm down with a little Norwegian realism. I have repeatedly been told of tourists and other foreigners that they have been verbally "assaulted" by Norwegians putting down their own homeland - before a infinity of Norway's glorification comes - funny, embarrassing and disgusting ...
- In addition, "100" other benefits a AP free Norway will create...
M ) "What should I say if one of your blog's main suspects is calling and pleading for help?"
Curse the day you met him.
Curse yourself because you did not understand that the only thing he was looking for was to exploit you.
Curse him for his criminal disposition and total lack of self-control.
Continue to curse him until he breaks the conversation.
- Why is it only men who are so unscrupulous that they are willing to "walk over corpses"?
N ) What went wrong for Norway?
Norwegians were brainwashed by the Labour Party propaganda machine telling us that Norway is a paradise and that all Norwegians are honest people. Thus, the Norwegians became smug and naive. A smug and naive people are easy to manipulate, for the people and nation are too busy about apperance and not about the content. Norway is bright and shiny on the outside - but thanks to AP - partially "rotten" inside.
- What is it we have to be so proud of? Our wealth? The huge billion values ​​were given to us by chance and not really anything we have done something to deserve. Our unimaginable wealth means that we can help others. But we do not help others so much that we have reason to feel pride. The Peace Prize? Swedish Alfred Nobel gave the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Norway because he did not trust his own countrymen when it came to the topic of "war and peace". So The Peace Prize is not really "our". - So what is it we have to be so proud of?
O ) Who will help Norway to get rid of organized crime? Government + one of the "20"? EU? NATO?
- The Conservative Party / Progress Party government's main tasks are to get rid of AP and to "clean up" after AP and other organized economic crime rampage in Norway. If Norway can do it unaided, we do it with pride. However, Norway and the government, have a unplayed ace that can quickly change the situation in Norway: Let's say there are 20 people in Norway who know so much about AP they can get AP compulsory liquidated. It is therefore not necessary to prove everything I write in this blog, it is enough to get one of the "20" to explaining to Norway - and the government - what AP has done and what AP is doing. Some of the "20" has not understood the magnitude of what they have participated in and therefore will be more than willing witnesses to prevent that AP destroys Norway - and thus preventing that AP is destroying their own children's future. Willing witnesses on condition that the government can offer witnesses, and witnesses' immediate family,
- If we do not wish or are not able to pull it off, EEA country Norway can get assistance from the European Union. EU would of course not accept that AP develops a hidden criminal AP-nation on the edge of Europe. An AP-nation that also defraud EU countries and EU citizens. If we have to go to the EU for help, help will feel shameful because we are not able to "clean up" our own country.
- We can also get help from NATO. NATO does not want to get unpleasant surprises from a future criminal AP government. A future criminal AP government that can easily be influenced by other organized crime. With an ever more radical Russia, Norway has become increasingly important for NATO and European security. Such assistance from NATO must of course come BEFORE 1 October 2014...
P ) Mahatma Gandhi shows the way...
Mahatma Gandhi: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
1) First they ignore you, 2008: ________________________________
2) then they laugh at you, 2009: ...............................................
3) then they fight you, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014:
- Fraudulent: 10 January 2010: "We have collected your details and run some processes on this. There are powerful forces at work now. Thanks for your efforts and ask you to go back (for your safety)., we take over. thank you! FDET "
- The threat of a lawyer (?): 25 May 2010. Attorney (?) PROVES that they know who I am WITHOUT that they have ever tried to prosecuted me for any "libelous statements". "NFL 98/2s persistent harassment and spamming the forum under the tickers that OBJAKT, CRUNFL, NFL contrary to fundamental rights in society. Claims that named or readily identifiable persons shall have committed serious offenses without dt applies confronted with the allegations and given opportunity to raise objections are obviously contrary to paragraphs 4.17, 4.14 and 4.15 of the Code of Ethics. "... spammer in Fyllingsdalen..."
- "Death Threat": 9 September 2010: "Hunting season has started. Soon the NFL 98/2 turn. Where can you hide? "
- AP's monitoring and sabotaging 16 and 29 June 2012:
- 16 June 2012 the AP (?) got between me and them and stopped (?) mail from me to the Conservatives and the Progress Party.
- 29 June 2012 spammed AP (?) (the newspaper Bergens Tidende) with my one Hotmail account so I got the account immediately suspended. I checked the same email address with a Yahoo account and was told that the INBOX in the newspaper was full...
- "AP-special" threat of forced hospitalization, straight jacket and forced medication. AP has attempted to crush among others diplomat, lawyer and AP whistle blower S.F.T.:
- 27 July 2012: "Interesting that (the discussion forum) allows a mentally eventually run fool getting romp with meaningless bogey and delirium. Are we talking Sandviken Hospital aber sofort??? "
- 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014: Sabotage against what I wrote on the discussion forum and sabotage against my nick.
- 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014: Computers I use on internet cafes are often sabotaged by computer viruses and monitoring from Norway - so I have to finish what I'm doing and start up again on another computer ...
- 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014: Did AP go through "Finanstilsynet" or "Økokrim" or the Attorney General to get my accounts in Sparebanken Vest blocked?
21 April 2014: Sabotage: While rewriting this blog into English, I got problems with the text. The text was after a while automaticly altered or deleted completely. I "washed" the text on a discussion forum and discovered the "data virus": &#8203;&#8203; The virus is normally invisible in text. The text in the Norwegian part of my blog is clean so someone, somehow, managed to place it in my text while I was rewriting it somewhere else on the net...
4) then you win ... 2014? 2015? 2016?
How many more years can you afford to lose?
How many more billions NOK can you afford to lose?
About me Asmund:
Q ) Irritated at me?
IF anyone - after careful thoughts - feel unfairly stigmatized by me in this blog, they can prove their innocence by doing something for Norway's Future!
R ) A private investigators pennyless life in Asia - and you have no reason to envy me...
When I'm in Norway I get a nasty feeling of "wasted time", so I try to avoid having to sojourn in Norway. Last time I traveled from Norway was in August 2009. Firstly, I spent three months private investigative and writing in Istanbul in Turkey. Then I traveled to Thailand and privately investigated and wrote from Thailand and Cambodia. In 2010 and in early 2011 I received a total of 5,800 NOK in support of my readers, but since 2 February 2011, I have received nothing in either loans or support from readers. 16 March 2011 - three years ago - I went tired of being broke in a small town in Thailand so I went out into the bush to a tiny village - with no internet.
"It does not help that they envy." - But you have absolutely no reason to envy me... I'm working on unpaid conservation in Thailand and that I have done for exactly three years. For conservation work I am sponsored with two meal and a mattress on the floor in a windowless and waterless shed. I had a bed but chipboards in bed rotted to pieces in the first rainy season, so I ended up on the floor instead... In addition, I borrow 20 NOK per day to buy more food and for petty expenses. Two years ago there was someone comparing my poor and extremely simple existence as "staying voluntarily in an Asian jail."
Foreigners are not allowed to take paid work in Thailand unless you have a qualification locals do not have - such qualification, I have not. If I had taken illegal work I had received the minimum payment of 300 baht (60 NOK) a day. Something that had just been enough for a bed and two meal a day... They have high unemployment here, so if I had taken work I had done some annoyed, jealous and angry. Someone had reported me and got me arrested. I've been broke for over three years so it goes without saying that I have not been able to follow the visa rules. Ignoring both visa rules AND Labour Code gives automatic imprisonment and one gets after serving prison sentences deported from Thailand - and one will never be allowed to return to Thailand ...
S ) Do I have more family here than I have in Norway?
"Ignoring both visa rules AND labor law gives automatic imprisonment and one gets after serving prison sentences deported from Thailand - and one will never be allowed to return to Thailand ..."
For me, Thailand is the most important countries in Asia and Asia is for me the most important and interesting continent. But Thailand is also a country that is very important to me personally for over 12 years, I believed that I have a daughter in this country. It was in 1996 that my ex girlfriend asked if I could give her "something" before we were separated for the last time. I would not. Wise as she was, she knew I would say no so she probably took "what she needed" earlier...
In 2001, I met one of her friends who said something that I first understood as a description of another person. Her friend phoned my ex girlfriend for me, and the next day I received a message from my ex girlfriend through her ​​friend. But the former so friendly friend avoided me and would no longer answer my questions, then disappeared unexpectedly. A few months went before I realized that what her friend had originally tried to tell me was that my ex girlfriend had a son born in 1988 ("I have no children so this is my sister's son ...") and a daughter Born in 1997... If I ever get rich I'll see if I can find my ex girlfriend and my(?) daughter. Her mother did not want me to know the truth in 2001, but when my(?) daughter is grown I belive my ex girlfriend is willing to tell the truth ...
I've never told this to my family because my family normally turn the truth to something worse than they originally thought about me ...
T) Do I have grounds for political asylum in Asia on humanitarian grounds?
Why do I write about my 16 year old daughter now? If I am arrested and tried expelled for my lack of a valid visa, I can henceforth present four written reasons that I can apply for political asylum on humanitarian grounds in Thailand:
1.) I present the best arguments for the Labour Party, Norway's most powerful party, to be forced to be dissolved. Political asylum.
2.) I may have more family in Thailand than I have in Norway. Humanitarian grounds.
3.) I have worked with unpaid conservation of Thailand for three years. Humanitarian grounds.
4.) I have been "adopted" by perhaps a bit reluctant adoptive parents of 66 and 70. Humanitarian grounds.
U ) I live in an small Asian village - without internet ...
Every month I travel once or twice from "my" village into a city to update me on the internet and to write "application form for a loan." As discussion forum thread "Seven years with [AP / DNB / OSE] systematized and managed stock fraud" a little further down in this blog. The thread is a summary of what I have found on share fraud and deception in the last six years. The thread came the first time in February 2013 - and it was improved each time I entered it. I put it in at night or in the morning (Norwegian time) and it was untuched all day until other administrators took control of the debate forum in the evening - and deleted my text... The people on the forum who read what I wrote, and shortly supported me, probably sold their shares and reads thus no longer a debate forum. Thus, only the Norway and AP naive are left in the debate forum, those who neither understand nor believe what I write.
V ) Loans to me? Never has anyone been so long and so to the degree alone - and broke - with something that is SO important for Norway's Present and Norway's Future ...
The desire is still to get a loan - but this time a loan from you blog readers - so I can continue my search on DNM - OSE - NTM scams and fraud companies on the Oslo Stock Exchange and - not least - to identify AP's political and criminal deception. Therefore I write here instead of on the message board. Here I will hopefully find someone who better understands what I write and who understands that what I write is not only possible but likely. Someone who understands that AP, AP / DNB and AP / DNB / OSE issues should not be pushed onto the next generation.
What I need of loans in total:
To my private investigation of AP, AP / DNB and AP / DNB / OSE: 50 days x 150 NOK (750 baht) for accomodation, food, internet and expenses. = 7,500 NOK (37,500 baht).
Bicycle 2500 NOK (12,500 baht). Used bicycles here are only small in size so I need a big bike and one of my knees is a bit poor so I need a real good and new bicycle. Thus, I can trim away countless internet hours and "bicycle meditate" and thinking the way that AP / DNB / OSE are "thinking" ...
I owe 6,000 NOK (30,000 baht) locally and none of the people I owe money will accept that I buy anything until they have been paid. By paying the locals what I owe them, I can leave this area in a hurry in case AP / DNB & Co. want to make "serious problems" for me ...
TOTAL approx. 16,000 NOK (80,000 baht). That's what I need in total to prove - or "prove" - I'm right. Start investigating good enough that official investigations can build on my initial investigation. And the official investigation can begin as soon as Norway can create a tough and AP / DNB free group that works FOR Norway future.
A start-up loan of 1.000 NOK (5,000 baht) allows me to continue my private investigation and to pay down some of my local loans. Increased publicity and new opportunities to prove my good private investigative abilities, allows me to borrow more money so I finally will have borrowed a total of 16,000 NOK ...
Here is my account number in Sparebanken Vest in Bergen, Norway: 3637.26.66506
Updated 17 January 2015: No one has yet lent me money so the best (?) Norwegian private investigator on the topic "Labour Party finances secret, illegal, uncontrolled and undemocratic "state within the state" through organized stock fraud" is broke - and therefore - not functioning. Personally I think Labour Party has gone through the Attorney General or "Finanstilsynet" or "Økokrim" to get my accounts blocked, the alternative is that Norwegians as "Europe's most naive people" (European Social Survey) are too Norway-naive and too Norway-absorbed and too Norway-centered present-day-Norway-egoists to understand what I write...
Having reasoned opinions and reasoned convictions has made ​​me both friendless and broke - and so far I have not found anyone to help me with a loan so that I can further private investigate and write.
Never has anyone been so long and so to the degree alone - and broke - with something that is SO important for Norway Present and Future...
W ) "Blog photo" of me:
For safety, I want no photo of myself in my blog - for despite the fact that I am "open and fearless", I am allowed to be a little careful... But here is an acceptable photo of me cycling on a dusty road in Cambodia in December 2007. The snapshot has attracted 18 "comments". None of the "comments" are from me, but 16 - 17 of the "comments" are from he who for four years has destroyed my threads and sabotaged for me and for Norway's Economic Future. None of the account numbers apply to me. An account number can naturally be googled...
The Blue quick link leads you to the wrong photo and the wrong person. You must use the FULL link:
About Oslo Stock Exchange and shares:
X ) Oslo Stock Exchange is more important to Norway than you think:
Knowledge of OSE is very low in Norway. There are some 190 companies listed on the stock exchange and their combined market value is a bit over 2.000 billion NOK. In Norway I hear comments like "Norway does not need an exchange because companies can borrow money in the bank the same way the rest of us have to." But the companies can usually not borrow money in the bank. Therefore, we have the system of issuing new shares. By issuing new shares a company gets venture capital. To get more capital a company will issue more shares to existing and / or new part-owners.
Once the company has been around for a few years and the market value of the shares exceeds 300 million NOK, the company can apply for a listing on the Oslo Stock Exchange.
Upon listing on the OSE company achieves a certain seriousness and it is easier to raise capital either by issuing new shares or by a bond issue. The yield on the bond is higher than bank interest and varies from company to company depending on how risky brokers / trustee / lender perceives the company and its operations to be. When a company becomes listed on a stock exchange, shareholders are able to sell the shares under safe conditions. So a stock exchange primary mission is twofold:
1. A company listed on a stock exchange provides "easy" access to venture and vital capital.
2. A stock exchange is - in principle - a safe and secure trading place for companies shares.
Y ) Oslo Stock Exchange's 20 biggest losers are now down between -97% and -99,998% from the share price's All Time High.
Oslo Stock Exchange has about 190 listed companies. Friday the 11 July the main index OSEBX was -3% under All Time High. But 41 companies shares were down more than -90% from ATH. That is more than a staggering 20% of all listed shares - totally crushed...  - And probably the worst "performance" in Western Europe. In adittion a suspiciously high number of share price crushed shares have been delisted the last 7 years.
Norway is not a nation of useless ideeas, useless companies and useless leaders.
Norway is a nation where the organized economic fraud is SO well carried out by Labour Party's and DNB bank's Fraud Triangle DNM - Oslo Stock Exchange - NTM, that nobody understands what is really going on...
- Because I'm broke, I have no opportunity to see if I can find fraud companies among the 41 stocks losers..."
Percentage list was compiled from closing prices Friday 11 July 2014:
1. Blom BLO -99,9983%
2. Petrolia PDR -99,9947%
3. Goodtech GOD -99,96%
4. Northland Resources NAUR -99,96%
5. IGE/Nickel Mountain Group NMG -99,96%
6. Norwegian Energy Company NOR -99,95%
7. DiaGenic DIAG -99,94%
8. EMS Seven Seas EMS -99,89%
9. Marine Harvest MHG -99,89%
10. Eitzen Chemical ECHEM -99,83%
11. Sevan Marine SEVAN -99,72%
12. Scana Industrier SCI -99,67%
13. SeaBird Exploration SBX -99,64%
14. Nio NIO -99,47%
15. Oceanteam Shipping OTS -99,38%
16. Repant REPANT -99,08%
17. Renewable Energy Corporation REC -98,91%
18. InterOil Exploration and Production IOX -97,79%
19. Eltek ELT -97,77%
20. Norske Skogindustrier NSG -97,45%
About the organized stock fraud:
Z ) "Seven years with [Labour Party / DNB / OSE] organized and managed stock fraud" or the more "Labour Party-ideological" title "Let us defraud the Conservative Party voters and the Progress Party voters - they are exchange speculators and taxevaders!"
I can't rewrite the whole blog now: "AP/Arbeiderpartiet" is "LP/Labour Party" and "J." is "Jens". + Just put "Soviet Union" or "V." or "V."/FSB" or "Russia" in wherever you think it will fit in...
(I've edited the start of the thread so that it will better fit the blog.)
Posted by: NFLvsDNB (20140213 03:44), read 367 times
Ticker: OBJAKT
"Seven years with [Labour Party / DNB / OSE] organized and managed stock fraud"
[1 SECTION: Thread Start.]
Copy the thread right now and mail it later to someone you think is interested ...
1 a) Introduction.
This thread "celebrate" that it is seven years since AP and DNB founded what - according to me - is Europe's best and most effective organization and systematization of stock fraud and bond fraud.
The thread is a Zola Award inspired whistleblower thread about AP ("J") / DNB (Rune) started DNB / OSE led, DNM / OSE / VPS / NTM performed and AP / Finanstilsynet / Økokrim protected fraud and deception on Norway's main trading place - Oslo Stock Exchange.
Fraud-triangle DMS - OSE - NTM and the organized financial scams I write about in this thread is ongoing and very timely. Finished frauds has a limitation period of 10 years. The scams that I use as examples in this thread are in most walid in criminal law until 2019. To have any chance of being proposed - and then hopefully nominated for whistleblower price Zola Prize for 2015 - I have to prove that I am "Open AND Fearless ". Therefore I take at the beginning of the thread with the first names to me and thread five other main characters. Since two of the thread's main characters have the same first name, I call one of them "J." By not using the surname people can not google and get here by accident. By using the information in the thread everybody should be able to google their way to who each one is.
- New Norwegian and English words: "A jens" is - according to me - one that scams his fellow man on an all controlling and unstoppable manner.
"To jense" thus means to scam his fellow man on an all controlling and unstoppable way.
- Most of you who have been in the market over the past six years has been the victim of stock fraud in several companies.
- "Nobody manages to swindle me! " When you're wrong! Have they taken AP control freak-nepotistic control over everything that is important offices - they can not even be stopped...
- Welcome to naivety and smug equity Norway!
- Welcome to AP's people prison: "APs control freak-nepotistic guardianship State "Norway the last Soviet State""!
- A people prison where one of the main "walls" is DNB.
1.a) Introduction
1.b) To Administrator.
2.a ) Threads six named ( first name) mainpersons : "J." , Rune , Jens ( NFS) , Ola , Gerald and me Asmund .
2.b) AP / DNB / DNM / OSE / VPS / NTM / Finanstilsynet / Økokrim / "J" / Rune / Jens (NFS) / Ola / Gerald vs. me "NFL" Asmund ...
2.c) I have 36 years of international experience in order to recognize "people like" " J.", Rune, Jens ( NFS), Ola and Gerald.
3.a) When did AP get "criminal imagination"? And what exactly is AP's people prison, "APs control freak - nepotistic guardianship State" Norway the last Soviet State""?
3.b) What is Fraud-triangle DMS - OSE - NTM and how did I discovered it?
3.c) Who founded the Fraud-triangle DMS - OSE - NTM and when was it started?
3.d) How many billions are shareholders and bondholders swindled out annually through Fraud-triangle DMS - OSE - NTM?
3.e) How many employees part time work with fraud from DNM, OSE / VPS, NTM, Finanstilsynet and Økokrim?
4.a) Must "Generation X" 1961-1980 clean up after the [Swindler generation] 1941-1960 unaided?
4.b) Norwegians are Europe's most naive share scam victims...
5.a) Thread is written after alerts price Zola Prize criteria.
5.b) Thread Index.
1.b) To Administrator:
The thread is an attempt to be propose for the whistleblower-price Zola Prize. The proposals and nomination rules REQUIRES me to be "open and fearless" and show "civil courage". Zola award is a tribute and honouring of those who see "a spade is a spade" and that openly and fearless use their freedom of speech to expose and oppose conditions that threaten Human Dignity, Democracy and the Rule of Law in Norway. This thread focus mainly on the AP and DNB organization of the stock market-related economic crime and how AP, DNB & co threaten Human Dignity, Democracy and the Rule of Law in Norway.
[AP / DNB / DNM / OSE / VPS / NTM / "Finanstilsynet" / "Økokrim" / and individuals ] have known since (before) 25 May 2010 who I am - without having prosecuted me for "libelous statements"... Anyone who wants can figure out who I am following the thread links.
2.a ) Threads six named ( first name) mainpersons : "J." , Rune , Jens ( NFS) , Ola , Gerald and me Asmund .
2.a ) Should be read together with " 3.c " .
1. "J." leads Norway's most powerful party . Norway's most powerful party because of its "control freak - nepotism" .
2. Rune leads Norway's most powerful bank. Norway's mightiest bank because of its Fraud-triangle DMS - OSE - NTM .
"J." and Rune are the very best of friends.
3. Jens ( NFS) is multi-billionaire NOK and Jens co-chair - according to me - something very few believe exist in Norway...
4. Ola (NSS ) is a billionaire NOK and Ola co-chair - according to me - something very few believe exist in Norway...
5. Gerald ( SFS ) is a Swedish billionaire SEK and a control freak. Efficient, self sentered and intelligent Gerald is suspected by me of being behind many of the basic ideas of the Fraud-triangle and the basic ideas of being able to take complete control...
It all started - according to my calculations - as follows:
Control freak Gerald sat 2003 - 2006 with Ola on the board of a ( then) OTC ( Over The Counter ) listed company. There they planned IPO of the " double" company ( now " triple " company ) and how the company should be fully funded by the minor shareholders before the company fully developed should be swindeled away from the minority owners and regained by the founders and main owners. In addition, they planned a lawsuit against another publicly traded company in the hundredmillion NOK class. Gerald told Ola the ideas on how brokers , stock exchange and trustee could cooperate in billion NOK scams by defrauding both shareholders and bondholders in a number of listed companies. Impossible in Sweden - but possible in " my own " ex - party APs people prison , "AP's control freak - nepotistic guardianship State" Norway the last Soviet State "" . The secret Labour Party enthusiast physician trained and psychology interested Ola fully developed Geralds ideas
and adapted them to the Labour Party's Norway. Ola took the ideas to billionair Jens ( NFS) who ten years ago was Norway's most powerful billionaire . Ola and Jens took the ideas to " J." . " J." involved Trond ( " KT " ) and a few in the management of AP . What did they " think" and what did they say in 2006?
AP / " J." placed Rune as head of AP - bank DNB on 1 January 2007. Rune got the main responsibility to take control of DNM , OSE and NTM ( Norwegian Trustee ) .
During 2007, Rune took fraud control of DNM . During 2008, Rune & Co. took fraud control of OSE / VPS. During early 2009, Rune & Co. took fraud control of NTM . Rune & Co - aided and protected by the AP and " J." - Had created the complete Fraud-triangle DMS - OSE - NTM .
- Together, - according to my calculations - AP / DNB had saboteurs to infiltrate "Finanstilsynet" and "Økokrim". Neither the "Finanstilsynet" nor "Økokrim" is rotten but the saboteurs ensure that equity and bond swindles that DNM / OSE leade or protect will NOT be investigated or not NOT be investigated fully . "Finanstilsynet" and "Økokrim" are falsely "QUALITY STAMPING" AP-Norway EVERY trading day ...
In addition facilitates "Finanstilsynet" and "Økokrim" the conditions for fraud triangle . An example of adaptation is the "Finanstilsynet" as a few years ago refused to impose a "short" registry and rules for "shorting" at OSE - "because it would be too costly"... " Too costly " because it would be difficult for DNM / OSE to hide what DNM / OSE engages in billion NOK frauds?
"Finanstilsynet" I stopped trusting in May 2008. "Økokrim" I stopped trusting in January 2010.
- Ola in 1999 was accused of - at that time - editorially free DN to be a willing participant in ABI scams in the late 90s. Ola complain to PFU - and lost. Then Ola got the idea how easy and legal it would be to gag the press editorial. No major gagging - but only set guidelines for what the papers can't write about. DN and Dagbladet are falsely "QUALITY STAMPING" AP-Norway EVERY day .
In addition, AP & Co. controles the main press and the main media and NRK and they all falsely "QUALITY STAMP" AP-Norway EVERY day ...
- Ola and Jens ( NFS) sabotaged the election for the Conservatives in 2009. Liberal ( ex ) manager was angry with the two claiming AP - naive that " their clumsiness had ruined the election for the Conservatives & Co." And to " steal" votes from the Conservatives & Co. were just what " J." , Jens ( NFS) and Ola had planned ...
OSE I have been studying since August 1992.
DNM I have been studying since December 2007.
Gerald , I have been studying since December 2007.
Ola I have been studying since January 2008.
Jens ( NFS) , I have been studying since December 2008.
NTM I have been studying since August 2009.
Fraud-triangle DMS - OSE - NTM I have been studying since September 2009.
DNB I have been studying since September 2009.
Rune I have been studying since September 2009.
AP/Labour Party : I have observed for over 40 years and been studying since January 2012.
" J." I have observed for over 25 years and been studying since January 2012 but already on the 26 September 2009, I suspect the serious problems Norway had and still has. Unfortunately for us all, I was AP/Labour Party - naive and chose to ignore the suspicion. ("SMK" = "Prime Minister's Office".)
" OBJAKT : DnB NOR and OB / VPS / FMK / SMK / KT " Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20090926 16:57), read 459 times
2.b ) AP / DNB / DNM / OSE / VPS / NTM / "Finanstilsynet" / "Økokrim" / " J " / Rune / Jens ( NFS) / Ola / Gerald vs. me "NFL" Asmund...
" NFL " stands for Norway's Foremost Long distance cyclist and that is pennyless me...
I began to invest in shares on OSE privately in 1992 and I have owned shares in over 40 company as a private investor. I saw that the exchange evolved from a fairly honest trading place to a trading place where organized financial crime governs. In 2007/2008 and in 2009 I was my self exposed to investor scams so I sold my last shares in the fall of 2009, to be able to afford to continue my self-funded private investigation.
Since 2007 I have written over 100 "threads" about fraud and deception in a number of companies. Unfortunately I placed my writings in a personal "blog" named "OBJAKT" on the "open forum " and not on the " VIP Forum ". Thus vanished all the "threads" I refer to in this blog in the reform in 2011.
This thread is partially written to annoy the people I write about . As a child, a relative said irritated me that I could "annoy a stone". If one has special and "useful " capabilities , one should of course use them...
Since I've been broke for over three years and now living in a village - with no internet - in Asia working unpaid with conservation for three years , it goes without saying that my studies over the past three years have been somewhat sporadic...
And "100" " loan applications " written for YOU suggest that you do not want me to prove that I am somewhere between 80 % and 100 % correct in most of the threads many topics about AP, AP / DNB and AP / DNB / OSE led political and economic fraud and deception.
Never has anyone been so long and so to the degree alone against something that is so destructive to the Economic and Political Present and Future...
2.c) I have 36 years of international experience in order to recognize "people like" " J.", Rune, Jens ( NFS), Ola and Gerald.
Posted by : Caixa ( 20131219 09:31 ), read 129 times
Ticker : OBJAKT
RE ^ 1: New share trading day - and new unimaginable possibilities ...
" Takes one to know one TS ! "
Hello CAIXA/09:31 !
" Takes one to know one TS ! "
If you're implying that I 'm a fraudster , I'm not ...
If you're implying that I can have 100% over view, it is of course not possible for one who are not involved in fraud operations. I think no one fully understand the extent of what I write about. For no person has control over all aspects.
Since I was 16 I have during countless travels seen the world and the world's population . First I went with regular transport before I became a world cyclist. After I had cycled about 154.000 km criss-crossing the world I deserved the title "NFL" - Norway's premier long distance cyclist . Altogether, I have traveled in 88 countries and crossed 50 countries by bike. Both travel and cycling I have mostly done alone.
Since I was 16 I had to be able to learn to recognize ALL forms of human duplicity - internationally. ALL!
I have 36 years of international experience in order to recognize " people like " " J.", Rune, Jens ( NFS), Ola and Gerald for "people like that " is of course not unique in a global context. ALL countries of the world produces "people like that " - to a greater or lesser degree. It 's just that " our guys " are the world's most advanced when it comes to systemizing, protection and fraud revenue.
3.a) When did AP get "criminal imagination"? And what exactly is AP's people prison, "APs control freak - nepotistic guardianship State" Norway the last Soviet State""?
"Power corrupts , absolute power corrupts absolutely. "
Norway owe "my own" ex - party AP a big "thank you!" for the development of a modern Norway, but according to AP we owe AP SO much, much more. AP therefore believe that AP has a morally right to take control of Norway and to do to us what AP thinks is best for AP .
In APs own country , with APs own citizens - that AP can do with what the AP itself will ...
AP got criminal fantasy in the 70s when AP stood as the main beneficiary of large donations from foreign oil companies. Oil companies who wanted to get the best blocks at the very best conditions. We now call that behaviour for "corruption". APs criminal imagination evolved and spread to AUF (AP's youth organization) where they defrauded the state with bogus membership lists. Two of the AUF leaders during that time-period were "J." 1985-1989 and "KT" 1992-1996. But what happened when the AUF ex leaders got into government and started to get bored ? What did they "think" and what did they say in 2006?
State , Insurance Fund and DNB controls just over 50 % of the vote in the DNB . It all starts with something or someone. 1 January 2007 AP placed "J."'s very , very, very best AP - friend and best man as head of DNB . While DNB created Fraud-triangle DNM - OSE - NTM, AP and DNB created DNB CEO's office into the second most important office in Norway.
AP earns - according to me - annual billions of NOK from the Fraud-triangle. But what does AP use the money for? AP takes slowly control of " all " important offices in Norway so that AP now through AP's " control freak AP-nepotism " controls everything AP considers most important in Norway - although AP no longer has government power.
I choose to call APs people prison for "APs control freak - nepotistic guardianship State" Norway the last Soviet State "". A "state within the state".
3.b) What is the Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM and how did I discovered it?
( All the threads I refer to in this thread was on the "open forum " and not on " VIP Forum " , thus all my threads disappeared unfortunately in the discussion forum reform in 2011. )
3 September 2009 I discovered that OSE helped DNM in a small fashioned fraud in pharmaceautical company Algeta :
" ALGETA defrauded by OSE/DNM in bookbuilding scam " Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20090910 22:41), read 3453 times
So I started to look for fraud cooperation between DNM and OSE in other companies . I found it in AGI / Artumas , NEXUS and CRU / Crew Gold .
DNM - OSE fraud cooperation threads in AGI , NEXUS and CRU described how TOTALY unnecessary and cunning stock trading halts "Matching halts" were used to crush both share price and shareholders:
"AGI + DNM + Oslo Stock Exchange in PROVEN embezzlement "Matching halt" scam" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20090912 20:57), read 1709 times
"6 +3 Oslo Stock Exchange PROVEN "Matching halt" scam in NEXUS" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20090913 20:57), read 1457 times
"CRU JUX + DNM + OSE "Matching halt" scam 10 nov. 2008" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20090915 22:55), read 1631 times
I popularized the 8 best / worst stock "Matching halt" scams in a thread :
"TOP 8 OSE stock exchange "Matching halt" scams adapted to DNM fraud" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20090920 20:58), read 1881 times
From earlier I had discovered that NTM ( Norwegian Trustee ) helped DNM in fraud of bondholders in the AGI / Artumas fraud, making the Fraud Triangle a fact - discovered and revealed by me in September 2009.
"Norwegian Trustee ASA owned by DnB NOR" Posted by : Artist (20090808 14:58 ), read 3117 times
"Where do Norwegian Trustee defraud bondholders?" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20100307 16:32), read 2069 times
What was particularly interesting was that DNM - OSE - NTM were so hard and so open in their frauds that they PROVED that they were protected. "They are protected by powerful DNB" I thought Labour Party - naive, while my subconscious told me that DNB is not powerful enough to protect the Fraud Triangle...
For ONLY Labour Party, with its control freak AP nepotism, is powerful enough to protect someone "100%" in Norway. In or out of government - it does not matter - Labour Party rules anyway...
As early as 26 September 2009, I had a suspicion about what kind of problems we were in - and still are in:
"OBJAKT : DnB NOR and OB / VPS / FMK / SMK / KT " Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20090926 16:57), read 459 times
5 May 2010, I aimed straight for Labour Party / "J." placing Rune as head of the state-owned AP-bank 1 January 2007:
"Organized crime in DNM / OB / NTM from 2007?" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20100505 15:24), read 2200 times
Labour Party would of course NOT protect such organized fraud without AP stood behind as founder of the DNB Fraud Triangle - and that therefore AP receives "half" of the fraud billions NOK...
It is not hard to sabotage a investigation. AP / DNB / other organized financial crime places an saboteurs with instructions to sabotage everything that will reveal AP, DNB, the Fraud Triangle and other economic crimes AP / DNB / OSE has accepted ...
"Finanstilsynet" I stopped trusting after a mail I received in May 2008 ...
"OBJAKT : Finanstilsynet should be fired! NFL takes over..." Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20081219 14:14), read 670 times
"Økokrim" I stopped trusting after a very polite email I received in January 2010 ...
"Økokrim Vs. NFL 98/2" Posted by : NFL 98/2 ( 20100123 10:53 ), read 2839 times
3.c) Who founded the Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM and when was it started?
The four suspected founders of the Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM + the "Swedish brain"...
1. " J." = " BG " : The guy with the power to make it all happen... " J'accuse ! " Born 1959.
(F.M. 1996-97. P.M. 2000-01 and 2005-13.)
" J." is in reality still Norway's most powerful person. For more than six years (2007-2013) he was - according to me - Norway's most powerful person since the war.
2. Rune = " BF " : The guy with the ability to make it all happen. " J'accuse ! " Born 1960.
3. Jens = " NFS " : User. Part-idea. " J'accuse ! " Born 1942.
(President of the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise 2000-04.)
4. Ola = " NSS " : Backer. Part-idea. " J'accuse ! " Born 1957.
5. Gerald = " SFS " : Basic ideas on how to organized fraud and a fraud triangle. " J'accuse ! " Born 1948.
"SFS" - Sweden's most stingy billionaire - bought himself over 20 international companies in the 10-year period 1997-2007. "SFS" merged the companies with his own company before he listed the company on the Stockholm Stock Exchange on 12 October 2007. According to my calculations the stingy, intelligent, control freak scammer earned the title "SFS" during the period 1997 - 2014. According to my studies "SFS" despise authorities in any country, and apparently he despise - for some reason - the Swedish Royal Family...
Fraud Triangle was founded - according to me - when Labour Party on 1 January 2007 placed "J." very, very best AP-friend and "J."'s weddings "best man" Rune as head of the AP - bank DNB . Main scam collaboration between DNM and OSE did not really get started until 2008 , while NTM did make Fraud Triangle complete in 2009.
3.d) How many billions NOK are shareholders and bondholders defrauded annually through Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM?
For all simplicity, let's say that Fraud Triangle has caused their victims fraud losses on average NOK 12 billion a year over the past six years. Thus, a total of 72 billion NOK in losses suffered by shareholders and bondholders.
Example of real scams are further down in the thread , but the explanatory collusive example at the beginning of the blog explains the fraud type, and that kind of frauds dramatic consequences, better.
Here : " The 'best' and most dangerous form of DNM / OSE billion NOK frauds - and it's all protected by the main fraud profiteer Labour Party...
3.e) How many employees part time work with fraud from DNM, OSE / VPS, NTM, "Finanstilsynet" and "Økokrim"?
- DNM. It is natural to assume that it is DNM that do the part-planning, manage and coordinate all the scams where DNM / OSE cooperate in the fraud and where the complete Fraud Triangle participate. In addition, DNM is participating with "all " direct stock price manipulation - often hidden behind other broker company ...
Let's say 5-6 DNM staff PART-TIME WORK with DNM share of DNM - OSE main collaboration and the Fraud Triangle.
- OSE's main task is to hide that there are a number of approved scams on OSE. VPS's main task is to falsify data.
Let's say 3-4 OSE / VPS employees PART TIME WORK with the OSE / VPS its share of DNM OSE main collaboration and the Fraud Triangle .
- NTM - Norwegian Trustee main mission is to deceive bondholders to accept " illogical " and false " haircuts " either directly or via equity conversion. If equity conversion it then becomes DNM / OSE's main task to make the shares almost worthless...
Let's say 2 employees from NTM PART TIME WORK with NTM share of the Fraud Triangle .
- "Finanstilsynet" according to me it is AP / DNB controlled. "Finanstilsynet's" main task is to prevent that investigation starts in scams that are OSE approved, eventual sabotage if investigation is being initiated.
Let's say 2 employees from "Finanstilsynet" PART TIME WORK to sabotage investigation of OSE approved frauds.
- "Økokrim" according to me it is AP / DNB controlled. "Økokrim's" main task is to prevent that investigation starts in scams that are OSE approved, eventual sabotage if investigation is being initiated.
Let's say 2 employees from "Økokrim" PART TIME WORK to sabotage investigation of OSE approved frauds.
- Altogether there will be 14 to 16 people that PART TIME WORK to plan, execute and protect the MAIN fraud collaboration between the two DNB "subsidiaries" DNM ( 100 %) and OSE ( 19.82 %) - a collaboration that sometimes entails the DNB "subsidiary" NTM ( 25 %) and then - by me - is called the "Fraud Triangle".
4.a) Must "Generation X" 1961-1980 clean up after the [Swindler Generation] 1941-1960 unaided?
Due to the four Norwegians, the Swede and other scammers birth I have given the "generation" a name:
[Swindler Generation] 1941-1960 ...
It is now our task - we from "Generation X" (1961-1980) - to clean up after [Swindler Generation] rampage. A cleanup the honest in [SG] should have done many years ago . A cleanup they apparently were too naive or too much of cowards to take...
"Generation X" do it for NEF = Norway's Economic Future which means [Swindler Generation] and "Generation X"'s children , grandchildren and great-grandchildrens future.
NEF is being defended by pennyless, broke me - and no one else?
1. NFL 98/2 = "Norway's Foremost Long distance cyclist " / " Next" / " NextAP " / " Next- NFL " / " NFLvsDNB ". # 1 Friend of the Future. Born 1961.
4.b) Norwegians are Europe's most naive share scam victims...
" Norwegians are Europe's most naive people " according to the European Social Survey 's survey .
Europe is the most naive continent so Europe's "most naive" people will automatically be among the world's most naive people. Hooray?
" My own " ex - party AP has a few decades tricked you into thinking that it is something that is exceptionally perfect with Norway and Norwegians - it is unfortunately not so... A small example came from an AP Prime Minister in 1994 : " It is typically Norwegian to be good! "
Since the 80s , the AP-controlled licensing paid national TV channel NRK has been deliberately presenting a distorted / falsified image of Norway and the Norwegians " exceptional merit " . The same has the A-press and other media and press that AP & Co controles. AP did and do it partly because a good national self image gives credit to AP - which, according to the AP itself - " build the nation ".
But the main reason that AP does it is to manipulate the population of Norway into a world of naivety and complacency.
A naive and smug people is a relatively easy victim to be be deceived, and manipulated there AP wants you to be manipulated .
- For six years, the AP / DNB / OSE / and plain organized financial crime pillaged Norwegian population through both stocks and bonds frauds. But you are too AP-naive and complacent to see it.
- For four years I have written about the Fraud-triangle DNM - OSE - NTM . But you are too AP-naive and complacent to understand it.
Read the thread and understand. - Or continue to live your life as an AP / NRK / A-press created easily manipulated, unaware AP / DNB / OSE stock fraud victim. - Such as "all" other Norwegians who also chose the mental numbness naivety, smugess and complacency gives them...
A national uselessness your children and grandchildren will have to continue to pay the price for...
5.a) This thread is written in acordance with the whistleblower price Zola Prize's criteria.
One's freedom of speech is at is most important when a country's most powerful party has gagged the main sections of the press and media editorially - so that the party can becom a criminal party without the press and media paying any attention...
" J'accuse ! " - "J'accuse!" is derived from the French Emile Zola's famous whistleblower newspaper article from 13 January 1898. Privileged Zola had support and was rich . I have no support and I am self-funded and broke ...
This is the sixth year in a row that I try to be proposed to the Zola Award and the thread is written and arranged by the Zola Prize criteria:
" The award is given persons > open and fearless <has > uncovered or thwarted < > conditions that threaten human dignity, democracy and the rule of law in Norway. < " Zola -
5.b) Thread Index:
[ 2. SECTION: Zola award : U&T >Uncovered or Thwarted< ]
6.0 U&T : Data virus &#8203;&#8203; placed in my text:
6.1 U&T : Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM in AGI/Artumas "Matching halt" scam. "J'accuse!"
6.2 U&T : AGI: Norwegian record(?) in OSE led scam? The false "Matching halt" -77% stockprice CRASH from ONE TRADE TO THE NEXT in the AGI/Artumas scam! "J'accuse!"
6.3 U&T : Norwegian Trustee in AGI/Artumas scam. "J'accuse!"
7.1 U&T : Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM in the NEXUS scam. "J'accuse!"
7.2 U&T : 9 fraudulent "Matching halts" choked shareholders and bondholders hope in the Nexus scam. "J'accuse!"
8.1 U&T : Fraud Triangle, Norway's Foremost Serialswindler and false "Matching halt" in the CRU/Crew Gold scam. "J'accuse!"
8.2 "The -97,1% drop in the share price in CRU / Crew Gold, during the 21 months he sat in the CRU Board, came because of the recession!"
9.1 U&T : How I chased Norway's Foremost Serialswindler out of the CRU fraud . "J'accuse!"
9.2 U&T : How I chased Norway's Foremost Serialswindler out of ITX/Intex Resourses scam. "J'accuse!"
10. U&T : NFS and " Self-financing embezzlement scam" explained using the example of ITX . "J'accuse!"
11. Uncovered: NFS PGS scam. "J'accuse!"
12. U&T : My best threads about NFS-Jens - "Norway's own Bernie Madoff". "J'accuse!"
13. U&T : PGS/CRU/ITX - and the NFS-Jens history repeats itself in REC... "J'accuse!"
14. U&T : The description of OBJAKT archive describes NFS-Jens's personality..."J'accuse!"
15. Uncovered: Example of DNM - OSE fashioned day scam: ALGETA. "J'accuse!"
[ 3. SECTION: Zola award : > Conditions that threaten Human Dignity, Democracy and the Rule of Law in Norway. < ]
> Labour Party / DNB bank / Oslo Stock Exchange stifle Human Dignity in Norway! "J'accuse!"
16. Human Dignity : The ultimate consequence for the weakest stock fraud victims. "J'accuse!"
> Labour Party stifle Democracy in Norway ! "J'accuse!"
How "J." controlled Labour Party's undemocratic power is suffocating Democracy in Norway:
17.1 Democracy : The Labour Party election "scam" in 2009 vs. free and fair 2013. "J'accuse!"
17.2 Democracy : Labour Party's "State within the State" aka Labour Party's control freak-nepotistic guardianship State "Norway the last Soviet State". "J'accuse!"
17.3 Democracy : Stock and bond frauds finance Labour Party's "State within the State". "J'accuse!"
17.4.1 Democracy : Labour Party is monitoring the Conservative Party and the Progress Party. "J'accuse!"
17.4.2 Democracy : "- Norwegian monitoring impresses NSA."
> Labour Party stifle the Rule of Law in Norway! " J'accuse ! "
18.1 Legal Protection : Labour Party lets criminals control some of Norway's most important offices. "J'accuse!"
18.2 Legal Protection : Labour Party protects and prevents imprisonment of criminals including NFS. "J'accuse!"
18.3 Legal Protection : Let me further investigate and identify "Labour Party and other organized financial crime"!
18.4 Legal Protection : [Swindler Generation] 1941-1960 vs. "Generation X" 1961-1980.
[ 4. SECTION: Zola award : > Open and Fearless < ]
19. O&F : I am Open and Fearless .
20. O&F : Suggest me for the Zola award for 2015?
21. O&F : Wake up! Mail me! Support me! (You can not all be stingy and broke...) Police report me for " libelous statements"!
22. O&F : The "Slumdog Millionaire" principle . CV / "autobiography" of someone who is not a racist. Only someone very special can managed to reveal AP's and DNB's Fraud Triangle and Norway's Foremost Serialswindler and perhaps also Sweden's Foremost Serialswindler...
22.1 O&F : Pre Norway's Foremost Long distance cyclist 1961 - 1987:
22.2 O&F : Norway's Foremost Long distance cyclist 1988 - 2008:
22.3 O&F : Norway's Foremost Long distance cyclist autumn of 2008 - present day:
[ 5. SECTION: Thread End . ]
23. Table of Contents repeated.
24. Thread very briefly summarized. + Insider Comment.
[ 2. SECTION: Zola award : U&T >uncovered or thwarted< ]
Investing in shares gave me an opportunity to make money in Norway - and to pay tax to Norway - while I rode a bicycle abroad. The organized fraud cooperation between DNM and OSE took away from me that opportunity...
Of the shares that I use as examples in the thread, I have never owned shares in CRU / Crew Gold, PGS, REC or NEXUS.
In ITX / Intex Resourses I lost a trifle.
In AGI / Artumas I lost a trifle.
In Algeta I lost more than 20.000 NOK on a daytrade. But without the loss I had not discovered that OSE helps DNM in fraud and deception...
In another stock fraud, which is not part of the thread, I lost 520.000 NOK.
The data and some of the information, which I used in my private investigating, I found at OSE/VPS, Netfonds, DNB/DNM, NTM, Finanstilsynet, Økokrim and from the companies.
What I write here about CRU/Crew Gold, ITX/Intex Resourses, AGI/Artumas, NEXUS, and Algeta is just a low single digit % of what I originally wrote about the companies. So all the "100" important details can unfortunally not fit in here...
6.0 U&T : Data virus &#8203;&#8203; placed in my text:
6.1 U&T : Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM in AGI/Artumas "Matching halt" scam. "J'accuse!"
6.2 U&T : AGI: Norwegian record(?) in OSE led scam? The false "Matching halt" -77% stockprice CRASH from ONE TRADE TO THE NEXT in the AGI/Artumas scam! "J'accuse!"
6.3 U&T : Norwegian Trustee in AGI/Artumas scam. "J'accuse!"
7.1 U&T : Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM in the NEXUS scam. "J'accuse!"
7.2 U&T : 9 fraudulent "Matching halts" choked shareholders and bondholders hope in the Nexus scam. "J'accuse!"
8.1 U&T : Fraud Triangle, Norway's Foremost Serialswindler and false "Matching halt" in the CRU/Crew Gold scam. "J'accuse!"
8.2 "The -97,1% drop in the share price in CRU / Crew Gold, during the 21 months he sat in the CRU Board, came because of the recession!"
9.1 U&T : How I chased Norway's Foremost Serialswindler out of the CRU fraud . "J'accuse!"
9.2 U&T : How I chased Norway's Foremost Serialswindler out of ITX/Intex Resourses scam. "J'accuse!"
10. U&T : NFS and " Self-financing embezzlement scam" explained using the example of ITX . "J'accuse!"
11. Uncovered: NFS PGS scam. "J'accuse!"
12. U&T : My best threads about NFS-Jens - "Norway's own Bernie Madoff". "J'accuse!"
13. U&T : PGS/CRU/ITX - and the NFS-Jens history repeats itself in REC... "J'accuse!"
14. U&T : The description of OBJAKT archive describes NFS-Jens's personality..."J'accuse!"
15. Uncovered: Example of DNM - OSE fashioned day scam: ALGETA. "J'accuse!"
6.0 U&T : Data virus &#8203;&#8203; placed in my text.
Sabotage: On 21 September while rewriting this blog into English, I got problems with the text. The text was after a while automatically altered or deleted completely. I "washed" the text on a discussion forum and discovered the "data virus": &#8203;&#8203;
The virus is normally invisible in text. The text in the Norwegian part of my blog is clean so someone, somehow, managed to place it in my text while I was rewriting it somewhere else on the web. I did most of the rewriting the same way, but I only found the data virus in four "chapters".
I know nothing about data viruses, so this could normally be something that is not considered a "data virus". My point is that whatever it is, it screwed up my text - and those who put it there knew it would...
Some examples of the data virus and where they put it:
- AGI / Artumas was a Canadian oil company with vast gas and oil reserves in the border area between &#8203;&#8203;Tanzania and Mozambique.
- The AGI scam was characterized by a huge money spending without the Board made &#8203;&#8203;any attempt to raise new capital.
- AGI OSE history ( stock was spliced &#8203;&#8203;100 to 1 )
- The main values &#8203;&#8203;of AGI entered into the French company M & P and an Irish company that supposedly had been taken over by senior Gazprom employees...
- OSE let DNM push pre price DOWN!, DOWN! and further DOWN! while DNM created a panic among nervous shareholders who feared that their share values & #8203;&#8203;would be lost.
According to them self this is something of the most damaging I have written in my blog and AGI / Artumas was - like CRU / Crew Gold - a Canadian company with many Canadian and American shareholders:
Data virus &#8203;&#8203; placed in my text in these four places:
>>> 3.c) Who founded the Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM and when was it started?
>>> 6.1 U&T : Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM in AGI / Artumas "Matching halt" scam. "J'accuse!"
>>> 6.2 U&T : AGI: Norwegian record(?) in OSE led scam? The false "Matching halt" -77% stock price CRASH from ONE TRADE TO THE NEXT in the AGI / Artumas scam! "J'accuse!"
>>> 6.3 U&T : Norwegian Trustee in AGI / Artumas scam. "J'accuse!"
6.1 U&T : Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM in AGI/Artumas "Matching halt" scam. "J'accuse!"
( A few percent of the original AGI / Artumas was renamed Wentworth (Ticker WRL) on 23 September 2010. )
It is possible that the AGI / Artumas scam was a form of barter agreed between the State-owned AP-oil company Statoil and Russia's Gazprom. The State-owned AP-bank DNB and Fraud-triangle DNM - OSE - NTM ensured that Gazprom - circuitously - get all of AGI oil / gas billion NOK values for "free" against the State-owned AP-oil company Statoil got - or will get - benefits in Russia...
I discovered the AGI scam in July 2009 when I was investigating why the AGI stock collapsed 95% right before I bought shares. Then I sold my AGI shares with a minimal loss. The Fraud was led by an active member of the Canadian [ Swindler Generation ] from Calgary, Canada. - And he was well placed both in management and in the AGI Board. The AGI scam was characterized by a huge money spending without the Board made any attemt to raise new capital.
AGI asserted itself through the management and the board - by their behavior - that the company was almost completely worthless.
The stockbroker firm FS however, came with its "back of the envelope AGI estimate " of 3,027 million NOK in 2009.
Who was correct? FS or AGI+CEO+Board?
BOTH FS and AGI was right for BOTH FS and AGI knew that AGI was worth billions NOK in the summer of 2009 and so did the Gazprom related "Irish" company and French M & P also.
Tanzania (Proved)
Proved resource Tanzania mboe 119
Value per boe USD/b 1.5
Value Tanzania MNOK 1157
Mozambique oil exploration
Risked Pmean Recoverable
Resources Mozambique (Oil @USD 70/bbl) mboe 22
Value per boe USD/b 3
Value Mozambique mNOK 424
Tanzania resource upside
Tanzania gas upside mboe 125
Value per boe USD/b 1.5
Value Tanzania upside mNOK 1219
Mozambique gas upside
Mozambique gas mboe 23
Value per boe USD/b 1.5
Value Mozambique upside mNOK 228
Back of the envelope potential mNOK 3027
AGI OSE History (Stock was spliced 100 to 1)
Change in 2009 -99.10%
Change last twelve months -99.22%
Highest in 2010 2.68
Best of 2010 2.50
Highest since 08/07-2005 7 025.00
Lowest since 08/07-2005 2.00
Change from top -99.97%
I used the nick "Artist" the first two months I wrote about AGI/Artumas.
"OBJAKT AGI billion values and embezzlement scam" Posted by : Artist ( 20090807 10:56 ), read 1132 times
"AGI EPB + HQD = DNM price manipulation? NFL 98/2" Post by: Artist ( 20090808 10:27 ), read 1246 times
"OBJAKT : AGI + 1 mNOK+DNM+12 months = 1,100 NOK!" Posted by : Artist ( 20090828 16:29 ), read 1338 times
"AGI Gazprom = C.E.+(CEO + M&P + DNM + NTM)" Posted by : Artist ( 20090820 10:58 ), read 1272 times
"AGI Russian mafia / Gazprom and DnB NOR Markets Fraud?" Posted by : Artist ( 20090823 9:13 ), read 1099 times
"AGI Board / CFO refused to raise capital January 2009. NFL 98/2" Post by: Artist ( 20090823 16:12 ), read 604 times
"AGI + DNM + Oslo Stock Exchange in PROVEN embezzlement "Matching halt" scam" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20090912 20:57), read 1709 times
This thread was often updated : "AGI 34 DNM fraud and shareprice manipulations" Posted by : Artist ( 20090815 20:58 ), read 4506 times
"AGI C.B./DNM/NTM shareprice crushing and embezzlement" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20100314 20:33), read 2726 times
6.2 U&T : AGI: Norwegian record(?) in OSE led scam? The false "Matching halt" -77% stockprice CRASH from ONE TRADE TO THE NEXT in the AGI/Artumas scam! "J'accuse!"
AGI / Artumas was a Canadian oil company with vast gas and oil reserves in the border area between Tanzania and Mozambique.
The listed company WRL/Wentworth now consists of a few percent of AGI/Artumas original values. FS rated in an "unofficial" review that the AGI company could be worth 3 billion NOK: "Back of the envelope potential mNOK 3027." AGI/Artumas is a typical example of a company who is knowingly being "strangled" by financial directors and management. The main goal of the fraud was to make the company worthless before it was slaughtered and the companies main values entered into other companies. The Board of AGI shoveled deliberately out the company's capital in record time. Among examples the board used in the fall of 2008 many millions of USD to buy the shares of the former AGI CEO. His AGI shares were purchased at a premium before the shares that were to be deleted. At a premium? Was it a form for bribery to keep his mouth shut? The Board of AGI did not have a single official attempts to raise new capital before the company (as planned) became virtually bancrupt and could be slaughtered.
A negligible oil company from Calgary in Canada had for some very odd reason a Board member who was an senior employee of DNB - AND she had been a Board member of Statoil. The main values of AGI entered into the French company M & P and an Irish company that supposedly had been taken over by senior Gazprom employees...
AGI had no bank loans so the bondholders had first priority if the company was to be dissolved. But for som "odd" reason Norwegian Trustee managed to convince the bondholders to convert their bonds to shares in the company.
On 25 June all the conditions had been accepted including that the bondholders would recieve shares for their bonds. In the company headoffice in Calgary AGI could have calculated the same day that it would be more than 3 billion shares after the conversion. Numbers Norwegian Trustee already had calculated... Then AGI could have come with a stock exchange announcement on 26 June before the stock market opened. BUT in an embezzlement scam timing is VERY, VERY important. AGI "sat" on the number of shares, after conversion, for a whole week! Numbers "all" the AGI shareholders could have figured out in advance.
Then came the day. 3 July 2009 started with a TOTALLY unnecessary fraudulent "matching halt" of 3 hours and 27 minutes. "Waiting" for numbers AGI and Norwegian Trustee had been "sitting" on for a whole week! Officially AGI asked OSE to start the "matching halt" but OSE soon proved that they were part of the scam they gave an unheard "pretrade" of XXXL 12 minutes and 48 seconds! A "pretrade" in the system gives seller and buyer time to read the notice and determin an opening shareprice. Typically, a pretrade is normally 3-4 minutes so a pretrade of XXXL 12 minutes and 48 seconds is unique and shows that OSE had a predetermined purpose to the XXXL length.
What purpose?
OSE let DNM push preprice DOWN! , DOWN! and further DOWN! while DNM created a panic among nervous shareholders who feared that their share values would be lost. DNM had 12 minutes and 48 seconds and sat on both sides of the table and sendt the shareprice into a bottomless spiral. While in reality it was only DNM manipulations. The shareprice started after the XXXL pretrade -77 % DOWN from one trade to the next! And the poor shareholders/ex bondholders lost mind blowing 641 MNOK from one trade to the next! On a TOTALLY unnecessary matching halt! Followed by a bogus XXXL pretrade of unheard 12 minute and 48 seconds.
It was Swedish HQD that was accused of the shareprice manipulations in AGI in June/July 2009, I believe that most of the shareprice manipulation in June/July was done by DNM. But it was DEFINITELY DNM that stood behind the shareprice crash on the 3 July 2009. How can I possibly know? Because ONLY DNM can behave in that way with impunity on OSE. AND ONLY DNM has the nerv to do it SO openly. And only DNM has the ability to crush a shareprice 77% from one trade to the next!
And only DNM has the ability to crush a shareprice -77% from one trade to the next!
OSE proved twice on 3 July that they actively participated in the fraud:
1. OSE gave DNM a pretrade of incredible XXXL 12 minutes and 48 seconds so that DNM "naturally" could crush both the shareprice -77% and the poor shareholders and ex bondholders.
2. OSE did stop the trading for a short while to see why the shareprice dropped -77% from one trade to the next, but startet the trading again because they could find nothing unusual and nothing wrong. That "matching halt" was just to "prove" that OSE is "functioning"...
If OSE had not been a part of the fraud, they would have stopped the trade for the rest of the day, and they would not have startet the trade again untill a valid reason for the -77% shareprice blood-bath was found. Such a reason DID NOT exist in AGI!
AGI should have come with assurances that nothing was new and nothing was wrong. All trades on 3 July 2009 should have been deleted and the trade should have opened up again with AGI under "observation". But such a "solution" didn't fit into the Fraud-triangle DNM - OSE - NTMs detail planned and detail controlled shareprice crushing scam.
3 July 2009 was just one day in a timeconsuming quest to get to AGI billion NOK assets.
BUT 3. of July was the most important day of them all...
Title Confirmation on Number of Shares Issued and Outstanding
There will be a pre - trading session ( CLIN ) until 12:40.
Shareprice manipulations and other manipulations 1 and 2 and 3 July 2009:
20090701 AGI Oslo Børs 0.77 0.77 0.18 0.30 _82.706.104 24.155.616
20090702 AGI Oslo Børs 0.33 0.44 0.27 0.27 _50.692.900 17.031.043
20090703 AGI Oslo Børs 0.06 0.07 0.04 0.05 493.687.840 24.723.231
Here are four unusual elements that add up to FRAUD:
1. Why did AGI spend a full week without releasing the number of shares?
2. Why make a stock matching halt of 3 hours and 27 minutes "pending" on numbers that had been ready for a week? OSE is not so stupid that they didn't understand and accepted the "matching halt" AGI requested.
3. Why did OSE give a pretrade that was incredible XXXL 12 minutes and 48 seconds - which is 3-4 times longer than regular?
4. How could price plunge -77 % or minus 641 MNOK on a message about the number of shares in the company? Numbers all shareholders could have figured out themselves a week in advance?
Answer: Because the fraudulent matching halt was carefully planned by AGI in cooperation with the complete Fraud-triangle OSE - DNM - NTM.
But they became too confident and too careless and they gave me the worst example of price manipulation I have found so far...
The AGI scam is a VERY good example of the Fraud-triangle DNM - OSE - NTM puts its "fingerprint" on a embezzlement fraud without fear of reprisal.
ONLY AP offers this protection in Norway! ONLY AP! Think about it ...
In the summer of 2009 AGI, AGI board and management used the stateowned AP-bank DNB's Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM to crush the shareprice, crush the value of the company and crush the poor shareholders and bondholders.
In total they lost values for billions NOK, but from one trade to the next they lost staggering 641 million NOK!
WOW! AP, DNB and Fraud Triangle rules Norway!
6.3 Norwegian Trustee in the AGI/Artumas scam. "J'accuse!"
It can often seem a bit odd that Norwegian Trustee manages to gain acceptance for its outrageous proposal to bondholders. But read an AGI/Artumas bondholder meeting plan from NTM from the summer of 2009 that a decision needs reassuring 2/3rds majority BUT ONLY minimum 10% bondholders participation in the decisions then it is easier to understand that something may be seriously wrong with NTM. Then NTM can disallow the votes represented by proxy, or postpone meetings at the last minute so reluctant bondholders finally will giv up and accepting the plan or refrain from voting.
AGI had no bank debt and what the bondholders should have done was to have declared the company bankrupt so that the bondholders as "first priority" would get the company's values. AND it was just THAT choice NTM feverishly managed to avoid...
But how did NTM actually do it?
I photocopied in 2009 "a summoner to bondholders" from Norwegian Trustee to the bondholders in AGI. This is a copy of the photo copy.
5 Summoner TO bondholders ' MEETING
The bondholders are herby summoned to a bondholders ' meeting that:
Time : 17 August 2009 at 13:00 hours (Oslo time )
Place : The premises of Norwegian Trustee ASA , Haakon VII's gate 1 , Oslo ( Norway) - 5th floor .
.................... According to the Loan Agreement , the Proposal require ( i) a qualified Majority of two thirds of the Bonds represented at the bondholders ' meeting voting in favor of the Proposal and ( ii ) a minimum of 1/10 of the Outstanding Loan being represented at the meeting . Bondholders may be represented in person or by proxy.
I warned and warned that the Norwegian Trustee's scam ran parallel to the same program in the NEXUS scam and was going to run it in the CRU/Crew Gold scam as well.
Norwegian Trustee completed its part of the NTM's fraud task in NEXUS. But in the CRU fraud, NTM was "hard and brutally" stopped by 2009 NTM boardmember and partowner(5.49%)Pareto. Pareto had probably read my CRUNFL archive.
Pareto raided CRU together with Endeavour and Pareto/Endeavour gained a total of 80 mUSD or about 500 mNOK when Pareto/Endeavour sold to Russian Severstal. Severstal - Pareto/Endeavour deal valued CRU to over 3 billion NOK.
Norwegian Trustee is a small, flexible bunch of about 20 people. Knowing their fraud activities has never really bothered me because NTM hardly ever ruined any family economies and therefore are unlikely to have pushed someone "off the cliff". Bondholders are usually companies and individuals that can withstand economic scams - although they of course should NEVER accept scams ...
7.1 U&T : Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM in the NEXUS scam. "J'accuse!"
I Revealed and opposed NBS ( Norway's Best Swindler ) and DNB Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM in NEXUS scam.
NOBODY begins construction of the world's most expensive "harsh arctic environment FPSO" without a prior - overt or covert - contract. NOBODY!
It is possible that the FPSO Nexus # 1 was built on a hidden lease/purchase contract for the State-owned AP-oil company Statoil and not for Russian Rosneft as I previously thought. And that the only investor scam I have found that was started as an investor fraud was collusion between, the State-owned AP-bank DNB's Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM and the State-owned AP-oil company Statoil ...
I discovered the scam in July 2009 when I studied Nexus as a possible turnaround case . The fraud was totally without drama, but going on by slow strangulation of shareholders and bondholders.
Scammers should preferably not enrich themselves too much along the way because that can then arouse suspicion that something is/was wrong. He who was behind the scam could nevertheless not resist the temptation... When he founded the company in Singapore he paid one U.S. cent (0,06 NOK) per share. He sold the shares later - close to All Time High - 72 NOK per share. It provides an appreciation of the mind-boggling 120.000 % percentage! Onehundredandtwentythousand percent! Something he gained some millions NOK on... And that is certainly very "amusing" for his ex-employees who - detail planned and detail managed - got close to -99 % loss...
He founded Nexus and he ruled the whole scam - " sideline " - untill Nexus # 1 "the world's most expensive harsh arctic environment FPSO" was sold. I must admit that his cold, slick and cynical investor fraud is impressive. Therefore I gave him the title NBS (Norway's Best Swindler).
My best BWO threads:
The nick "Next" I used the first two months I wrote about Nexus.
"CEO BWO/APL + 12 months = Nexus fraud prosjekt -96.67%" Posted by : Next ( 20090831 18:18), read 710 times Ticker : BWO
"6 Oslo Stock Exchange PROVEN "Matching halt" frauds in NEXUS" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20090913 20:57), read 1457 times Ticker : BWO
"NEXUS 1.984 MNOK embezzlement scam = 34 NOKAS robberies!" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20090917 22:58), read 2403 times Ticker : BWO
"BW Gas OSE's largest investor fraud 3.2 to 5.2 billion NOK profit?" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20091017 20:37), read 2169 times Ticker : BWO
Such was the price developments in NEXUS in December 2009:
NEXUS OSE history:
Change in 2008 -71.85%
Change last twelve months -95.12%
Highest in 2009 30.00
Best of 2009 1.22
Highest since 30/03-2007 74.75
Lowest since 30/03-2007 1.22
Change from top -98.37%
23 December 2009 NEXUS was delisted from Oslo Stock Exchange and listed " with almost no value" on Oslo Axess.
NEXUS Oslo Axess history:
Change last month -21.74%
Change last year -15.00 %
Change last twelve months -28.00%
Year High 0.30
Year Low 0.15
Highest since 23/12-2009 0.89
Lowest since 23/12-2009 0.11
Change from top -79.78%
On 30 August 2013 Nexus was delisted from Oslo Axess.
When I in the summer of 2009 put "NBS" in first place of the list: "People who really do not like me", I showed a CEO picture of "NBS" from a related company. The person I showed the picture to exclaimed in horror, "(swearword) so discustingly slick he looks!" I wrote the "reply" on the internet - and then after, a few weeks, a new CEO picture came - where he actually managed to smile...
NBS read what I wrote and the finish of the fraud was not the way they had planned. Apparently very speedily Nexus # 1 was sold to a company part-owned of Brazil 's richest person ( Brazil's richest then - and not now...). And his company had only exploration blocks in Brazil tropical waters where they certainly did not need any - extremely expencive to run - "harsh arctic environment FPSO"...
Upon sale of the Nexus # 1 the bondholders accepted a loss of between 50% and 89% , or a total of 1 billion NOK in bond losses. It was about the same loss, 1 billion NOK, that the shareholders had. A total of over 2 billion NOK loss in a scam detail planned and detailed ruled by NBS (Norway's Best Swindler) - which is an active and highly skilled member of [Swindler Generation]...
7.2 U&T : 9 fraudulent "Matching halts" choked shareholders and bondholders hope in the Nexus scam. "J'accuse!"
During June-September 2009 came a total of 9 "Matching halts" in NEXUS . 6 of the "Matching halts" were ordered by OSE. All the "Matching halts" were about delaying the payment of interest to bondholders.
The longest "Matching halt" came on 24 June, it lasted to the end of the trading day: 7 hours and 18 minutes.
Note that the same theme with the same title came Friday 17 July and Friday, 7 August without "Matching halt".
With the 17 July and 7 August as the definitive rule, I judge ALL the "Matching halts in NEXUS as fake! Fake "Matching halts" only started to emphasize that all hope is lost for the bondholders:
Accept Norwegian trustee's offer - or lose your entire investment. Norwegian Trustee could point to the fact that Nexus had bank debt, and bank debt has first priority over the bondholders bonds. Comparing with AGI/Artumas: AGI had no bank debt and the bondholders had first priority.
(Read bottom up:)
20090910 13:17:31 OB NEXUS Nexus: Further deferrals of interest payments
Oslo Børs ordered: 20090910 12:59:57 OB NEXUS OSLO BØRS - MATCHING HALT
20090824 13:42:48 OB NEXUS Nexus: Further deferrals of interest payments
Oslo Børs ordered: 20090824 13:00:12 OB NEXUS OSLO BØRS - MATCHING HALT
20090807 14:51:21 OB NEXUS Nexus: Further deferrals of interest payments
20090729 13:15:59 OB NEXUS NEXUS: Bondholders approving deferral of interest paymyments
20090717 16:39:10 OB NEXUS NEXUS: Asking bondholders to further defer interest payments
20090715 13:15:56 OB NEXUS NEXUS: Bondholders approving deferral of interest payments
Oslo Børs ordered: 15.07.2009 12:59:27 OB NEXUS OSLO BØRS - MATCHING HALT
20090707 11:27:24 OB NEXUS NEXUS: Asking bondholders to further defer interest payments
20090703 13:21:43 OB NEXUS NEXUS: Bondholders approving deferral of interest payments
Oslo Børs ordered: 20090703 12:59:57 OB NEXUS OSLO BØRS - MATCHING HALT
20090625 08:17:29 OB NEXUS NEXUS: Asking bondholders to further defer interest payments
"Oslo Børs has decided to suspend the shares in NEXUS in anticipation of an announcement from the company. The announcement is expected to be issued during the course of the day."
Oslo Børs ordered: 24.06.2009 10:11:42 OB NEXUS OSLO BØRS - SUSPENDED
20090617 14:05:06 OB NEXUS NEXUS: Bondholders approving deferral of interest payments
Oslo Børs ordered: 17.06.2009 13:00:03 OB NEXUS OSLO BØRS - MATCHING HALT
20090609 10:45:47 OB NEXUS NEXUS: Asking Bondholders to defer interest payments
8.1 U&T : Fraud Triangle, Norway's Foremost Serial Swindler and false "Matching halt" in the CRU / Crew Gold scam. "J'accuse!"
Important to understand about the usual NFS-Jens share frauds:
By selling his shares in secret and unreported by VPS, NFS-Jens avoid any losses and retain his controle over the company.
By borrowing shares and selling them short, NFS-Jens, DNB, Labour Party and others in on the scams earns millions to billions on each scam while Board controller NFS-Jens and DNM manipulates the share price DOWN! DOWN! And further DOWN!
In December 2008, I was in an anonymous discussion forum post asked if I could see if I could find anything wrong with the CRU / Crew Gold company. Same mont I started to write about the former mighty "NFS". Multy billionaire NFS had gradually lost his power and as I uncovered and thwarted him he finally gave up his " Self-financing embezzlement scam " in the CRU company.
NFS sat a total of 21 months as a board member and later as Chairman of the board for Crew Gold .
Among the VERY questionable board members he had two close associates.
NFS came to the board as a director on 11 January 2008, it was reported the market on 14 January .
NFS resigned as Chairman and from the Board on 13 October 2009. I assume that the criminal law of limitation expires on 13 October 2019.
Most of the price decline of 97,1 % in the 21 months was planned - detail by detail - and governed by the board member / chairman NFS:
"CRU JUX -97,1% controlled price collaps as Board member / Chairman" Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20100224 08:34), read 1367 times
"CRU JUX Norway's # 1 detail planner and controller?" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20091213 16:21), read 2148 times
The share prise was spliced " reverse split " ) 8 to 1 in February 2009 - to confuse they " destroyed " the the restated historical price list by dividing the daily turnover of 8 ..
Pre change stock price:
20080111 CRU Oslo Stock Exchange 9.91 10.25 9.80 9.80
10 months with NFS in the CRU board - and the price goes detail-planned and detail-driven DOWN 93 %
20081110 CRU Oslo Børs 0.96 1.00 0.60 0.65
(20091013 CRU Oslo Børs 0.30 0.30 0.27 0.28 Converted to pre change)
Post change stock price:
(20080111 CRU Oslo Stock Exchange 79.28 82.00 78.40 78.40 Converted to post change)
10 months with NFS in the CRU board - and the price goes detail-planned and detail-driven DOWN 93 %
(20081110 CRU Oslo Børs 7.68 8.00 4.80 5.20 Converted to post change)
20091013 CRU Oslo Børs 2.37 2.37 2.18 2.26
The CRU share price ( 78.40 ) / 9.80 11 January 2008.
The CRU share price 2.26 / (0.28 ) 13 October 2009.
Norwegian Trustee part of the scam was stopped by CRU bond seller, stock broker firm Pareto. Pareto was - and is - part owner ( 5.49% ) and sat on the board of NTM in 2009.
The final Severstal and Endeavour / Pareto deal valued MarketCap in CRU to be 3.036 billion NOK . In addition 108 mUSD in bonds.
NFS missed a scam gain of more than 2 billion NOK .
OSE and DNM participation in the CRU fraud culminated on 10 November, 2008 with the OSE commanding a "Matching halt". The situation was false and fabricated and agreed between NFS, CRU and OSE:
9 Sunday 2008 the CRU CEO sendt an email to a broker about the company's "precarious financial needs."
At 9:22 Monday the 10th OSE stopped trading in CRU shares because: "Oslo Børs is investigating whether some participants have access to different information in relation to evaluating the value of the company`s shares." Had the broker gossiped? Or?
OSE used, as agreed with NFS and the CRU company, almost all day to enforce that they would receive information about the upcoming new share issue that the CRU "absolutely needed" .
How do I KNOW that the matching halt and the "charade" and prompt emission was fabricated and false?
Because CRU collected 360 MNOK : 5,17 = 70.1 mUSD in a private placement ( 6.50 NOK ) in June 2008 and five months later the situation was not "critical " as CRU - and OSE - gave the impression of.
The 102 MNOK : 7.00 = 14.5 mUSD company raised in the offering ( 0.30 NOK ) in December 2008 lasted - for comparison - untill the CRU company was delisted more than two years later...
I STRESS the discrepancy : 70.1 mUSD ( NO proceeds ) was "almost exhausted " after five months , 14.5 mUSD ( MINUS proceeds ) lasted more than two years ...
The private placement in June 2009 was 6.50 NOK and the TOTAL unnecessary autumn offering was set at 0,30 NOK five months later and that is a decrease of 95% - in just five months...
20081107 CRU Oslo Børs 0.93 0.98 0.85 0.96 6.155.200 5.606.009
20081110 09:22:05 OB CRU OSLO BØRS - MATCHING HALT
"Oslo Børs is investigating whether some participants have access to different information in relation to evaluating the value of the company`s shares."
From an article : "Prior to the matching halt the stock was up 3.1 percent to 0,99 NOK."
20081110 16:21:36 OB CRU The company offers the following clarification of todays announcement regarding a possible rights offering.
20081110 CRU Oslo Børs 0.96 1.00 0.60 0.65 6.387.000 4.842.590 (Snittkurs 0,758)
20081111 CRU Oslo Børs 0.56 0.60 0.39 0.43 77.360.272 35.606.035
20081112 CRU Oslo Børs 0.44 0.49 0.41 0.41 23.777.441 10.529.477
CRU Crew Appoints Financial Advisors and Sets Price for Rights Offering
The issue price is set at 0,30 NOK 13 November. 69 % below the matching halt 0,99 NOK.
20081113 CRU Oslo Børs 0.37 0.40 0.33 0.38 18.641.845 6.751.923.
8.2 "The -97,1% drop in the share price in CRU / Crew Gold, during the 21 months he sat in the CRU Board, came because of the recession!"
For gold companies there have not been a recession - because the gold price has been booming...
21 January 2000 CRU / Crew Gold was listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and the gold price was 287 USD / oz.
11 January 2008, when "NFS" joined the CRU Board, the gold price was 891 USD / oz.
CRU share price ( 78.40 post splice ) / 9.80 11 January 2008.
24 October 2008 the gold price bottomed at 712 USD / oz.
13 October 2009, when "NFS" left his position as Chairman of the CRU Board, the gold price was 1057 USD / oz. Up 18.6% from 11 January 2008.
CRU share price 2.26 / (0.28 pre splice) 13 October 2009. A share price collapse of mind blowing 97,1% in the 21 months from 11 January 2008.
While the gold price increased by 18,6% the CRU / Crew Gold share price was willingly and detail planned crushed 97,1% by NFS and DNB/DNM and Oslo Stock Exchange - and behind it all the main fraud profiteer: All controlling and all protecting Labour Party.
"CRU JUX -97.1% controlled price collaps as Board member / Chairman" Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20100224 08:34), read 1367 times
OBEBX went - as comparison over the same period from 438 points (11 Jauary 2008) to 335 points (13 October 2009), a decline of 24%
NFS created what should have been an adventure for all the Crew Gold shareholders into a financial hell for all Crew Gold shareholders. "Just" because of NFS thirst to defraud the shareholders and to get the whole Crew Gold and the amazing multi billion USD gold reserves in LEFA in Guinea - all to himself...
9.1 U&T : How I chased Norway's Foremost Serial Scammer out of the CRU fraud . "J'accuse!"
Important to understand about the usual NFS-Jens share frauds:
By selling his shares in secret and unreported by VPS, NFS-Jens avoid any losses and retain his controle over the company.
By borrowing shares and selling them short, NFS-Jens, DNB, Labour Party and others in on the scams earns millions to billions on each scam while Board controller NFS-Jens and DNM manipulates the share price DOWN! DOWN! And further DOWN!
Examples of how I chased NFS ( Norway Foremost Serial Swindler ) out of CRU / Crew Gold and ITX / Intex Resourses scams are good examples that I have revealed and opposed organized financial crime.
I wrote a total of about 50 threads about NFS and his scams in PGS, CRU and ITX .
A natural price decline can be explained, while a manipulated price decline is contrary to reason. The shareprice in CRU went to All Time Low while the gold price went towards All Time High . Shareholders of CRU KNEW they would win in the end without understanding that NFS had only planned ONE winner - himself... The result was that the skilled, experienced and ruthless serial fraudster NFS managed - 97.1 % during his time on the Board. In CRU he crashed the shareprice 94 % within 94 trading days.
The stock market announcement that Chairman NFS had gone out of the Crew board came 41 hours after I came with three CRUNFL threads together. Coincidence? I don't think so...
CRU / Crew Gold : 13 October 2009 the Chairman NFS gave up his " attempt to save CRU company" - officially because Norwegian Trustee chairman and co-owner ( 5.49% ) Pareto had stopped NTM's original conversion plan from bonds to stocks . Unofficially because after 10 months with me writing and 41 intense hours I had finally chased serial fraudster NFS out of his fraud object CRU. NFS missed a scam gain of more than 2 billion NOK "because of me" - according to the values of the company at just over 3 billion NOK in the Severstal and Pareto / Endeavour deal.
Situation is shortly after the three CRUNFL strands came together around 17 o'clock 11 October 2009. 41 hours later reported CRU that the Chairman ( NFS) had left the board :
1 ) "CRU JUX + DNM + OSE "Matching halt" scam 20081110" Modified : 20091011 17:09 Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20090915 22:55), read 1631 times
2 ) "CRU JUX recovered 40 million shares 20081110-20090109?" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20091011 16:55), read 50 times
3 ) "CRU JUX "saved" 120 MNOK because of the "Matching halt" scam!" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20091011 17:03), read 21 times
The result of my writing came after 10 months - and 41 houres:
"20091013 10:10:00 : ( CRU ) Crew Gold Announces Resignation LONDON, United Kingdom: Crew Gold Corporation ( " Crew " or " the Company " ) ( TSX , OSE: CRU ) today announces the resignations of Mr. Jens Xxxxxxxx - Xxx as Director and Chairman of the Board..."
NFS missed a scam gain of more than 2 billion NOK! Because of me...
I guess it still annoys him...
9.2 U&T : How I chased Norway's Foremost Serial Scammer out of ITX / Intex Resourses scam. " J'accuse! "
Important to understand about the usual NFS-Jens share frauds:
By selling his shares in secret and unreported by VPS, NFS-Jens avoid any losses and retain his controle over the company.
By borrowing shares and selling them short, NFS-Jens, DNB, Labour Party and others in on the scams earns millions to billions on each scam while Board controller NFS-Jens and DNM manipulates the share price DOWN! DOWN! And further DOWN!
Crew Minerals was spun off from CRU / Crew Gold 21 December 2006.
CMI was renamed ITX / Intex Resourses 11 December 2007.
Five weeks after NFS became a board member of CRU / Crew Gold, CRU's ITX were sold, almost everything went to NFS.
And this is why NFS ended his attempt on a "Self-financing embezzlement scam" in ITX:
In ITX I chased NFS out of the company after just two weeks of allegations of fraud and deception. And by displaying an unbelievable calculation of NFS's "self-financing embezzlement scam" object ITX. The calculation showed that through active price manipulation timed with his own sales and purchases - as well as board approved the payment of most of the company's capital - would he be able to acquire the ENTIRE Intex Resourses COMPLETELY FREE + that he would be able to put 100 MNOK cash right in his pocket! ( Minus the expenses to Fraud-triangle DNM - OSE - NTM ).
The threads that "uncovered and thwarted" NFS in the ITX scam:
" ITX - Trade 27 August second by second. JUX vs.(NFL 98/2 )" Posted by : NFL 98/2 ( 20100902 10:11), read 1247 times
" ITX - Angry JUX showing us the finger... JUX vs.(NFL 98/2 )" Posted by : NFL 98/2 ( 20100831 10:51 ), read 1870 times
" ITX / JUX Self-financing embezzlement scam explained" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20100904 20:05), read 1424 times
" ITX / JUX - OSE refused to participate in fraud? JUX vs.(NFL 98/2 )" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20100907 12:28 ), read 259 times
A few days later came the result of my writing:
"20100914 08:53:33 Disclosure of shareholding DISCLOSURE Oslo, 14 September 2010 - Xxxx AS announces that it has sold 18,480,000 shares in Intex Resources ASA at a price of NOK 3.90 per share . After the sale, Xxxx AS owns 0 shares in Intex Resources ASA."
NFS missed a calculated scam gain of a company worth a billion NOK + 100 million NOK pocket money! - Because of me...
I guess it still annoys him...
10. U&T : NFS and "Self-financing embezzlement scam" explained using the example of ITX. "J'accuse!"
Important to understand about the usual NFS-Jens share frauds:
By selling his shares in secret and unreported by VPS, NFS-Jens avoid any losses and retain his controle over the company.
By borrowing shares and selling them short, NFS-Jens, DNB, Labour Party and others in on the scams earns millions to billions on each scam while Board controller NFS-Jens and DNM manipulates the share price DOWN! DOWN! And further DOWN!
In September 2010: I explained with numbers what I mean by a "Self-financing embezzlement scam". The example with ITX was never completed because NFS had to give up his "Self-financing embezzlement scam". - Because I both "uncovered and thwarted" him ...
Here are a few snippets from this thread :
"ITX / JUX Self-financing embezzlement scam explained" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20100904 20:05), read 1424 times Ticker : OBJAKT
September 2010:
"1. ) NFS has, as far as I can judge, sold some of his ITX shares in secret. He did the same in CRU/Crew Gold.
2. ) Then he borrows a lot of shares and sells them "short".
3. ) Then he manipulate and crush the share price.
4. ) Then he buys back the shares he originally sold in secret AND the shares he borrowed and sold "short".
5. ) Then he manipulates the price UP as in winter (2010).
6. ) Then he sells his shares in secret again.
7. ) Then he borrows shares again - and sells them - again.
8. ) Then he TOTALLY crush the share price as he did as part of his detail planned scam on August 27. 2010 -64%.
9. ) Then he buys back - again - the shares he originally sold in secret AND the shares he borrowed and sold "short".
10. ) Then the company's pays out nearly all of its cash position as "dividendes" - as the Board decided in 2010.
11. ) Then the company - as planned - comes in "financial difficulties" and he can get rid of the remaining shareholders through his "trademark wheeling and dealing".
12. ) Then he owns the whole company that in 2010 had nickel deposits estimated worth - wait for it - outrageous 300 billion NOK or 50 billion USD!"
September 2010: " NFS owns in a few months 20 % of ITX and he has gotten the shares for FREE + he has EARNED 140 million NOK in the fraud process!
Then most of its cash reserves will bepaid as "dividend" in the fall (2010) - as the Board decided - because ITX has become "an indecisive company that can not find someone who will develop the exploration license in the Philippines and therefore do not know where to spend the companies money..."
They have 2.30 in cash per share, so let's say they pay out 1.63 per share in "dividend".
18,408,000 x 1.63 = 30 million NOK
NFS profits are then 140 mNOK + 30 mNOK = 170 mNOK + that he owns 20 % of ITX FREE. "
"So - whoops - it turns out that ITX at a" miscalculation " paid out too much to shareholders and ITX - as detailed planed - gets money problems. "Threat of bankruptcy", price plunges. Financial press asking NFS for his comment, NFS replies" ITX? They've never heard of. I am busy with other things at the moment. Isn't my brand new walker fine maybe?"
Then he will be wheeling and dealing until he buys the rest of the company's shares at a share price of 1 NOK. Or 70 MNOK to get the rest of the shares.
NFS had a profit of MNOK 170 - 70 MNOK to take over the rest of the company. The companys share price NFS detailed planned to be ruined by NFS & Co.
NFS has in my simplistic calculation EARNED 100 MNOK to acquire ENTIRE ITX ABSOLUTELY FREE!
September 2010: ITX has a nickel deposit on Mindoro in the Philippines valued at 300 BILLION NOK. They have diamond deposits in Greenland and more.
NFS is smart or what!"
"Summa punch line : NFS try to execute the perfect "self-financing embezzlement scam".
September 2010: "The reason why the Board decided to hand out the companys cash as "dividend", is because there would be no values in the company that can justify a share price over the 1 NOK. The company pretend they will not get the final permit in the Philippines. JUX buys the collapsed company for a trifle - and presto - the permits are in place.
THE Philippines is so corrupt that a permission can be bought - and temporarily withdrawn..."
I have explained "Self-financing embezzlement scam" in an simplified way in the start of the blog:
H) The "best" and most dangerous form of DNM / OSE billion NOK frauds - and all are protected by the main fraud profiteer Labour Party...
11. Uncovered: NFS PGS scam. " J'accuse! "
NFS and his PGS deception and fraud took place in 2002/2003. I did read some of what took place, when it was happening in 2002/2003, but I didn't care much about it then. Although my writing about PGS in 2009/2010 did led to irritation for NFS I can't say I have opposed NFS PGS scam in any way for the scam ended many years ago. But "Uncovered" I have...
I assume that the 10 years limitation period on punishment is counted from when NFS went out of the PGS Board.
In the summer of 2002 NFS crushed the PGS share price - from the sidelines - 94% in just 64 trading days.
Then he bought shares and took control of the Board. Shareholders cried with despair when NFS was cheating/embezzle them in the share issue in the autumn of 2003. A document written in difficult lawyer American English, and sendt in the middle of the summer holiday, explained badly that anyone who did not participate in the offering would totally lose its part of PGS. Because "all" value passed into the "short lived" warrants. And NFS as guarantor would acquire all of the warrants to those who did not subscribed... And NFS eventually earned hundreds of millions NOK from other peoples "stolen" warrants.
BUT what the PGS shareholders did not understand was that NFS had outright defrauded them even before he became a shareholder...
In 2006, realized / unrealized fraud gains for NFS reached 1,4 billion NOK in PGS.
"JUX PGS deception / fraud in 2002/03 = +1.4 billion NOK in 2006!" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20100102 15:47), read 1103 times Ticker : CRUNFL
"CRU JUX fraud vs PGS fraud + JUX # 1 tax fraudster" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20100219 13:35), read 979 times Ticker : CRUNFL
"NFS" was President of the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) 2000-2004.
He was, then as now, protected by Labour Party.
A few years ago someone wrote: "NFS in freedom represent ALL that is wrong with Norway. ALL!"
12. U&T : My best threads about NFS-Jens - "Norway's own Bernie Madoff". "J'accuse!"
I wrote 50 "CRUNFL" threads about Norway's Foremost Serialswindler. The threads were unfortunately posted on the open forum and therefore were deleted in the discussion forum reform in 2011. Here are the titles of my best threads:
Important to understand about the usual NFS-Jens share frauds:
By selling his shares in secret and unreported by VPS, NFS-Jens avoid any losses and retain his controle over the company.
By borrowing shares and selling them short, NFS-Jens, DNB, Labour Party and others in on the scams earns millions to billions on each scam while Board controller NFS-Jens and DNM manipulates the share price DOWN! DOWN! And further DOWN!
"CRU JUX defrauded more than 1 million Norwegians?" Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20081226 21:45), read 3049 times
"CRU JUX's conscious "village idiot" interviews" Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20081230 15:58), read 1572 times
"CRU other's accusations of JUX fraud." Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20090120 15:47), read 1348 times
"CRU / JUX what happened to the 62 million USD cash from the 20080612 share issue?" Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20090122 15:59), read 1070 times
"CRU JUX how many billions NOK are LEFA worth?" Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20090124 19:42), read 1232 times
"CRU JUX Norway's # 1 detail fraud planner?" Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20091213 16:21), read 2148 times
"1 ) CRU JUX + DNM + OSE "Matching halt" scam 20081110" Modified : (20091011 17:09) Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20090915 22:55), read 1631 times
"2 ) CRU JUX recovered 40 million shares 20081110-20090109?" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20091011 16:55), read 50 times
"3 ) CRU JUX "saved" 120  million NOK because of the"Matching halt" scam!" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20091011 17:03), read 21 times
"CRU / ITX she was warned of JUX fraud. Warn Norway now!" Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20091230 14:53), read 1182 times
"CRU JUX -97.1% controlled price collaps as Board member / Chairman" Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20100224 08:34), read 1367 times
"ITX - Trade 27 August second by second. JUX vs.(NFL 98/2 )" Posted by : NFL 98/2 ( 20100902 10:11), read 1247 times
"ITX - Angry JUX showing us "the finger"... JUX vs.(NFL 98/2 )" Posted by : NFL 98/2 ( 20100831 10:51 ), read 1870 times
"ITX / JUX Self-financing embezzlement scam explained" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20100904 20:05), read 1424 times
"JUX PGS deception / fraud in 2002/03 = +1.4 billion NOK in 2006!" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20100102 15:47), read 1103 times
"JUX CRU fraud vs PGS fraud + JUX # 1 tax fraudster" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20100219 13:35), read 979 times
"CRU JUX: "I lost 1,3 billion NOK in CRU..." FRAUD & LIES!" Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20100222 14:29), read 1202 times
"REC JUX as the largest private shareholder..." Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20100316 12:50), read 535 times
"Eastercrime: Threads about JUX - "Norway's own Bernie Madoff""Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20100403 20:58), read 737 times
13. U&T : PGS/CRU/ITX - and the NFS-Jens history repeats itself in REC... "J'accuse!"
Important to understand about the usual NFS-Jens share frauds:
By selling his shares in secret and unreported by VPS, NFS-Jens avoid any losses and retain his controle over the company.
By borrowing shares and selling them short, NFS-Jens, DNB, Labour Party and others in on the scams earns millions to billions on each scam while Board controller NFS-Jens and DNM manipulates the share price DOWN! DOWN! And further DOWN!
After NFS-Jens gave up / was chased out of the CRU and ITX scams by my writing, he entered the REC share. He stamped then - in my opinion - the company with "fraud in progress."
After over two years as REC shareholder he "demanded" to enter the REC Board. He became on the 22 May 2012 the Chairman of the Board.
CRU and ITX were both solo raids. REC is a "joint forces" raid. REC is one of the OSE stock exchange most interesting companies and it was listed only eight months before AP started taking fraud controle of DNB and DNM - OSE - NTM to create AP / DNB Fraud Triangle. REC has become too complex to settle quickly into, but it would not surprise me if the Labour Party is directly involved - in some way - with political AND Labour Party-enriching financial interests...
In the post above are the titles of my favourite CRUNFL threads about NFS. Unfortunately stood almost everyone on the open forum and disappeared in discussion forum reform in 2011.
Note the the thread where I 16 March 2010 warned REC shareholders on the problems that arise when one gets billionaire NFS-Jens as largest private shareholder:
"REC JUX as the largest private shareholder..." Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20100316 12:50), read 535 times
20100316 REC Oslo Stock Exchange 24.30 25.95 23.89 25.69
Share price dropped "surprise!-surprise!" -96%, in almost three years, from my warning came up to NFS-Jens resigned as Chairman...
20130208 REC Oslo Børs 0.99 1.00 0.88 0.89
As expected the share price has risen sharply after NFS resigned as Chairman...
ATH was fever hot 301 NOK on 8 November 2007 after massive and prolonged promoting of the company and the share - and massive and prolonged price manipulation... I belive that REC already in 2007 was rigged by DNB / AP, and other organized financial crime, for a massive price collapse. That they also got massive help from the market collapse did make the scam SO much easier and SO much more profitable...
Market Cap for REC was at ATH 301 NOK x 494 million shares = 148 billion NOK = 18 billion EUR = 25 billion USD.
Market Cap for REC as NFS resigned as chairman was 0,89 NOK x 2.113 million shares = 2 billion NOK.
And it provides a Market Cap decrease of 146 billion NOK from ATH until ATL when NFS left the board - and THAT gives an infinity of short gains...
REC first day on the stock exchange:
20060509 REC Oslo Børs 110.00 118.00 103.50 117.00 46.830.297 Shares 5.213.763.954 NOK
20060509 OSEBX Oslo Børs 424.37 424.96 419.97 424.37
"BF"-Rune first day on the job as new DNB bank manager:
20070102 REC Oslo Børs 116.00 123.00 115.00 122.00 880.853 Shares 105.420.022 NOK
20070102 OSEBX Oslo Børs 446.46 447.04 440.20 446.46
OSE OSEBX (now old) ATH:
20070719 REC Oslo Børs 238.00 250.00 238.00 250.00 1.603.584 Shares 393.137.416 NOK
20070719 OSEBX Oslo Børs 517.52 525.75 517.52 524.37
20071108 REC Oslo Børs 293.00 306.50 292.00 301.00 5.484.562 Shares 1.641.354.160 NOK
20071108 OSEBX Oslo Børs 514.76 516.92 505.12 514.19
Someone like NFS-Jens has no one in Norway to compete with because he IS the best in Norway. The only thing he has to compete with is his own best scores from earlier scams. Here is NFS-Jens personal record of incredible -97.1% set as a director / chairman of the CRU. Was that his original goal to break that record in REC?
"CRU JUX -97.1% controlled price collaps as Board member / Chairman" Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20100224 08:34), read 1367 times
On the 8 February 2013 NFS-Jens left as Chairman of the Board in REC - on the day and without prior notice... Had I been able to chase NFS-Jens out of jet another scam?
20120522 REC Oslo Børs 2.74 2.89 2.74 2.78
20130208 REC Oslo Børs 0.99 1.00 0.88 0.89
2,78 to 0,89 a decline of "only" 68% as Chairman of the Board.
The most interesting is however to find out how close to ATH 301 NFS-Jens sold borrowed REC shares - AND to find out how many tens of billions NOK NFS-Jens, DNB and Labour Party combined earned on this centuries safest and most lucrative short...
They most likely borrowed main shareholder Orklas shares and by knowing that REC share price would collapse, they could earn more billions NOK by shorting the Orkla share as well...
Because of extreme interest in the REC share in the autumn of 2007, it would not be too difficult for DNM to sell the borrowed shorted shares in the autumn of 2007. WOW! Just check daily turnover in REC's ATH month!
20071130 REC Oslo Børs 265.50 272.50 262.00 272.00 4.092.923 1.098.688.895
20071129 REC Oslo Børs 264.00 266.00 256.50 261.00 3.608.266 _.941.810.609
20071128 REC Oslo Børs 239.00 257.00 238.25 257.00 3.419.209 _.847.116.401
20071127 REC Oslo Børs 244.50 247.00 237.25 239.00 3.011.141 _.730.016.894
20071126 REC Oslo Børs 249.75 254.00 245.50 247.00 3.561.954 _.891.505.207
20071123 REC Oslo Børs 242.50 247.00 241.25 244.00 2.357.420 _.576.884.262
20071122 REC Oslo Børs 247.00 251.00 237.00 242.00 4.415.815 1.070.475.909
20071121 REC Oslo Børs 254.50 257.50 243.50 245.00 5.063.616 1.265.575.956
20071120 REC Oslo Børs 254.00 264.00 240.50 261.50 6.132.216 1.550.856.034
20071119 REC Oslo Børs 267.00 268.50 248.00 248.00 3.716.737 _.953.357.615
20071116 REC Oslo Børs 266.50 268.50 258.50 261.00 4.130.890 1.087.643.272
20071115 REC Oslo Børs 276.50 278.50 266.00 271.00 3.145.479 _.853.058.050
20071114 REC Oslo Børs 284.50 287.00 274.00 279.50 3.728.303 1.047.442.477
20071113 REC Oslo Børs 271.50 279.00 262.00 276.00 5.330.140 1.439.344.251
20071112 REC Oslo Børs 280.50 287.50 275.50 276.00 4.490.091
20071109 REC Oslo Børs 303.00 306.00 287.50 290.00 4.909.587 1.454.446.744
20071108 REC Oslo Børs 293.00 306.50 292.00 301.00 5.484.562 1.641.354.160
20071107 REC Oslo Børs 300.50 302.00 289.50 298.00 5.002.595 1.483.079.591
20071106 REC Oslo Børs 283.00 293.50 280.50 291.00 4.155.412 1.192.989.940
20071105 REC Oslo Børs 278.50 286.00 276.00 277.50 2.347.082 _.658.949.302
20071102 REC Oslo Børs 275.50 283.50 274.50 282.00 4.787.609 1.337.065.530
20071101 REC Oslo Børs 278.00 288.00 274.00 283.00 6.940.693 1.949.747.105
In all NFS-Jens scams - REC included - comes this type of scams main principles:
1 Buy into the stock to secure a position of power on the board.
2 Place self - or someone controlled - as chairman.
3 Purchase additional shares - with a hidden identity.
4 Manipulate the price UP! UP! And further UP!
5 Sell the shares purchased with hidden identity.
6 Sell shares purchased to take control of the company. OSE/VPS can hide sales so as to not lose the power position as a major shareholder.
7 Short sell the stock. Given OSE/VPS willingness to help in fraud, "naked short" is probably no problem. OSE/VPS can falsify whatever is nesessary to be falsified...
8 Make fake company "crisis" and "maximize" real company problems.
9 Manipulate price DOWN! DOWN! And further DOWN!
10 Such share price manipulations can be repeated one or more times.
11 Convinc the market, shareholders and bondholders that the company is almost worthless...
12 Cover the short by buying cheap shares.
13 Use a fraction of the fraudulent short gain to buy the whole "distressed company".
14 Take over the company - fix the real crises and "fix" the fake "crises".
15 Manipulate the price UP - sell and earn a few billions on the company as well...
16 Split the billion NOK profit with all controlling Labour Party for protecting the fraud and for Labour Party / DNB bank creating the Fraud Triangle DNM - Oslo Stock Exchange - NTM.
Start a new fraud in another company that has already been rigged for investor fraud.
- AND continue to make sure I do not get hold of a loan so that I can find the fraud and get the fraudsters jailed...
14. U&T : The description of OBJAKT archive describes NFS-Jens's personality..."J'accuse!"
My original nickname was "NFL 98/2", but I lost it in January 2011. NFL stands for Norway's Foremost Long distance cyclist. I wrote a total of more than 100 threads about fraud and deception on the Oslo Stock Exchange, more than half of the threads referred to NFS-Jens and his activities. NFS-Jens had his own archive CRUNFL. The over 100 threads were in company-specific archives but the very best threads about organized financial crime were in my main archive OBJAKT. OBJAKT archives came in late December 2009. But nearly 100% of my threads were posted on the "open forum" and disappeared in the discussion forum reform in 2011.
In August 2012 I lost my "NFL 98/2" replacement nick "Next". And since then the people I have been writing about have managed to get each new nick and each new thread deleted...
Here are most of my nicks:
NFL 98/2:
Here is my OBJAKT archive description from December 2009 - the personal description describes NFS-Jens as I see him... "J'accuse!"
"Special Ticker code OBJAKT is the "theory"that the country's main trading place, DNB bank occupied Oslo Stock Exchange / Oslo Axess, works as a criminal stock exchange after the "hunting license principle". Are you extremely rich and has criminal orientation, total lack of sense, absolutely no self-control and plenty of misanthropy you can pay extremely well for like-minded DNB, Norwegian Trustee and Oslo Stock Exchange to help you to drain a company of its assets so that it becomes a almost empty shell. Or swindle away an entire OSE / OAX company that will not awake too much attention when it gets delisted and disappear from Oslo Stock Exchange or Oslo Axess."
Here is the title for my first OBJAKT thread:
Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20091226 20:14), read 1526 times
Ticker: OBJAKT
OSE = DNM + billionaires lawless hunting ground: OBJAKT
Some of my NFL-Jens threads describing his falseness:
"CRU JUX's conscious "village idiot" interviews" Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20081230 15:58), read 1572 times
"CRU other's accusations of JUX fraud." Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20090120 15:47), read 1348 times
"CRU JUX Norway's # 1 detail fraud planner?" Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20091213 16:21), read 2148 times
"CRU / ITX she was warned of JUX fraud. Warn Norway now!" Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20091230 14:53), read 1182 times
"CRU JUX -97.1% controlled price collaps as Board member / Chairman" Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20100224 08:34), read 1367 times
"ITX - Angry JUX showing us "the finger"... JUX vs.(NFL 98/2 )" Posted by : NFL 98/2 ( 20100831 10:51 ), read 1870 times
"ITX / JUX Self-financing embezzlement scam explained" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20100904 20:05), read 1424 times
"JUX CRU fraud vs PGS fraud + JUX # 1 tax fraudster" Posted by : NFL 98/2 (20100219 13:35), read 979 times
"CRU JUX: "I lost 1,3 billion NOK in CRU..." FRAUD & LIES!" Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20100222 14:29), read 1202 times
The multi billionaire NFS-Jens has many powerful friends. He is good at both "buying" and getting powerful peoples friendship - even though NFS-Jens's falseness cuts in my eyes.
It is of course not an offense to be tricked to trust someone. But it is an offense to protect someone you know - or finally understand is a criminal.
The time has finally come for NFS-Jens. He shall not be protected by any other than his defense lawyers!
"What should I say if he is calling and pleading for help?"
Curse the day you met him.
Curse yourself because you did not understand that all he was looking for was to exploit you.
Curse him for his criminal disposition and total lack of self-control.
Continue to curse him until he breaks the conversation...
15. Uncovered: Example of DNM - OSE fashioned day scam: ALGETA. "J'accuse!"
DNM / OSE close - and most unfortunate - cooperation in a day scam in Algeta started my private investigations of much more serious fraud cooperation between DNM and OSE in other companies. I have Uncovered several day scams, but I can not say I have Thwarted any of them for a day scam is usually over before someone sees that something is wrong...
The 3 September 2009 was an unbelievable good announcement made by Algeta:
20090903 08:02:27 Algeta signs 800 million USD global agreement with Bayer for development and commercialization of Alpharadin for bone metastases.
The price opened right up and peaked at 83 NOK. Then DNM used the rest of the day to sell the share price down to the closing price 57 NOK. With nearly 40 million shares Algeta had a Market Cap drop of 1 billion NOK from HOD 83 to near LOD 57 closing share price.
20090903 ALGETA Oslo Stock Exchange 73.00 83.00 55.25 57.00 2.570.603 162.869.769
I was so impressed with Algeta close to 5 billion NOK contract with Bayer that I took a geared daytrade. A daytrade that I should never have done. - And then I forgot to watch the share price in Algeta because I was so busy writing about fraud and deception on Norway's most important trading plase OSE. And thus I was caught in a daytrade I regretted for a very long time...
20090903 T090732 80 800 Auto trade PAS DNM B
20090903 T090808 77.5 200 Auto trade PAS DNM S
When I should see what had gone wrong, I discovered a scam collaboration between DMS and OSE. OSE first ignored day long DNM share price manipulation in Algeta and then OSE hided that DNM was having a bookbuilding AUCTION of 900.000 Algeta shares that had started at 17:30 - just after OSE's closing.
The bookbuilding AUCTION should start at 17:30 Thursday 3 September 2009 and last until 08:30 Friday 4 September. The point with a bookbuilding auction is the same as a normal auction, namely to get the highest possible price. BUT DNM "closed the book" before 18:00 or max 26 minutes after the stock exchange announcement came...
The message came Thursday 3 September at 17:34 - 4 minutes after the bookbuilding auction started... The message came clearly from the issuer Oslo Stock Exchange and lacks clearly the important "Instrument ticker ALGETA".
Bayer and Norwegian and foreign biotech funds and others that watched the ticker code ALGETA after the fantastic 800 million USD contract never noticed the message about the bookbuilding auction because Oslo Stock Exchange marked the message deliberately WITHOUT ticker!
Bayer and Norwegian and foreign biotech funds and others were never made aware of the DNM bookbuilding auction untill DNM had well and truly "closed the books". To make a decision to take part in a bookbuilding auction takes of course some time - and FAR more than max 26 minutes...
Thus did "nobody" know about DNM's bookbuilding auction and had therefore not the opportunity to bid and outbid each other in the bookbuilding AUCTION. In stead DNB/DNM bought the shares at the down manipulated closing share price of 57 NOK...
From an anonymous thread post in the evening:
Posted by: Guest (20090903 22:01), Read 400 times Ticker: Algeta
RE ^ 3: ALGETA bookbuilding was completed in half an hour!!
"Yes it is from the broker (censored) DnBNOR Markets. Bookbuilding period ended at 1800, and was fully subscribed after only a few minutes."
Probably knew DNM that a major shareholder would sell out. And probably knew DNM it allready before the start of the trading day. Probably sold DNM the Algeta share short and pushed so the share price down so that DNM could cover in the short sold shares at the cheapest possible price during the end of the trading day and at the bookbuilding auction, as they knew they were going to keep after trading. This enabled DNM to freely indulg in Algeta at around 57 NOK a shares...
VERY good cooperation between DNM and DNB controlled and part owned Oslo Stock Exchange!
This stock exchange release on 3 September 2009 at 17:34 "does not exist" because it was never ticker coded "ALGETA":
20090903 13:03:14 ALGETA Analysts, shareholders and the company Algeta wonderful billion deal (OBI)
MeldingsID: 244712Generer PDF
Date / Time 20090903 17:34
Issuer Oslo Stock Exchange
IssuerID -
Market OB
Information subject to mandatory information OAM message
Title ALGETA: contemplated SECONDARY SALE OF UP TO 900,000 SHARES
"The shares will be Offered through a book-building process. DnB NOR Markets (the" Manager ") is acting as manager and bookrunner for the placement.The book-building period will start at 17:30 hours (CET) on Wed, September 3rd, 2009 and close at 8:30 (CET) on Wed, September 4th, 2009 at the latest. The Manager may at any time close or extend the book-building period at its own discretion. The pricing will be set through a book-building process. For further information please contact DnB NOR Markets "
In addition OSE claimed on 4 September that 400.000 additional shares had been sold in the market on 3 September while in reality they were sold - straight to DNM(?) - right after closing time and put in the books on 4 September 2009:
Funny enough DNM had the imagination to "work out an average price"...
4 September 2009
"Reference is made to the stock exchange notice dated September 3, 2009 Regarding the contemplated secondary sale of shares in Algeta ASA (" Algeta ") on behalf of Advent Private Equity Fund IV and Advent Management IV LP (" Advent ").
Advent has sold or agreed to sell a total of 1,300,000 shares in Algeta, Representing Approximately 03.03% of the issued and outstanding shares, at an average price of NOK 58.83 per share. 400,000 shares were sold on the Oslo Stock Exchange and 900,000 shares were agreed to be sold through the book building process. The final price in the book-building was set to NOK 57 per share."
"DnB NOR Markets acted as manager and bookrunner for the placement."
And the excerpt of the exchange message with "average price of 58.83" crashes emphatically with the listing of the shareprice on the 4 September at 57 NOK. The share price for the 1,3 million shares was according to the list 57.00 and NOT "average price of 58.83". We know the share price in the bookbuilding auction was 57,00 NOK (The final price in the book-building was set to NOK 57 per share.") so then the average share price for the rest 400.000 shares would have been the average price of 62,95 NOK a share.
20090904T082009 57 900000 Official DNM DNM
20090904T082030 57 400000 Official DNM DNM
Why did not OSE coordinate the share price list and the exchange message? Was OSE in September 2009, not yet well enough established as a fraudulently stock exchange? Or did OSE not care because "people are so apathetic and trusting that they do not react"?
Did fraudulent Oslo Stock Exchange - protected by main fraud profiteer Labour Party - show Norway, all Norwegians and all foreign users of Oslo Stock Exchange "the finger"? Or was OSE just clumsy? Or did someone at OSE try to warn us that OSE is a willing partner in organized economic crime?
Between Algeta shareholder list 7 September (probably showing wednesday 2 September - end of trading) and 14 September (probably showing wednesday 9 September - end of trading ) 3.135.133 shares - or 8% of the company's shares - disappeared out of the Top 20 in just ONE week.
The list 20090907 31.641.574 shares 80.41%
The list 20090914 28.506.441 shares 72.44%
= -3,135,133 shares went OUT of the Top 20 in five trading days.
In total 7.712.813 shares were traded in the five trading days 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9 of September.
So who bought the 900.000 shares and the 400.000 shares that were listed on the 4 September after beeing sold after trading houres on the 3 September? AND who bought the rest of the more than 1.8 million shares that disappeared from the Top 20 list in ONE week?
I think the answer probably was that it was DNB/DNM who bought most of the shares and hid them in small accounts outside TOP 20...
Two left the Algeta Top 20 sharelist and these two came in:
+15.) DNB NOR NORGE SELEKTV (III) VPF 300.090 1.05% 0.76% Comp. NOR
+20.) RO INVEST AS 214.200 0.75% 0.54% Comp. NOR
Some of my Algeta threads:
Posted by: Artist (20090905 18:51), read 862 times
"ALGETA DNM suspicious trading 3 September second by second"
Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20090910 22:41), read 3227 times
"ALGETA OSE helped DNM in bookbuilding scam"
Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20090919 20:17), read 850 times
"ALGETA DNM stockpiling stocks illegal?"
How has it gone with Algeta share since I first discovered OSE cooperate with DNM in a scam?
It's been just as DNM / DNB - and I - predicted:
The stock is up over 500% from 57 to NOK exchange rate 360 NOK.
The list is from the close of trading on 12 February 2014:
Share price in ALGETA
Latest 360.00
ALGETA History
Change last month 0.17%
Change last year 131.78%
Change last twelve months 104.89%
Change since New Year 0.33%
Year High 360.50
Year Low 358.00
Highest since 27/03-2007 360.50
Lowest since 27/03-2007 6.00
Change from top -0.14%
"...will make a recommended voluntary cash offering (the "Offer") two Acquire 100% of the shares in Algeta for a consideration of NOK 362 per share."
Algeta is now sold and delisted from OSE.
[ 3. SECTION: Zola award : > Conditions that threaten Human Dignity, Democracy and the Rule of Law in Norway. < ]
> Labour Party / DNB bank / Oslo Stock Exchange stifle Human Dignity in Norway! "J'accuse!"
16. Human Dignity : The ultimate consequence for the weakest stock fraud victims. "J'accuse!"
> Labour Party stifle Democracy in Norway ! "J'accuse!"
How "J." controlled Labour Party's undemocratic power is suffocating Democracy in Norway:
17.1 Democracy : The Labour Party election "scam" in 2009 vs. free and fair 2013. "J'accuse!"
17.2 Democracy : Labour Party's "State within the State" aka Labour Party's control freak-nepotistic guardianship State "Norway the last Soviet State". "J'accuse!"
17.3 Democracy : Stock and bond frauds finance Labour Party's "State within the State". "J'accuse!"
17.4.1 Democracy : Labour Party is monitoring the Conservative Party and the Progress Party. "J'accuse!"
17.4.2 Democracy : "- Norwegian monitoring impresses NSA."
> Labour Party stifle the Rule of Law in Norway! " J'accuse ! "
18.1 Legal Protection : Labour Party lets criminals control some of Norway's most important offices. "J'accuse!"
18.2 Legal Protection : Labour Party protects and prevents imprisonment of criminals including NFS. "J'accuse!"
18.3 Legal Protection : Let me further investigate and identify "Labour Party and other organized financial crime"!
18.4 Legal Protection : [Swindler Generation] 1941-1960 vs. "Generation X" 1961-1980.
> Labour Party / DNB bank / Oslo Stock Exchange stifle Human Dignity in Norway! "J'accuse!"
16. Human Dignity : The ultimate consequence for the weakest stock fraud victims. "J'accuse!"
Norway's very best scammers, in partnership with Labour Party's / DNB's Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM, are sometimes so incredibly hard and ruthless towards their fraud victims that they risk pushing the weakest of their fraud victims "over the edge". They can alow themself the brutality because of the knowledge that they are protected by main profiteer Labour Party, and that therefore "no one" in Norway can neither stop nor punish them.
In an email to "Økokrim" (The Norwegian National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime) in January 2010, I wrote that "NFS" and other fraudsters are causing suicides for some of their mentally weakest fraud victims. I got a reply back from a District Attorney that my claim was "poorly documented"...
So I wrote a thread about it:
"Økokrim Vs. NFL 98/2" Posted by : NFL 98/2 ( 20100123 10:53 ), read 2839 times
I do not know if someone can get additional penalty in Norway for having been so hard and ruthless in a fraud that it triggered the "ultimate damage". Although NFS, and others, can not be sentenced to additional penalties in a normal court case, they can certainly be punished in a private court case. May I suggest "American" (unrealistic) demands? - With the additional media interest...
NFS created what should have been an adventure for the ordinary Crew shareholders into a financial hell for all Crew shareholders because of NFS thirst to embezzled the whole Crew Gold company and the amazing gold reserves LEFA in Guinea.
A natural price decline can be explained, while a manipulated price decline is contrary to reason. The stock price in CRU went to constantly new All Time Lows while the gold price went towards All Time High. Shareholders of CRU KNEW they would win in the end without understanding that NFS had only planned ONE winner - himself... The result was that the skilled and experienced serial scammer NFS managed to shatter the CRU share price - 97.1 % in his 21 months in the CRU Board. In CRU NFS crushed the share price 94 % within 94 trading days.
The kind of company that CRU attracts the mentally unstable gambler type who KNOW that shareholders can not lose. Something that makes gamblers - and other more serious investors - betting too much and often of money being borrowed...
When the scam ends and the shareholders, detail planned and detailed controlled, lose more than 99 % of their investment, there are some who can not tolerate the illogical losses. A loss which they mistakenly blames themself for...
I think this thread inception is something a son wrote after his father committed "something" by the OSE / NFS / CRU's false "matching halt" and subsequent price collapse and expected accelerating price collapse 10. November 2008. But the line start can be a bit ambiguous. Anyway I stand on my point: NFS is Norway's post war biggest releaser of "something" and he is - in my eyes - Norway's postwar worst director / chairman...
Posted by : Guest ( 20081110 20:03 ), read 1371 times
Ticker : CRU
" CRU - My father said goodbye today..... "
" I hope all of you who have lost 40.oookr or more is furious at CRU....
Father was leveraged to the hilt and excited more than that...
Now he could not take more...
We own nothing
Son 19 years, with two sisters 4 years and 9 years. "
OSE and DNM participation in the CRU fraud culminated 10. November 2008 with the OSE commanding a fraudulent matching halt. OSE used, as agreed with the CRU, almost all day to enforce that they would "receive information about the upcoming issue" that CRU "absolutely needed".
How do I KNOW that all the matching halt and prompt emission was fabricated and false?
Because CRU collected 360 MNOK : 5,17 = 70.1 mUSD in a private placement ( 6.50 NOK ) in June 2008 and five months later the situation was not "critical " as CRU - and OSE -  gave the impression of.
The 102 MNOK : 7.00 = 14.5 mUSD company raised in the offering ( 0.30 NOK ) in December 2008 lasted for comparison untill the CRU was delisted more than two years later...
The private placement in June 2009 was 6,50 NOK and the autumn offering was set at 0,30 NOK five months later. DOWN 95% in just 5 months...
20081107 CRU Oslo Børs 0.93 0.98 0.85 0.96 6.155.200 5.606.009
20081110 09:22:05 OB CRU OSLO BØRS - MATCHING HALT BØRSPAUSE "Oslo Børs is investigating whether some participants have access to different information in relation to evaluating the value of the company`s shares."
20081110 16:21:36 OB CRU The company offers the following clarification of todays announcement regarding a possible rights offering.
20081110 CRU Oslo Børs 0.96 1.00 0.60 0.65 6.387.000 4.842.590 (Average 0,758)
10 November 2008: " the straw that broke the camel's back ".
And the father "knew" already on 10 November 2008 how it would go on...
"My father said goodbye today....." - and countless unwritten tragedies - are very bad PR for LP / DNB / OSE / NFS and other scammers using LP's Fraud Triangle. Even though most people neither understand nor care anything about the "Stock Exchange and market", they do understand nevertheless that scammers who are so raw and ruthless that they ruin peoples lives to such a degree that they trigger "the ultimate damage", shall be imprisoned...
Despite the fact that NFS has defrauded estimated close to a million Norwegians either directly or through countless mutual funds invested in PGS (2002/2003) and CRU (2008/2009), NFS has never defrauded me. I was asked anonymously in December 2008 if I could see if there was something wrong in the CRU. It was a month after the disasterous "10 November 2008".
"The ultimate damage" among fraud victims was also a theme in an email to NAV (Norwegian benefits to unemployd and / or needy) in the autumn of 2009. An email NAV gave me a "good day man ax handle" respons to.:
"I seek the help of livelihood of the year 2009. Calculated to totally 5.000 NOK.
From New Year I'll manage to get sponsored in my voluntary and unpaid work to uncover systematic and gross fraud on the Oslo Stock Exchange in the billions NOK. Investor frauds leading to some broken family economies, forced selling house, divorce, loss of employment, loss of custody, alcoholism, loss of sanity and a unknown number of suicides.
AND total annual avoidable payments in the multimillion NOK range from NAV offices all over Norway."
During the period 27 October 2010 to 3 February 2011 I emailed - non stop - 12 Norwegian ex-shareholders from CRU "Top 50 " and asked for a loan so that I could continue privately to investigate and to write a police report of NFS's time in the CRU board. Nobody was interested, but one gave me 1.000 NOK for food...
My sympathy lies not with those who could afford to be on the Top 50 list in Crew Gold, but with the thousands that were below the Top 50. In the Top 50, I (randomly) found only a bankruptcy caused by NFS's unsuccessful self-financing embezzlement scam, but how many bankruptcies did NFS cause among those outside the top 50?
Here is someone else that was occupied about the well being of shareholders:
Posted by : Guest ( 20091230 18:18), read 459 times
Ticker : CRUNFL
RE ^ 1: CRU / ITX she was warned about JUX cheating! Warn us all now!
" "You shall not bear so well, the unfairness that doesn't strike yourself " - principle. ( Arnulf Øverland )
You have my full salute, TS for the work you put into this - without money and with all the contempt you get from the "counterparty " - those who have not learned about Arnulf Øverland and know what "civil rights" and conscience entails.
Those who cynically take part in this game without any care about what happens behind the scene. With the shareholders.
May you succeed in getting all the perpetrators and expose for the country and the world the manipulations that take place at the Oslo Stock Exchange and in the boardrooms.
Happy new year!"
CRU shareholders with increasing levels of depression and desperation after the "Matching halt" scam share price collapse 10 November 2008:
The share price decrease -93 % in the ten months since NFS went into the CRU board.
20080111 CRU Oslo Stock Exchange 9.91 10.25 9.80 9.80 6,980,105 69,729,476
20081110 CRU Oslo Børs 0.96 1.00 0.60 0.65 6,387,000 4,842,590
Posted by : Guest (20081110 18:05), read 1281 times
Damn people, Crew has ruined me
" Had great faith Crew half years ago and stockpiled shares in spades for about 350.000 NOK, an average of 12.80 . Majority was for borrowed money, and now I see it all as lost . Course this is entirely entirely my own fault and I want to warn others not to borrow money to the stock market action. "
Posted by : Guest (20081110 18:08), read 731 times
RE ^ 1: Damn people, Crew has ruined me
"I'm in the same boat , has lost over 1 million. Thought all the time it needed to turn (would buy more, but had no money !)
Sitting still and being perhaps the issue .... "
Posted by : Guest (20081110 18:12), read 657 times
RE ^ 1: Damn people, Crew has ruined me
"Lost 650 ooo realized. "
Posted by : Guest (20081110 19:05), read 252 times
RE ^ 1: Damn people, Crew has ruined me
" I also lost. Never more stock for me.
Humbug whole thing! "
Posts : Saint (20081110 19:17), read 168 times
RE ^ 1: Damn people, Crew has ruined me
" Well, it's not just you who missed the CREW . I upload 1000k when it was 10 NOK . Too.
God bless you "
And even more depression and despair from CRU shareholders 11 November 2008:
20080111 CRU Oslo Stock Exchange 9.91 10.25 9.80 9.80 6,980,105 69,729,476
20081110 CRU Oslo Børs 0.96 1.00 0.60 0.65 _6.387.000 _4.842.590
20081111 CRU Oslo Børs 0.56 0.60 0.39 0.43 77,360,272 35,606,035
"TS" means "Thread Starter".
Posted by : Guest (20081111 18:14), read 1674 times
Crew - I was going to save the economy - now lost my wife :-(
" I've been a gambler in the stock market. And in recent years I've been a bit in and out of the Crew . However the last year the loss was staggering 1370000 NOK . ( Updated today) Gulp I get now almost in tears. Kona have early narrower been very critical today after an argument after I fortallte lately about the Crew, she tokk with my son at 4 years and moved temporarily to their parents.
She said she wanted a divorce and that I had to stand the loss .
Now I'll go myself a long trip there and think, life is unfortunately very tough for me now.
Male 41 Years Norway "
Posted by : Guest (20081111 18:21), read 965 times
RE ^ 1: Crew - I was going to save the economy - now lost my wife :-(
" No I did not save the economy , I have debts in spades and relied more and more. And now we see the result
TS "
Posted by : Guest (20081111 19:03), read 741 times
RE ^ 1: Crew - I was going to save the economy - now lost my wife :-(
" Have a friend who has lost everything have earned throughout the life of the Crew . And then some. Quite a lot of .
Only hope is that others avoid the same mistakes. Not loans for shares. "
Posted by : Guest (20081111 20:06), read 476 times
RE ^ 1: Crew - I was going to save the economy - now lost my wife :-(
" Have done it the same though ,,,, my wife went in me and took my two children ,,,, house forcibly sold and today I sit alone and regret my actions ,,,, empathize with you TS"
Posts : Saint (20081111 11.11.08 20:20), read 440 times
RE ^ 1: Crew - I was going to save the economy - now lost my wife :-(
" Heath ,
We are in the same boat. Went wife of his way and the house was sold earlier this year.
Keep moving on you ! "
Posted by : Guest (20081111 22:47), read 225 times
CRU - Can still afford a bullet, need gun
" had used absolutely everything on Cru (of available funds ) , went down with cut wages . Now that I have paid over a million for worth about 50,000 , -
residuals can go to whoever sends me to the happy hunting grounds in a gentle way . ( quickly minimal pain) "
Posted by : Guest (20081111 22:54), read 103 times
RE ^ 1: CRU - Can still afford a bullet, need gun
" Have recently under scrutiny online reports from CRU , etc. Now I can not even check usa without being properly sick. Has had many downs enough now, enough is enough
TS "
My contribution from the start of the blog:
J ) Do I have talent as a poet?
Inspired by Arnulf Øverland and inspired by "those who are no longer here," I come with my poetic contribution. Do I have talent as a poet? Can I "dedicate" it to Labour Party, DNB and the Oslo Stock Exchange?
"The flickering flame of a dying heart
the flickering flame caused by the unbearable pain YOU thoughtlessly and ruthlessly inflicted."
To repeat:
8.2 "The -97,1% drop in the share price in CRU / Crew Gold, during the 21 months he sat in the CRU Board, came because of the recession!"
For gold companies there have not been a recession - because the gold price has been booming...
21 January 2000 CRU / Crew Gold was listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and the gold price was 287 USD / oz.
11 January 2008, when "NFS" joined the CRU Board, the gold price was 891 USD / oz.
CRU share price ( 78.40 post splice ) / 9.80 11 January 2008.
24 October 2008 the gold price bottomed at 712 USD / oz.
13 October 2009, when "NFS" left his position as Chairman of the CRU Board, the gold price was 1057 USD / oz. Up 18.6% from 11 January 2008.
CRU share price 2.26 / (0.28 pre splice) 13 October 2009. A share price collapse of mind blowing 97,1% in the 21 months from 11 January 2008.
While the gold price increased by 18,6% the CRU / Crew Gold share price was willingly and detail planned crushed 97,1% by NFS and DNB/DNM and Oslo Stock Exchange - and behind it all the main fraud profiteer: All controlling and all protecting Labour Party.
"CRU JUX -97.1% controlled price collaps as Board member / Chairman" Posted by: NFL 98/2 (20100224 08:34), read 1367 times
OBEBX went - as comparison over the same period from 438 points (11 Jauary 2008) to 335 points (13 October 2009), a decline of 24%
NFS created what should have been an adventure for all the Crew Gold shareholders into a financial hell for all Crew Gold shareholders. "Just" because of NFS thirst to defraud the shareholders and to get the whole Crew Gold and the amazing multi billion USD gold reserves in LEFA in Guinea - all to himself...
> Labour Party stifle Democracy in Norway ! "J'accuse!"
How "J." controlled Labour Party's undemocratic power is suffocating Democracy in Norway:
17.1 Democracy : The Labour Party election "scam" in 2009 vs. free and fair 2013. "J'accuse!"
Labour Party got two of the top leaders of organized financial crime to sabotage the 2009 general election for the Conservative Party so that AP should get sufficient of the Conservative Party's voters - so that AP should be able to retain their government position. They made the Conservative Party seem unpalatable for ordinary woters - and it is not illegal to manipulate the voters in that manner... The Liberal Party's (now ex) leader accused the two of having ruined the election with their "clumsiness" - and that was just what "BG-J.", "NFS-Jens" and "NSS-Ola" had planned...
In the September election in 2009 both "J." controlled Labour Party and the AP collaborating ordinary organized economic crime needed Labour Party to stay in the government for four more years. They all needed AP in government so that AP could finish the work to thoroughly make AP/DNB's multibillion generating Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM work properly. AND to make sure that AP/DNB fully controle the induviduals who sabotage the work of the two top units of economic fraud investigating organizations; "Finanstilsynet" and "Økokrim". AND to make sure that AP controles fully the Attorney General so that no one can stop and punish AP and eventually dissolve Labour Party for crimes against Norway and crimes against Norway's population.
At the general election in September 2013, none of the leaders of organized financial crime tried to sabotage the election for the Conservative Party.
The reason for the lack of sabotage were (at least) threefold:
1 No one wanted to risk to be "appointed" by me as "leader of organized financial crime"...
2 After the 2009 general election experience, the Conservative Party was alert and knew how to detect well-hidden anti-Conservative Party manipulations.
And the most important reason of them all:
3 Labour Party had managed to complete its partially hidden control of Norway - a lot through AP's known and unknown nepotism culture. It is therefore no longer necessary for the AP to have government power for the next four years for nevertheless it is AP that controls and manages EVERYTHING AP WANTS to controlle. And when Labour Party at the general election in 2017 or 2021 or 2025 feels that the "secret" power begins to slip away, they ensure that AP gets a new government position with new opportunities to increase AP's control so that AP controls Norway also next time AP loses its government power. Thus ENSURES AP that AP rules Norway with or WITHOUT government position...
Labour Party is of course Norway's most powerful party - and no informed person in Norway will dispute that.
BUT "my own" ex party AP has through COUNTLESS manipulation - especially the last 8 years - made themselves much more powerful than the present government consisting of the Conservative Party and the Progress Party - and that is NOT Democracy...
The right to vote is considered one of the Human Rights. But being able to live in a democracy is not considered a Human Right. It is the individual's own task to ensure that one's home country becomes a democracy and that democracy will be nurtured so that no one ruines the basis of one's Democracy. Labour Party / NRK (AP controlled State TV and radio) / A-press (AP's own newspapers) / etc has fooled Norwegians into a smug and naive world where they believe Norway is "The best country in the world". And that nothing is seriously wrong with Norway. Norwegians have therefore been fooled into thinking that it was not necessary to nurture the Norwegian Democracy.
Result: Norwegians have let Labour Party ruin the Democracy in Norway.
Labour Party was "my own party" and last I voted AP was in 2005. At the general election in 2009, the connection Labour Party - DNB bank had become too disgusting so I did not vote. But until recently I felt the need to protect AP by writing that the billions NOK in profit AP gets from the Fraud Triangle go into "black holes" in the state/government budget. Of course - they do not...
AP would not have risked beeing forcefully dissolved unless AP got hold of "half" of the billions in fraud profits. And what are AP's fraud billions used for? AP uses the countless billions most likely to further develop AP's own "State within the State".
Posted in February 2014: "AP stifle democracy with its nepotism in that they allow AP's own insider members to get top positions in society so that AP finally controls EVERYTHING in Norway. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING! Ordinary nepotism is not directly illegal, but much of Labour Party's Norway controle is newertheless illegal. The trend has been scary fast the last eight years for it is not a single-line development, the development takes place on multiple levels simultaneously. Thus there was no need for AP to get government position after the general election in September 2013 - it is nevertheless Labour Party that undemocraticly rules Norway..."
17.2 Democracy : Labour Party's "State within the State" aka Labour Party's control freak-nepotistic guardianship State "Norway the last Soviet State". "J'accuse!"
"Labour Party - established in 1887 - built Norway!" There are many in Norway who feels and thinks that. Not at least the leaders of AP the last "10" leader-generations...
Norway and Norwegians owe undoubtedly much to AP for the development of a rich, modern and well functioning Norway. But according to the AP we all owe AP SO much that AP can do what AP itself wants. AND thats just what is the hidden problem for Norway: AP does exactly what AP wants. And to make sure no one can stop AP, AP puts people in all the positions that AP wants to control to be able to control Norway - and it no longer matters if AP is in or out of a government position.
Finally, AP managed to created AP's own "State within the State". Or written more harshly: AP has created a "people prison": "The AP control freak-nepotistic nanny state "Norway the last Soviet State"". Such a "State within the State" is very expensive to establish and expensive to run so therefore AP needed and still needs their share of the fraud billions from the Fraud Triangle. I guess "J." and the gang has a swell time thinking that they are just defrauding the Conservative Party voters and the Progress Party voters who according to AP's "philosophy" are just exchange speculators and taxevaders who morally can be defrauded by AP anyway...
Labour Party's proud - but secret - creation "State within the State" where Labour Party's "own" bank DNB is the main wall - and where Labour Party's share of the fraud billions from the Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM provides all the nesessary funding.
- Through "J." controlled Labour Party's "control freak-nepotism" has Labour Party made it virtually impossible to stop Labour Party - in Labour Party's own nation - with Labour Party's own citizens - that Labour Party manipulates and does exactly what they want with... "J'accuse!"
17.3 Democracy: Stock and bond frauds finance Labour Party's "State within the State". "J'accuse!"
In June 2012, I had to finally realize that it was "my own" ex-party LP that was behind DNB bank's Fraud Triangle. The oil industry brought corruption to the innocent Norway in the 70s and 80s. Foreign oil companies gave big million gifts to get the best blocks at the best terms - AND it was mostly Labour Party who received the gifts.
Labour Party started, some decades ago, the construction of Labour Party's "State within the State" aka "Norway the last Soviet State". When Labour Party in 2007 started LP/DNB bank Fraud Triangle - to exploit "the useless Conservative Party and Progress Party voting stock speculators" - there was no longer any turning back for LP...
Although Labour Party has enriched itself in oil corrution in Norway, and although LP has developed criminal imagination, I think nevertheless that it was "normal" organized financial crime that suggested to "J." to start a Fraud Triangle. AND I think it was the two top leaders (my claim) NFS and NSS that came with the proposal. But what were their probably selling points when they presented the proposal for "J."?
1) LP would receive its share of the billions so it could further develop LP's "State within the State."
2) LP voters do not speculate on the stock exchange, only the useless Conservative Party and Progress Party voters speculate...
3) People who are defraduded becomes poor, and poor people vote for Labour Party!"
4) Etc, etc, etc...
- I am a socialist and I know about other socialists immature "thoughts" about the stock market and "the useless stock speculators", so it does not surprise me so much that "J." - according to my calculations - ultimately agreed and brought the proposal to a chosen few in the senior management of Labour Party...
The start of the Fraud Triangle came 1 January 2007 when "J."/LP placed Rune as head of the state owned LP-bank DNB - and covertly made "J."/Rune/LP and DNB, DNB chief's office into the second most important office in Norway...
Labour Party, and especially LP's license paid propaganda machine NRK, has manipulated people into believing that Norway is an exceptional country. Norway, as an exeptional country, gives credit to Labour Party who - according to them self - built the country... But by luring Norway's population into a false belief that Norway is exeptional, LP and other organised crime  gets the opportunity to do things that does not happen in exeptional countries... AND they can do it undetected and without suspicion...
Norway may be exeptional becaus hardly any country can achieve what LP has "achieved"... What Norway has to be proud of is mostly oil wealth and the Nobel Peace Prize. Oil wealth was undeservedly given to us by nature and the handing out of the Peace Prize was given to us by the Swede Alfred Nobel -  because he did not trust his own countrymen in terms of "war and peace". Almost everything else we can be proud of are countless "derivatives", because Norway has such an enormous oil wealth, and because Norway is seen as a nation of peace.
After World War II, Norway gave the world the international name of one who betrays his country in wartime. Now Norway will - according to me - give the world the international name of one who betrays his country in peacetime. Naive Norwegians are easily deceived by our own countrymen. It's something we Norwegians have to work with so people with traitor mentality never again come into leadership positions in Norway. And we must help our descendants NOW so they do not develop traitor mentality but are socially beneficial, wise, thoughtful, and rational citizens who are able to see the cold facts the next time that a political party is attempting to deprive us of our Democracy.
AND we, and our descendants, must learn to recognize organized economic fraud. Financial fraud now being conducted right before our eyes on Norway's main trading place. Fraud that is the main funding for the largest - and strangest - betrayal of them all:
The creating and maintenance of LP's "State within the State". Aka "Norway the last Soviet State".
But how can we now help our descendants so that Norway will not experiencing serious political betrayal in the next 100 years?
This is best done by forming an LP-free Supreme Court A.S.P. - before allowing the Supreme Court to dissolve Labour Part...
THAT will come in future generations history books - at primary school, grammar school, high school, university - AND it will be teaching future generations that to betray their own country will NEVER pay off.
AND a party like LP beeing dissolved by Supreme Court will set a precedence for other European countries who discover that their own Democracy has been stolen from them.
On many trips in the period 1978 - 2008, I traveled to 88 countries and crossed 50 countries by bike. Norwegians I have studied in a total of over 40 years and the conclusion is a bit discouraging...
Norwegians are, according to both me and European Social Survey, Europe's most naive people.
But Norwegians naivety, Norway-complacency and LP-apathy is not really a big problem. 24 hour media coverage erase the ignorance and replace it with clear-headed awareness and clear-headed determination.
Norway is considered - some undeserved - as a pioneer country. Norway can be a REAL pioneer by showing what happens to a political party that, in secret, suffocates Human Dignity, Democracy and the Rule of Law in a previously well-functioning society...
AND Norway will become a REAL pioneer and a REAL leader, by setting "the gold standard" by showing what happens to a State owned bank - any bank - that developes into a country's foremost economic enemy...
DNB punishment I calculate to be the enforced sale of DNM, forced sale of DNB Insurance / Vital, forced sale of DNB share of OSE and NTM, forced sale of anything of value. Thus fraud victims will get some refound. The pure banking business will hopefully survive - so the Banks' Guarantee Fund will not have to get on the track...
DNB has over 44,000 - mostly LP / DNB ignorant - shareholders ...
State / DNB controls just over 50% of the votes in the LP State-owned bank DNB:
Norwegian Government / Ministry of Trade and Industry 553792 34.00%
Sparebankstiftelsen DNB (Savings Bank Foundation) 164,368 10.12%
National Insurance Fund (National Insurance Scheme Fund) 91,228 5.60%
DNB Fund 19,715 1.21%
17.4.1 Democracy: Labour Party is monitoring the Conservative Party and the Progress Party. "J'accuse!"
From: (Sensurert2xxxx) @
Subject: Labor Party election fraud 2009 and I wrote "Does the State defraud us through DNB?"
Date: Sat, 16 June 2012 11:33:36 +0200
16 June 2012 I tried to email the Conservative Party and the Progress Party, but I highly doubt they got the email. I used three - easy to find on the website - email addresses to the Conservative Party and two to the Progress Party. Previously I had only used my "2" Hotmail account to emails to Transparency International-Norway. The 29 June 2012, I used "2" Hotmail account again, this time to the newspaper Bergens Tidende, Bergen, Norway -
Hotmail blocked my account - virtually instantly. Then I tried again, and this time with my Yahoo account, and was told that's "mailbox" was full...
How incredibly much spamming - sabotaged by the use of my "2" Hotmail account - happened before's "mailbox" was full?
Either Labour Paerty monitors the Conservative Party and the Progress Party electronically or LP has placed "moles" inside the Conservative Party and the Progress Party as email readers. LP stopped my mail and ruined my "2" Hotmail account. You can copy this thread and see if you manage to get it to the Conservative Party and the Progress Party - and past LP's insulating censorship wall...
It is not uncommon these days that the world's governments and political parties monitor their opponents. BUT what is the special feature of LP is that they go between and delete / sabotage emails that reveals LP's criminal mind and criminal actions...
The email that LP stopped before it reached Bergens Tidende:
From: (Sensurert2xxxx) @
Subject: Labor Party / DNB / State defraud us on OSE + LP election fraud in 2009
Date: Fri, 29 June 2012 11:18:16 +0200
From Hotmail June 29 after I had tried emailing
"Your account has been temporarily blocked
Why are you seeing this?
Someone may have used your account to send out a lot of junk messages or done something else that violates the Windows Live Terms of Service."
From: (Censored ...) <(Censored ...) @>
Sent: Friday, 29 June 2012 16.35
Subject: Labor Party / DNB / State defraud us on OSE + LP election fraud in 2009
 From Yahoo June 29 after I had emailed both and
"Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:
The recipient's mailbox is full and can't accept messages now. Please try resending this message later, or contact the recipient directly.
Email addresses I used 16 June 2012 and that LP monitors. "J'accuse!"
17.4.2 Democracy: "- Norwegian monitoring impresses NSA."
"- Norway has a very sophisticated and well-functioning surveillance machine that impresses even the NSA..."
> Labour Party stifle legal protection in Norway. "J'accuse!"
18.1 Legal Protection: Labour Party lets criminals control some of Norway's most important offices. "J'accuse!"
Here I come to the main point of what I will further investigate - as soon as you wake up and give me a loan. So far have you slept - and thus wasted - more than three years ...
I can privately investigate and prove what can be proved in terms of DNB and DNB's Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM and Labour Party's starring role.
"Prove" to the extent that it will be created an official task force that will continue investigating on my start investigation. A special group - where hopefully I will be one of the members...
For a long time I thought NFS (Norway's Foremost Serialswindler) was the largest (free) public enemy in Norway, but unfortunately he is not. "J." was for more than 20 years Labour Party polician - and SO much, much more than that... Thus "J." is undoubtedly right up on the first place and best friend Rune is on a little bit distant second place. Billionaire(NOK) NFS is on third place...
18.2 Legal protection: Labour Party protects and prevents imprisonment of criminals including NFS. "J'accuse!"
Labour Party's nepotism has become a familiar problem in Norway, and LP's nepotism is SO widespread that LP controles those who controles everything in Norway - including those who controles Labour Party...
Labour Party lives in symbiose with organized economic crime. LP provides possibilities and protection to oec, oec provides LP with the "know how" and the ability through experience and connections.
In Haugesund "NFS" raided Knut Knutsen shipping via bondholders. Then he was "protected" as president of the Norwegian Shipowners' Association (1989-1990). When NFS raided PGS in 2002/2003 he was "protected" as President of the NHO (2000-2004).
Since then, the rich friend of Labour Party surrounds himself with LP people, AND since then, he has become "Norway's Foremost Serialswindler".
In any civilised country NFS had been arrested many years ago. But not in Norway - and the only one in Norway that can protect NFS and prevent him from being imprisoned is Labour Party...
I'm not the only one who is annoyd over NFS' freedom: A few years ago I read the following post: "JU'X 'in freedom represents EVERYTHING that is wrong with Norway!"
Why was it so important for organized economic crime to get Labour Party and the LP-bank DNB in on organized fraud?
Although OSE, DNM and probably also NTM have participated in the fraud of shareholders and bondholders before 2007, it was not possible for organized economic crime to systematize it without LP and DNB took the lead and created the Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM.
BUT the MOST important organized financial crime was missing was the MOST important Labour Party can offer:
LP can offer organized financial crime FULL SAFETY and NO risk of real investigation!
Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM showed apparently no fear and did virtually nothing to hide that they where defrauding investors. With their lack of fear they PROVE that they are protected and can not be stopped or punished. BUT DNB itself is not powerful enough to protect its own Fraud Triangle. ONLY Labour Party can protect anyone "100"% i NORWAY. LP ONLY!
I emphasize: The State-owned DNB bank's Fraud Triangle PROVES that they are protected and they PROVE that Labour Party protects them.
18.3 Legal Protection: Let me further investigate and identify "Labour Party and other organized financial crime"!
Six years ago my writings made people flee some company stocks.
Five years ago my writings made people flee Oslo Stock Exchange.
When I, more than two years ago, started to write that Labour Party is behind the Fraud Triangle I made no one flee for most Norwegians have no real ability to escape...
I live broke in political exile in Asia. Here I have been for five years. I am not willing to waste anymore time in Labour Party's "State within the State" aka "Norway the last Soviet State." It is not practical for you to move from Norway.
Someone MUST "fight" LP / DNB and other organized financial crime.
"Finanstilsynet" and "Økokrim" does nothing against LP/DNB organized and protected economic crime - even though they may claim to be doing something... The main press and media in Norway - "the fourth estate" - does it NOT because it is largely controlled by LP and people associated with LP's ideas...
But I can do it - and I used to do it self paid. For three and a half year I have been trying to get a loan from you and you have given me nothing.
What do you not understand? Why will you not let me continue my private investigation? I am perfectly able to continue private investigation and PROVE that it really is "J." and LP behind the DNB's Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM. BUT I can not do it broke living in a small village in Asia...
See the "Support Me!" point of the thread/blog. All I need in loans is a trifle to stay, food and internet pr. day x 60 to 90 days.
For your Future, for your children's Future and for Norway's Economic Future!
What I write in this thread/blog, I have partially proved earlier and the rest I can prove by means of a loan and two to three months of intense work. Since I do not have a family, I can concentrate on economic and political fraud. When I can not find a solution, I leave it to my subconscious to find a solution. It works apparently 24/7 and find connections in everything I've ever read, heard, seen and experienced. The answer may pop up at any time so I'm going around with pen and paper...
The results of what I find should hopefully be investigated in a new organizations TOTALLY free of LP-people and LP-influence. An organization where I hope to continue my work for the Economic Future of Norway.
Those I write about have known since before 25 May 2010 who I am, yet they have NOT prosecuted me for "libelous statements". Reason? Because they have nothing to prosecute me for. Everything I write about has its roots in reality even if I, as a private investigative outsider, of course can not get everything absolutely 100% right.
18.4 Legal Protection: [Swindler Generation] 1941-1960 vs. "Generation X" 1961-1980.
I relate to The definition of "Generation X" as those born 1961 - 1980.
[Swindler generation] I defines therefore 1941 - 1960.
ALL the fraudsters I have written about the past six years were born between 1941 and 1960. ALL!
What puzzles me is why the honest in [SG] did not try to stop the Labour Party led criminalization of Norway, that was happening around them. Have they never heard of the Arnulf Overland-principle?
"You shall not bear so well the injustice that - apparently - does not affects yourself!"
And how on earth could the honest in [SG] believe that a "pollution" of Norway's most important offices would not affect them selves?
As the first year of "Generation X" I can assure you that my generation - some premature - is ready to take over all responsibilities for Norway.
If I have political ambitions in Norway? - Only if Norway can be controlled via internet from abroad...
[Swindler Generation] is a VERY interesting problem and it seems to be an European problem. It's not just having the opportunity to comitt fraud - it is something more. Members of "Generation X" is now old enough to be able to lead fraud - yet I found no one from "Generation X". NONE!
Did the the postwar "baby boomer" generation 1941 - 1960 develope a form of society destroing selfishness where exploitation of their fellow citizens were tolerated?
The Norwegian "Generation X" is ready, able and willing to start to clean up after the [Swindler Generation].
But WHEN do we start?
[ 4. SECTION: Zola award : > Open and Fearless < ]
19. O&F : I am Open and Fearless.
20. O&F : Suggest me for the Zola award for 2015?
21. O&F : Wake up! Mail me! Support me! (You can not all be stingy and broke...) Police report me for " libelous statements"!
22. O&F : The " Slumdog Millionaire " principle . CV / " autobiography " of someone who is not a racist. Only someone very special can managed to reveal AP's and DNB's Fraud Triangle and Norway's Foremost Serialswindler and perhaps also Sweden's Foremost Serialswindler...
22.1 O&F : Pre Norways Foremost Long Distance Cyclist 1961 - 1987:
22.2 O&F : Norways Foremost Long Distance Cyclist 1988 - 2008:
22.3 O&F : Norways Foremost Long Distance Cyclist autumn of 2008 - present day:
19. O&F : I am Open and Fearless.
You find most of this in the start of the blog.
20. O&F : Suggest me for the Zola award for 2015?
I guess only Norwegians can suggest me for the whistleblower prize "Zola-prisen"...
I started to promote myself as a Zola Award candidate already in October 2009 , but the first pure Zola - thread came 7. January 2010.
In my emails to the Zola Prize board members in 2012 and 2013, I took the occasion to criticize them for not combining a grant or a cash prize ring for the price. - For a whistleblower suffers often large income and large personal expenses to his notification work. It's like when you discover a fire that you can't put out yourself, you must continue to sound the alarm until you find someone who can put out the fire. And despite countless emails I have yet to find someone who can quench the postwar history's greatest "fire".
In the fall of 2010, I was suggested to the Zola award for 2011 but the proposal came too late :
Post by: Nick ( 20101204 09:52 ) , read 805 times Ticker : OBJAKT
RE ^ 1: 49 OB losers ( -90 % -99 %) normal or fraud ?
"I have received a reply from the board of Zola award that they have already picked the candidate who will get the price in January."
"Subject: Proposed Zola award.
Thanks for the input to the Zola award. We are glad for the interest.
But the board has already decided who will get the award in 2011, so the nomination comes too late unfortunately.
Sidsel M..."
21. O&F : Wake up! Mail me! Support me! (You can not all be stingy and broke...) Police report me for " libelous statements"!
You find most of this in the start of the blog.
22. O&F : The " Slumdog Millionaire " principle . CV / " autobiography " of someone who is not a racist. Only someone very special can managed to reveal AP's and DNB's Fraud Triangle and "NFS" Norway's Foremost Serial swindler and perhaps also "SFS" Sweden's Foremost Serialswindler...
" Slumdog Millionaire " was an exceptionally good British / Indian movie that came out in 2008 . It deals with how a young Indian man used his own life experience to find answers to - for him - important questions. AND he used his own life experience to be able to see through falsehood and deceit .
My life experience is unique for Norwegians and for me it's not a big deal to see through deception as long as I have access to enough time and enough text and enough interviews of the person or persons I study.
22.1 O&F : Pre Norway's Foremost Long Distance Cyclist 1961 - 1987:
I was born in Bergen, Norway, on the 19 August 1961. My childhood was fairly common.
In 1970, when I was 8, I became Bergen Golf Club's by far the youngest member ever. I went "caddy" for Bergen's wealthiest elite and in the later years, until I was 15, I played golf with them also. Thus I learned parts of the local elite to know - for better or for worse...
At 15 years old I started working on the quay in Bergen with unloading and loading ships at weekends and in school holidays periods, if there was a good boat coming I probably skipped school on a few occations... Port environment work at that time was Norway's toughest and roughest working environment...
At 16 years old , I had earned enough to "Inter Rail" on my own. " I will just go to Italy" but I went straight to Istanbul, Turkey, before I left for Morocco... Later that summer, I was hitch-hiking around, in 1978, horrific Northern Ireland. Where nobody would be hitchhiking a hitchhiking youth was evidently an ignorant - and harmless - foreigner...
At 17 years old I tried via Tunisia and Algeria to travel in the Sahara - in July. THAT was a "little bit" too hot...
In 1982, as a 21 year old, I took the train to Hong Kong before I became among the first people to travel independently and "free" in China. I traveled in China for just over three months - and it was much longer than others could...
In 1983-84, as a 22 year old, I traveled to South Asia and Southeast Asia.
In 1985-1986 I crossed the Sahara and traveled and hitchhiked and walked in North West Africa: Marocco - Algeria - Niger - Burkina Faso - Togo - Benin - Togo - Ghana - Ivory Coast - Liberia - Guinea - Guinea Bissau - Senegal - Gambia - Senegal - Mauritania. In December 1985, I traveled into Burkina Faso as Mali was attacking the country. At roadblocks I had to repeatedly explain why I had a visa from Mali in my passport. Having child soldiers pointing at me with machine guns is a very nasty experience for children do not understand fully the consequences of shooting someone...
22.2 O&F : Norway's Foremost Long Distance Cyclist 1988 - 2008:
1.) In 1988 I started cycling instead of traveling. The first leg went from Bergen via communist Eastern Europe and through Turkey, Syria and Jordan to Cairo in Egypt. In Homs in Syria parts of the city was still in ruins and people told me that Hafez al-Assad had bombed parts of the city to smithereens in 1982. Then I continued cycling in India, Malaysia, New Zealand and Canada - with a bit of opal mining in Australia as well.
2.) In 1990 I rode again through Eastern Europe to Istanbul. An Eastern Europe in new found freedom. It was the first and last summer it was possible to cycle in DDR / East Germany. Previously it was " verboten " and in the fall of 1990 East and West became a reunited Germany. Dresden, DDR, August 1990. I stayed at the campground in my tent. Did I by chance run into "V." while he was a KGB officer in Dresden? No, he left Dresden a few months before I arrived...
Then I rode an very long bike ride around the eastern half of Australia.
Then I cycled San Francisco, USA, to Colon in Panama. Then on foot with a machete before going on canoes and boates through the Cuna Indians islands to dangerous Turbo in Colombia. From there on the bike to Caracas in Venezuela. Then on the bike from Miami back to San Francisco. San Francisco back to San Francisco was a total of 16.000 kilometers on the bike.
Back in Norway in August 1992 the stock market bottomed out and I began to buy and sell shares on my own, after years of saving in mutual funds. In 1993 I bought a Teletext TV and proudly showed it to my brother - and then the main message on the TV was that my DnB B shares had been nullified... I bought the shares at 1,00 and sold almost all of them for 0.94 the day before they were zeroed. In 1993 I participated in the share issue that saved Tomra from bankruptcy after Tomra's expensive initiative entery in to the United States market. Following the issue I had over 10,000 shares - which I sold many years too soon... Tomra was split 1:2 twice so if I had kept my Tomra shares I would have had over 40.000 shares when the price peaked at 200 NOK in 2000...
3.) After watching the Lillehammer Olympics on TV, I traveled to Asia in 1994 and was abroad and rode a bike for just over three years. Mainly East Asia, Australia and Nord-Amerika/Alaska.
In 1994 or 95 I bought 2000 Tandberg Shares at 14 NOK apiece. They had just bottomed at 12 NOK. No shares on the Oslo Stock Exchange has risen more than the Tandberg share - countless demerger included. Unfortunately I sold many years too soon... Those were the times than a management of a company were to be trusted!
In 1997 I gained 425.000 NOK in sales profit on shares I had picked out myself while I rode abroad. When I called a stockbroker to sell some IT shares - I think I remember that it was Minard Ltd - the stockbroker gasped: "Have you got THEM as well!" and then he convinced me of the unlisted IT stock Detec AS "That would certainly double in price..." - THAT was the first and last time I followed a buy recommendation from a broker... Cycling in New Zealand, I came accidentally to buy far more shares than I should have bought - unaware that the broker probably had used me as "the even bigger fool"...
4.) In 1998 I rode from Bangkok via Laos and through China to Mongolia. Over the Mongolian border itself China refused me to ride a bike, then I crossed the Gobi desert by bike - in summer... I cycled through Mongolia to the Russian border. - Where Russia refused me to cross the border on the bike, so I pitched my tent in no man's land before the Russian soldiers came and picked my tent up like a sack and carried it back to the Mongolian side of the border. Luckily I was not in the tent when it happened... In Russia I rode to Chernosjevsk which is east of Cita. There the road ended in 1998 - and it was minus 10 inside my tent at night - so to try cycling on trails was imopossible. (The road through Russia was otherwise completed in 2004 when the stretch of Cita - Blagovesensk was finished.) Then by train to prior Blagovesensk, where the road started again, and then by bike to Vladivostok. From Vladivostok I rode to the border bridge to North Korea and nobody cared that I photographed and "pretended to be a spy"... Then I rode along small dirt roads in China very close to the small border river along the North Korean border, before I finally ended up in the industrial town of Dalian.
So I went back to Norway and Bergen to work for a few years for for "some reason", I had "borrowed " the money - 130.000 NOK that should have gone to taxes for 1997 - to buy shares... My share became 1.25% of the company that "surely would double in price", but it was almost nullified when the whole company was sold... After a few years of "non-stop" overtime work I had both paid off my old taxes and had money for a new bikeride...
5.) In the autumn of 2001 I started the bike tours that ended in the spring of 2005. Mainly in East-Asia / China / Central-Asia and Russia / Siberia. Then back to work in Bergen, Norway.
6.) In 2007, I rode from Almaty in eastern Kazakhstan through Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova / Transniestre, Ukraine, Russia and to Aktobe / Aktobinsk in Western Kazakhstan. Almaty via Ukraine to Aktobe:10.400 kilometers. Then small bike rides in Asia. In July / August 2008 I rode from Petropavlsk in northern Kazakhstan through Russia to Latvia. 3100 kilometers in 29 days and one night.
Between 1978 and 2008 I traveled in a total of about 88 countries. Between 1988 and 2008 I crossed 50 of the countries on bicycle. A total of approximatly 154.000 kilometers cycled abroad - and that was the reason I gave myself the "title" NFL: Norways Foremost Longdistancecyclist.
22.3 O&F : Norway's Foremost Long Distance Cyclist autumn of 2008 - present day:
In August 2008 in the small port town of Ventspils, Latvia, I settled to rest for nearly three months while I studied every little step three investor scammers did in an ongoing investor fraud on the Oslo Stock Exchange. In this scam, I lost inheritance and savings totalling 520.000 NOK. They have known who I am since August 2007 when I used to mail the company and quote all the manipulations that were made against the company. I had never thought of the possibility that the main shareholders, CEO and the board would defraud their own shareholders. I studied the fraud for nearly three months and I wrote 58 parts and 310 points on the fraud. They taught me about everything and how every small detail helps the fraud further. Four scammers and the two most important were these:
1. The physician trained AP enthusiast and AP created "NSS".
2. A Swedish serial fraudster, might even be "SFS" (Sweden's Foremost Serialswindler).
And after I posted my findings on the discussion forum, the fraud process completely stopped...
Reason? He who leads the fraud is probably a Swedish serial fraudster. His all-consuming greed and stinginess might have made ​​him Sweden's Foremost Serialswindler ( SFS ) - as he between 1997 and 2007 filled up his own company with over 20 national and international acquisitions before listing it on the Stockholm Stock Exchange 12. October 2007. And someone like him would not have done that without as mutch use of fraud and embezzlement as possible...
Swedish stinginess is comical and a few years ago he gave his Norwegian wife 6000 used, free bricks for Christmas... And that's just ONE of many examples from Sweden's most stingy billionaire...
After that I started asking for Swedish discussion forums that discussed "SYSR" he became afraid of the consequences. Even though fraud on OSE - appointed by OSE - is protected by OSE, DNB and Labour Party, the serial scammer is from Sweden. Sweden, where Democracy works and where the Rule of Law is perfect. Well Swedish Rule of Law is ALMOST perfect...
From Ventspils in rainy November I took the ferry to Sweden and a bus to Norway. Less than 24 houres after I arrived in Oslo, my bike was stolen from outside the Central Station. It is a stone's throw from the Oslo Stock Exchange. Hmmmm... maybe an employee from OSE stole it? Have you seen it in the streets of Oslo? It is a Gary Fisher Advance and the paintwork I scratched deliberately in Central Asia in 2007, for the - then - new bike looked so disturbing expencive... It's a cheap and strong frame with Shimano XT and LX parts. The front tire was Schwalbe Marathon XR and the rear tire "bullet-proof" Scwalbe Marathon Plus.
I had been in Norway for 7 months when my remaining shares in the company were manipulated "fraudulently" up 358 % in two days on the same "news" that resulted in 0% recovery in 2006... The share price rise came because SFS's "SYSR" wanted to sell some shares - without bothering about the notification requirement... And because another fraudster needed to sell all his shares. Hence the share price rise - that allowed me to travel from Bergen to Bulgaria two months later, on 11 August 2009.
From Burgas I took the night bus to Istanbul in Turkey. Living in Sircesi in Istanbul I wrote effectively about fraud and deception for nearly three months. Much of my best work was done there, while the tram rattled past I discovered and mapped DNB's Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM. In November 2009, I traveled to Bangkok and continued my private investigations in the low-cost countries Thailand and Cambodia. But because I had been caught in a daytrade deception in Algeta 3 September 2009, I had an ailing economy. In March 2010, I put my account number on the net and asked if someone could sponsor or lend me some money. It was that way AP, NFS (Norway's Foremost Serialswindler) etc learned through DNB who I am. Altogether I got 4.600 NOK in 2010 and 1.200 NOK at the very beginning of 2011, since then nothing. In April 2010, I sold the unused touring bike I had - hopefully - bought in Istanbul. 24 June 2010 I got money from the tax return and could pay my local debt.
In autumn 2010, I offered to systematize my 50 threads on NFS and to provide new material for a police report of the CRU / Crew Gold ex - chairman NFS. There was none of the more than 12 TOP 50 shareholders who were interested despite the fact that they / their clients had lost over 100 MNOK in the fraud...
2011 opened with five nights on a hard wooden bench in the side entrance to a local police station before I moved into a "free" 24/7 internet cafe. The 16 March 2011 I went out into the bush and began with unpaid conservation work. I do not get paid but I get two meals per day and a bed in a windowless and waterless shed. Thus I do not break Thailand's strict working rules . The small village hasn't internet so I borrow sometimes money and travel to a town with internet.
A total of six bike rides and around 154.000 kilometers cycled abroad, with the bike(s) full of bikebags, made ​​me earn the title NFL - Norway's Foremost Longdistancecyclist. Overall I have slept at about 2.000 different places in my life, mostly free in my tent(s) or just sleeping in my sleeping bag(s). Since I was 16 I have traveled in a total of about 88 countries and crossed 50 countries by bike. I 've learned to recognize falsehood and all other human infirmities... I have escaped several attacks and attempted robberies without ever losing anything - exept for falling victim to three accounts of theft in 2008.
My - in Norway - unique life history, has given me insight and wisdom enough to detect and trap criminals whether it is chairmen and / or CEO's and / or CFO's and / or elected politicians... If someone soon lend me some money so I can take a two month break from my unpaid conservation work, move to a major internet city and buy me a bike so I can exercise away an upcoming sedentary life in front of computers. While trapping fraudsters, criminal politicians and others from [ Scammer Generation ] 1941-1960...
23. Table of Contents repeated:
1.a) Introduction
1.b) To Administrator.
2.a ) Threads six named ( first name) mainpersons : "J." , Rune , Jens ( NFS) , Ola , Gerald and me Asmund 2.b) AP / DNB / DNM / OSE / VPS / NTM / Finanstilsynet / Økokrim / "J" / Rune / Jens (NFS) / Ola / Gerald vs. me "NFL" Asmund ...
2.c) I have 36 years of international experience in order to recognize "people like" " J.", Rune, Jens ( NFS), Ola and Gerald.
3.a) When did AP get "criminal imagination"? And what exactly is AP's people prison, "APs control freak - nepotistic guardianship State" Norway the last Soviet State""?
3.b) What is Fraud-triangle DMS - OSE - NTM and how did I discovered it?
3.c) Who founded the Fraud-triangle DMS - OSE - NTM and when was it started?
3.d) How many billions are shareholders and bondholders swindled out annually through Fraud-triangle DMS - OSE - NTM?
3.e) How many employees part time work with fraud from DNM, OSE / VPS, NTM, Finanstilsynet and Økokrim?
4.a) Must "Generation X" 1961-1980 clean up after the [Swindler generation] 1941-1960 unaided?
4.b) Norwegians are Europe's most naive share scam victims...
5.a) Thread is written after alerts price Zola Prize criteria.
5.b) Thread Index.
[ 2. SECTION: Zola award : U&T >Uncovered or Thwarted< ]
6.0 U&T : Data virus &#8203;&#8203; placed in my text:
6.1 U&T : Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM in AGI/Artumas "Matching halt" scam. "J'accuse!"
6.2 U&T : AGI: Norwegian record(?) in OSE led scam? The false "Matching halt" -77% stockprice CRASH from ONE TRADE TO THE NEXT in the AGI/Artumas scam! "J'accuse!"
6.3 U&T : Norwegian Trustee in AGI/Artumas scam. "J'accuse!"
7.1 U&T : Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM in the NEXUS scam. "J'accuse!"
7.2 U&T : 9 fraudulent "Matching halts" choked shareholders and bondholders hope in the Nexus scam. "J'accuse!"
8.1 U&T : Fraud Triangle, Norway's Foremost Serialswindler and false "Matching halt" in the CRU/Crew Gold scam. "J'accuse!"
8.2 "The -97,1% drop in the share price in CRU / Crew Gold, during the 21 months he sat in the CRU Board, came because of the recession!"
9.1 U&T : How I chased Norway's Foremost Serialswindler out of the CRU fraud . "J'accuse!"
9.2 U&T : How I chased Norway's Foremost Serialswindler out of ITX/Intex Resourses scam. "J'accuse!"
10. U&T : NFS and " Self-financing embezzlement scam" explained using the example of ITX . "J'accuse!"
11. Uncovered: NFS PGS scam. "J'accuse!"
12. U&T : My best threads about NFS-Jens - "Norway's own Bernie Madoff". "J'accuse!"
13. U&T : PGS/CRU/ITX - and the NFS-Jens history repeats itself in REC... "J'accuse!"
14. U&T : The description of OBJAKT archive describes NFS-Jens's personality..."J'accuse!"
15. Uncovered: Example of DNM - OSE fashioned day scam: ALGETA. "J'accuse!"
[ 3. SECTION: Zola award : > Conditions that threaten Human Dignity, Democracy and the Rule of Law in Norway. < ]
> Labour Party / DNB bank / Oslo Stock Exchange stifle Human Dignity in Norway! "J'accuse!"
16. Human Dignity : The ultimate consequence for the weakest stock fraud victims. "J'accuse!"
> Labour Party stifle Democracy in Norway ! "J'accuse!"
How "J." controlled Labour Party's undemocratic power is suffocating Democracy in Norway:
17.1 Democracy : The Labour Party election "scam" in 2009 vs. free and fair 2013. "J'accuse!"
17.2 Democracy : Labour Party's "State within the State" aka Labour Party's control freak-nepotistic guardianship State "Norway the last Soviet State". "J'accuse!"
17.3 Democracy : Stock and bond frauds finance Labour Party's "State within the State". "J'accuse!"
17.4.1 Democracy : Labour Party is monitoring the Conservative Party and the Progress Party. "J'accuse!"
17.4.2 Democracy : "- Norwegian monitoring impresses NSA."
> Labour Party stifle the Rule of Law in Norway! " J'accuse ! "
18.1 Legal Protection : Labour Party lets criminals control some of Norway's most important offices. "J'accuse!"
18.2 Legal Protection : Labour Party protects and prevents imprisonment of criminals including NFS. "J'accuse!"
18.3 Legal Protection : Let me further investigate and identify "Labour Party and other organized financial crime"!
18.4 Legal Protection : [Swindler Generation] 1941-1960 vs. "Generation X" 1961-1980.
[ 4. SECTION: Zola award : > Open and Fearless < ]
19. O&F : I am Open and Fearless .
20. O&F : Suggest me for the Zola award for 2015?
21. O&F : Wake up! Mail me! Support me! (You can not all be stingy and broke...) Police report me for " libelous statements"!
22. O&F : The "Slumdog Millionaire" principle . CV / "autobiography" of someone who is not a racist. Only someone very special can managed to reveal AP's and DNB's Fraud Triangle and Norway's Foremost Serialswindler and perhaps also Sweden's Foremost Serialswindler...
22.1 O&F : Pre Norway's Foremost Long distance cyclist 1961 - 1987:
22.2 O&F : Norway's Foremost Long distance cyclist 1988 - 2008:
22.3 O&F : Norway's Foremost Long distance cyclist autumn of 2008 - present day:
[ 5. SECTION: Thread End . ]
23. Table of Contents repeated.
24. Thread very briefly summarized. + Insider Comment.
What I write about in this thread/blog is the Fraud Triangle which is the biggest and the best protected organization of fraud in Western Europe since World War II.
Frauds which can lead to that a future AP-free Supreme Court will dissolve AP.
Frauds that can cause the DNB stock to be nearly zeroed after DNB has sold all assets to cover the many billions NOK claims against the bank - thereby saving the core business of banking operations.
Fraudsters most important tool consists of AP's / DNB's collaboration in the Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM.
The Fraud Triangle DNM - OSE - NTM has successfully carried out its fraud cooperation in a number of listed and - not least - delisted companies.
The Fraud Triangle is started and protected by Norway's most powerful party.
The Fraud Triangle is led by Norway's main bank and Norway's (hidden) major brokerage.
The Fraud Triangle is systematized and protection by Norway's most important market place.
The Fraud Triangle is part led by Norway's main trustee.
A comment from a frustrated ex - insiders of conditions in Norway :
Posted by: Guest (20101128 18:44), read 41 times
RE ^ 1: VPS is the leader of a loan pool for short selling of stocks?
"There are few, perhaps only a handful who cares about economic crime., I know it abound, as I have been on the inside. It is so disgusting to see that the same people will keep on year after year, while hailed those of ministers, journalists and people in general. Norway is thoroughly corrupt country, while UD create a body against corruption abroad, I think they could well have begun here at home."
Because I believe that AP, AP / DNB and AP / DNB / OSE are the biggest threats to Norway's Future and especially Norway's Economic Future, I become - in my eyes - Norway most important whistleblower.
Zola award should in general set up guidelines for how to alerts effectively in a country like Norway.
Norway - where AP & Co controles the mainstream press and the mainstream media.
Norway - where AP / DNB controles "Finanstilsynet" and "Økokrim".
Norway - where AP through its "state within the state" controls "all" offices AP deem important...
Never has anyone been for so long and so to the degree alone - and broke - up against something that is so destructive to the Norwegian Economic and Political Present and Future.
Mahatma Gandhi: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
1. First they ignore you, 2008: ________________________________
2. then they laugh at you, 2009: ...............................................
3. then they fight you, 2010 - currently : An infinity of threats and sabotage ...
4. then you win. 2014? 2015? 2016?
17 January 2015:
WHY am I unable to find someone to lend me money?
Even the most skeptical among you should support me under this way of reasoning:
"If you are wrong, you owe me money!"
"If you are right, you still owe me money! But at the same time you saved especially Norway, but also the 28 NATO countries for billions!"
If I could I would support someone like me, using the reasoning above. Have they blocked my bank account, or have you all lost the "art of reasoning"?
Let me study further the political and financial criminal inbreed, started, protected and maintained by Labour Party and Jens. An expensive, criminal inbreed that ruins Democracy, Right of Law, and Human Rights in Norway. A criminal inbreed that now threatens the security of Europe.
Norwegians are - according to European Social Survey - Europe's most naive people, so I can't expect any help from them...

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