mandag 14. desember 2015

8b.) Written 2015.12.14. for CIA. "To whom it may consern". Leaders and members of an international ring of fraudsters: Jens Ulltveit-Moe, Norway. Helmut Sohmen, Austria/Hong Kong. Andreas Sohmen-Pao, Singapore. Eike Batista, Brazil. Alexei Mordashov, Russia. Vladimir Putin, Russia. - Are NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the Russian President Vladimir Putin the worlds most dangerous friends? - Is Jens Stoltenberg Putin's eyes, ears and voice in NATO? - What did Putin and Jens Stoltenberg in 2013/2014 do to make Angela Merkel suggest and support Jens Stoltenberg as the next leader of NATO / OTAN - the world's most powerful army? - Was Putin & Co the mentor for Jens Stoltenberg's / Norwegian Labour Party's economic frauds and mentor for J.S.'s / LP's political frauds? - How to investigate and arrest Jens Stoltenberg (Norwegian Prime Minister 2005 - 2013) for creating and protecting the fraudulent cooperation between, partly state owned and LP controlled, DNB bank and Oslo Stock Exchange and Norwegian Trustee. The Fraud Triangle DNB/DNM - OSE/VPS - NTM has been defrauding Norwegian and international investors for 10's of billions of USD, since 2008, in stock and bond frauds. - Arrest also Tor-Aksel Busch, Director of Public Prosecution, who has for the last 28 years (10+18) been aiding and protecting Labour Party and Labour Party's crimes. According to me Labour Party (J'accuse!) ordered the killing of Norwegian whistle blower Jan Wiborg - and according to my gut feeling Tor-Aksel Busch stopped the murder investigation in Copenhagen...

14 December 2015.
Here is a new "To whom it may concern"
 correcting my wrong description of how they sabotaged my tablet computer for the fifth or sixth time in one year.
If you wish you can delete this "page" now, because I have just published the same "page" without "To whom it may concern".
Your ex employee has started to visit my beach again after many months in his homeland, so I no longer feel so isolated. The locals are still annoyed with me because of my strict "No burning of plastic!" - policy, but, lucky me, they won't kick me out as long as I owe them money...
I have already given my tablet computer to your ex employee and he will bring it to you, with a description, when he comes to the New Year party. But my description of how they (FSB(?), Russia or Labour Party, Norway) closed down my tablet computer, for the fifth or sixth time, was wrong in my "4 December" blog page, so here is the correct description:
On the 16 and 17 of November I wrote this new start to the blog naming, for the first time, everyone in the blog. On the 19 of November, evening time here in Thailand, I sent an email to my family in Norway and I sent an email to BBC most likely got the email because of a series of sudden upticks from UK. But when I went to the British Government pages, internet slowed down. I tried to open this page at the Serious Fraud Office in London:
when internet went down to a crawl and didn't want to open the page for me. I am not that suspicious of nature as this blog gives you the impression of, so I looked at the time and convinced myself that it was not sabotage but only a busy net. The last two months when in trouble I always go for "Settings" and "Factory Reset", but not this time, so I switched off the computer instead. 30 minutes or so later, I tried again and got "Unfortunately Settings has stopped working." Then I knew the crawling internet was sabotage and that they again were trying to close down my tablet for the fifth or sixth time. But how could I outsmart the blocking so I could get to "Factory Reset"? Android has two "Settings", but only the "Setting" that covers "Factory Reset" was blocked. I switched the tablet off a few times and tried speed to outrun the blocking, but I couldn't outsmart it and after four or five tries, the tablet refused to open. It warms up but won't open, just like four - five times before. But earlier it was everything but "Settings" they closed, mainly "Browser". For two months every time in trouble I would go for "Factory Reset", so how can I be sure I didn't do it this time? Because all messages were in English. My tablet's default language is Chinese, in addition the crappy full of writing errors fake software they installed after the last sabotage, tilts the text automaticly 180 degrees, so I would have remembered if I had to read in upside-down Chinese that "Unfortunately Settings has closed."...
Anyway, you will get my tablet from your ex employee just before New Year. I give it to you so you can do with it as you wish. But since I think it is cool to have free WiFi in my window less and water less shack and since I have kind of grown used to the luxury of having internet, it feels like a great loss not to have a computer. So if you, for some reason - or no reason at all - wish to give me a late Christmas present you can maybe send with him back to me a second hand tablet or even better a second hand laptop computer. And best of all; one of those with a "bullet proof" software... 
In 2016 I wish to go looking for my now eighteen years old daughter probably living in or near Udon Thani, but without valid travel documents I can't get through all of the police and military roadblocks. If I send with your ex employee all my details, would it be possible for you to help me with some sort of travel documents? Anything?
I guess he told you about my clump foot when he still was an employee, today I started on a new cure of AMK 1000 mg and I have great pain when walking. One day I will have money enough to chop off my foot and get something useful in titanium and carbon fiber - so that I can become a world cyclist again...
My new blog:
You can delete this "page" now, if you wish, because I have already published the same "page" without "To whom it may concern".
I have a new blog that proves that I am 98% kindness and 2% pure pitch black evil:
Q: What is new in this blog right now? 
A: 11.b, 11.c. and - not to forget - 11.d...
11.a Who is most likely to kill me?
11.b Can the criminal unity of Vladimir Putin and Jens Stoltenberg please avoid "collateral damage"?
11.c Warning to the criminal unity of Vladimir Putin and Jens Stoltenberg: Someone WILL nail you for my murder...
11.d To the hit man - or woman - sent by the criminal unity of Vladimir Putin and Jens Stoltenberg to kill me: Turn back and kill Vladimir Putin/Jens Stoltenberg and I will pay you twice as much as they are willing to pay you for killing me. Capice?
1. The headline repeated.
2. My name is Asmund Agdestein.
3. Jens Stoltenberg knows he is being investigated and he is smart enough to tell who knows he is being investigated.
4. Jens Stoltenberg is a coward. He will not tell you that most of you in my blog are being investigated.
5. Is Jens Stoltenberg a murderer? The Fraud Triangle Jens Stoltenberg created for Norwegian Labour Party has made an estimated more than ten national and international investors / fraud victims to commit suicide. In addition I suspect Jens Stoltenberg took part when top Labour Party leaders (J'accuse!) in 1994 decided to kill whistle blower Jan Wiborg.
6. Will Jens Stoltenberg become suicidal?
7. Will Vladimir Putin silence his friend Jens Stoltenberg by having him killed? 
8. Labour Party will kill if LP feels trapped in a corner. Graphic description of the killing in Copenhagen in 1994 of "Labour Party vs. Hurum airport" whistle blower Jan Wiborg.
9. Q: Who has the authority in Norway to arrest the Director of Public Prosecution?
10. Q: Who ordered whistleblower Jan Wiborg killed? Gro Harlem Brundtland? Thorbjorn Jagland? Jens Stoltenberg? All three?
11.a Who is most likely to kill me?
11.b Can the criminal unity of Vladimir Putin and Jens Stoltenberg please avoid "collateral damage"?
11.c Warning to the criminal unity of Vladimir Putin and Jens Stoltenberg: Someone WILL nail you for my murder...
11.d To the hit man - or woman - sent by the criminal unity of Vladimir Putin and Jens Stoltenberg to kill me: Turn back and kill Vladimir Putin/Jens Stoltenberg and I will pay you twice as much as they are willing to pay you for killing me. Capice?
12. A few simple steps to prove that Labour Party and Jens Stoltenberg commit economic crimes as funding for political crimes.
13. Shortcut to prove Labour Party's criminal mind: Prove that the whisleblower prize The Zola-Prize is fake.
14. Shortcut to prove OSE stock fraud.
15. International fraudsters using the Fraud Triangle MUST be trusted. The simplest explanation is that they belong to an international fraud ring where each and every fraudster has been quality stamped by someone else... 
16. Angela Merkel has been manipulated and outsmarted by Jens Stoltenberg.
17. Angela Merkel has, like so many other European leaders, probably been asked by Putin for minor help to secure Gazprom's deliveries of gas at a low fixed rate: Putin: "Support my friend Jens Stoltenberg as the next leader of NATO - or risk losing the next election...""
18. NATO's leader Jens Stoltenberg and Labour Party has been manipulated and outsmarted by Putin/FSB, and therefore Jens Stoltenberg puts at risk not only Europe's population - but also the worlds population.
19. My tablet computer has died. Anyone with a laptop computer for Christmas?
20. I have always loved mocking and annoying people - and it has always been a threat to my life...
21. Was current Norwegian Prime Minister my childhoods bullying "friend"?
22. Why I am educational superior to most of the world's politicians...
23. Why I can understand fraudsters, murderers and mass murderers: I am 98% kindness and 2% pure pitch black evil...
1. The headline repeated.
- Leaders and members of an international ring of fraudsters: Jens Ulltveit-Moe, Norway. Helmut Sohmen, Austria/Hong Kong. Andreas Sohmen-Pao, Singapore. Eike Batista, Brazil. Alexei Mordashov, Russia. Vladimir Putin, Russia.
- Are NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the Russian President Vladimir Putin the worlds most dangerous friends?
- Is Jens Stoltenberg Putin's eyes, ears and voice in NATO?
- What did Putin and Jens Stoltenberg in 2013/2014 do to make Angela Merkel suggest and support Jens Stoltenberg as the next leader of NATO / OTAN - the world's most powerful army?
- Was Putin & Co the mentor for Jens Stoltenberg's / Norwegian Labour Party's economic frauds and mentor for J.S.'s / LP's political frauds?
- How to investigate and arrest Jens Stoltenberg (Norwegian Prime Minister 2005 - 2013) for creating and protecting the fraudulent cooperation between, partly state owned and LP controlled, DNB bank and Oslo Stock Exchange and Norwegian Trustee. The Fraud Triangle DNB/DNM - OSE/VPS - NTM has been defrauding Norwegian and international investors for 10's of billions of USD since 2008 in stock and bond frauds.
- Arrest also Tor-Aksel Busch, Director of Public Prosecution, who has for the last 28 years (10+18) been aiding and protecting Labour Party and Labour Party's crimes. According to me Labour Party (J'accuse!) ordered the killing of Norwegian whistleblower Jan Wiborg - and according to my gut feeling Tor-Aksel Busch stopped the murder investigation in Copenhagen...
2. My name is Asmund Agdestein.
- Since I now name most of the suspects in my blog I now write my own full name as well. All those I list know who I am and most of them have known it since before 20100525.
My name is Asmund Agdestein 19610819 and I am from Bergen, Norway. But I live penny less in Thailand. Last year I bought a cheap Chinese tablet because a neighbor got WiFi. After googling a bit too much about those listed here, they (probably Labour Party's people) made it clear that they knew who I am, and where I am - and that they keep a record of what I do on the internet.  They know where I am - because of my IP - and what I do, so here it is: I am cleaning a small beach in Thailand and I am being sponsored with two meals a day and a mattress in a window less and water less little hut.
I am still penny less because you readers do not care about what I write about or because LP has had my account blocked.
My account number is further down the blog in the capital letters A to Z section...
3. Jens Stoltenberg knows he is being investigated and he is smart enough to tell who knows he is being investigated.
It is not possible to investigate anyone in Norway without Labour Party knows about it. Labour Party controls everything from Finanstilsynet / Okokrim right up to Director of Public Prosecution Tor-Aksel Busch. Anything that conserns investigatin of Jens Stoltenberg, Jens Stoltenberg will know about as soon as Labour Party knows about it. Jens Stoltenberg is smart enough to know WHO knows that he is being investigated; being snubbed at an international visit, a smile that's no longer is genuine, a handshake that is too quick, all those small signs that tells him something is wrong. Signs he has been looking for for more than 40 years, signs that for more than 40 years has told him that even though he is an extremely good manipulator, there will always be someone that doubts how genuine he is and looks for his hidden motifs.
4. Jens Stoltenberg is a coward. He will not tell you that most of you in my blog are being investigated.
Jens Stoltenberg is not used to have to deal with the problems created by his criminality of the simple reason that those criminal acts, are never seen as his creations. But now that he is facing between 8 and 20 years imprisonment, his brain goes into denial and stops produsing sensible solutions. He is withdrawing and will not tell those people in this blog, that Labour Party knows are being investigated, that they are being investigated - partly because it is all so overwhelming and partly because he is a coward that is not willing to deal with critics and problems.
5. Is Jens Stoltenberg a murderer? The Fraud Triangle Jens Stoltenberg created for Norwegian Labour Party has made an estimated more than ten national and international investors / fraud victims to commit suicide. In addition I suspect Jens Stoltenberg took part when top Labour Party leaders (J'accuse!) in 1994 decided to kill whistle blower Jan Wiborg. 
I deal with suicides Jens Stoltenberg, and others, are responsible for under this blog's fifth and last TOC. I deal with the murder of Jan Wiborg in this TOC.
6. Will Jens Stoltenberg become suicidal?
Do not let Jens Stoltenberg committ suicide because we need him to know what his friend Vladimir Putin is planning to do to sabotage and castrate NATO.
7. Will Vladimir Putin silence his friend Jens Stoltenberg by having him killed?
If it is possible to pin a possible killing of Jens Stoltenberg on Vladimir Putin, my advice is to let it go ahead unhindered - and in that way it will be easier for us to topple Vladimir Putin. If Jens Stoltenberg complains, explain to him that sometimes, someone has to be sacrificed for the greater good. If he continues to complain - just grin and bear it - knowing that sooner or later Vladimir Putin's people will have him silenced...
8. Labour Party WILL kill if LP feels trapped in a corner. Graphic description of the killing in Copenhagen in 1994 of "Labour Party vs. Hurum airport" whistleblower Jan Wiborg.
- According to me Labour Party will kill if LP feels trapped in a corner. According to me Labour Party / Jens Stoltenberg may decide to have me killed - before I manage to trap both Jens Stoltenberg and Labour Party. According to me Labour Party ordered Jan Wiborg killed in 1994. And according to Knut Lindh's book: "Who killed Jan Wiborg?" Jan Wiborg WAS killed.
But WHO ordered him killed? Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland? Leading LP politician Thorbjorn Jagland? Member of the government Jens Stoltenberg? All three? ALL THREE???
Are Norway going to lose all three?
- The Norwegian Parliament decided in 1988 that the new main airport would be placed in Hurum. But Labour Party, with Gro Harlem Bruntland as Prime Minister, wanted it to be placed in Gardermoen.
LP managed to get one more test of the fog situation in Hurum checked, before the work in Hurum could go ahead. A check that showed "too much fog in Hurum" - so Labour Party got the Parliament decision reversed and the airport was built in Gardermoen instead. But then the civil engineer Jan Wiborg 19441009 said the final fog tests were fraudulent and that the Norwegian Parliament had been fooled to take the wrong decision based on fraudulent "facts". Whistle blower Jan Wiborg worked hard to get Parliament to understand they had been fooled.
Shortly before he was killed he told two members of the Parliament that he knew who had tampered with the fog results. Then he was tricked to go to Copenhagen.
Sometime during the night of 19940621 Jan Wiborg was squeezed naked through a tiny broken window in Hotel CabInn in Danasvej in Copenhagen. As so many people waiting to be killed, Jan shit himself on the inside window ledge, and then later someone curbed a ready made cigarette in Jan's shit. Jan only smoked hand made / self made cigarettes. He was found naked in a pool of blood the next morning.
The police concluded that it was suicide and the blood was soon washed away - together with vital clues...
Suicide??? Almost 50 years old he commits an almost impossible to do suicide stunt like a young magician or acrobat?
Suicide??? AND breaks, with a bang, the biggest rule someone committing suicide HAS to follow: Show consideration to those who will find you!
Jan Wiborg was NAKED in a pool of blood created from multiple wounds the broken glass he was squeezed through gave his body.
Imaging a naked dead body of a 50 years old man who had been squeezed through a tiny broken window would look like. Imaging that softer parts of his body would have been scraped off.
Imaging a naked dead body of a 50 years old man with probably no ears and probably no penis and with multiple gaping and sliced wounds on his body, lying in a pool of his own blood. Who the hell would be so inconsiderate to expose his own body like that to e.g. children going to school the next morning? Who the hell would be so inconsiderate that they would ruin children's lives by exposing them to something that child / person never would be able to forget?
Silly fools! When will you grow up and start to think? That was NO SUICIDE! That was MURDER!
9. Q: Who has the authority in Norway to arrest the Director of Public Prosecution?
- Come here you useless little prick, Tor-Aksel Busch, and don't worry nobody but you will ever bother to read this far down the blog so this is just between you and me: Who in Labour Party promised you as Deputy to become Director of Public Prosecution? - And promised you to remain Director of Public Prosecution for as long as you would wish? In exchange for covering up the Jan Wiborg murder? Who did you call in Copenhagen to make them flush the place where he was found dead - shortly after he was found dead?
Did you, Tor-Aksel Busch, call someone in Copenhagen BEFORE Jan Wiborg was killed?
Who ordered Jan Wiborg killed? Did you Tor-Aksel Busch order Jan Wiborg killed?
How do you feel now, Tor-Aksel Busch, do you want to kill me Asmund Agdestein? Who would you call to have me killed here in Thailand?
And how can I possible escape penny less, without a visa and with an expired passport? Have you blocked my account in Sparebanken Vest or are just people in Norway a bunch of brainless fools who thinks Norway is the worlds most perfect country and that Labour Party and Jens Stoltenberg are Gods gift to Norway? Maybe I want to become a martyr, just to prove that I am right?
As the Director of Public Prosecution you are smart enough to know that involved in the Jan Wiborg murder, or not, you WILL be arrested anyway for other crimes you have committed the last 28 years, so my question is this: Who has the authority in Norway to arrest the Director of Public Prosecution Tor-Aksel Busch?
10. Q: Who ordered whistle blower Jan Wiborg killed? Gro Harlem Brundtland? Thorbjorn Jagland? Jens Stoltenberg? All three?
- Was it Gro Harlem Bruntland who ordered someone to kill Jan Wiborg? Both in 1988 and in 1994 Gro was Norway's prime minister. AND "The mother of the nation" that LP promoters had convinced the press to call her..
In 1991/92 I cycled from San Francisco to Caracas in Venezuela and I was asked in March 1992 if I would come and meet her while she was visiting President Perez in Caracas, unfortunately I said "No". And now I regret it, because I would have been able to judge her personally...
- Was it Thorbjorn Jagland who ordered someone to kill Jan Wiborg? In 1988 Thorbjorn was a leading member of LP and someone who planned the strategy for LP in the coming years.
In 1994 Thorbjorn Jagland was the leader of Labour Party. Thorbjorn Jagland became the leader in 1992 when Gro Harlem Brundtland ended her leadership of LP, and he remained leader until 2002 when Jens Stoltenberg started as leader.
- Was it Jens Stoltenberg who ordered someone to kill Jan Wiborg? In 1988 Jens Stoltenberg was the leader of the youth-wing og the Labour Party. In that position he tricked with the member numbers and defrauded the Norwegian State - something others had to go to jail for... In 1994 Jens Stoltenberg was in the government.
- So who of these three ordered someone to kill Jan Wiborg before Jan Wiborg could torpedo LP for major manipulations? Actually, Norway risks that they all three will go to prison for the killing of Jan Wiborg - and for other Labour Party committed crimes the Deputy Director of Public Prosecution / Director of Public Prosecution Tor-Aksel Busch has deliberately failed to solve...
11.a  Who is most likely to kill me?
- I guess the people in this list doesn't like to have their names in a blog about someone like the national and international traitor Jens Stoltenberg. - Well then they shouldn't have done what they did... And, anyway, to be in a list together with Jens Stoltenberg is just part of the punishment...
- Labour Party: LP doesn't like to kill people but prefers to lock those who point out LP criminality in mental asylums...
One of the best examples is former diplomat Synnove Fjellbakk Tafto. How many times LP has had her locked up and forcefully medicated, I do not know. It just seems like each time she wrote about LP criminality, she would be locked up...
But what will happen if I manage to trap LP "in a corner"? Will LP have me killed then? Most likely yes - like Labour Party ordered the killing of the whistleblower Jan Wiborg in 1994.
- Jens Stoltenberg 19590316.
Leader of Labour Party 2002 - 2014.
Prime Minister of Norway 2000 - 2001 and 2005 - 2013.
Now: Secretary General of NATO 2014 - until arrested in 2016, 2017, 2018 or 2019...
According to me former Finance Minister Jens Stoltenberg part planned the Fraud Triangle, a fraud cooperation unmatched in any other western European country. Jens Stoltenberg part planned, made possible and protected the stock fraud cooperation between the state owned and LP controlled bank DNB and Oslo Stock Exchange. And the bond fraud cooperation between DNB / OSE and Norwegian Trustee (NTM). The Fraud Triangle DNB/DNM - OSE/VPS - NTM was fully operational from 2008/2009.
Since then the Fraud Triangle has defrauded Norwegian and international OSE stock and bond investors for 10's of billions of USD.
J.S. passed the test to become a hunter in 2008 or 2009, when I read it I thought: "NOW you are on a slippery slide, boy..."
Does Jens Stoltenberg want me killed? Or will he let me spin my net around him until I will get him arrested?
- Thorbjorn Jagland 19501105.
Leader of Labour Party 1992 - 2002.
Prime Minister 1996 - 1997.
Now Secretary General Counsel of Europe 2009 - 2019.
I don't accuse him of anything - except being childishly naive...
- Jonas Gahr Store 19600825.
Millionaire  in NOK.
Leader of Labour Party 2014 - ?
Time will tell if he is rotten or not...
- Tor-Aksel Busch 19500317.
Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions 1987 - 1997.
Director of Public Prosecution (Norwegian: "Riksadvokat") 1997 - until later suspended and arrested in 2016, 2017, 2018 or 2019...
28 years with protecting LP from being prosecuted - and that will sooner or later send him to prison...
- Employee of Okokrim. Unknown to me.
Would let Rune Bjerke decide.
- Employee of Finanstilsynet. Unknown to me.
Would let Rune Bjerke decide.
- Rune Bjerke 19600617.
Ex LP politician.
CEO DNB since 20070101 - of the partly state owned and LP controlled bank...
Rune was the one - according to me - who "constructed" the Fraud Triangle.
Rune would let his best friend, and best man at his wedding, Jens Stoltenberg decide if I should be killed or not.
- Bente Avnung Landsnes 19570808.
The only woman in my blog...
CEO OSE since 20060101 + a lot else on Oslo Stock Exchange / VPS...
She would let Rune Bjerke decide.
- Employee of DNM. Unknown to me.
Would let Rune Bjerke decide.
- Employee of NTM. Unknown to me.
Would let Rune Bjerke decide.
- Jens Ulltveit-Moe 19420716.
Multi billionaire in NOK.
President of NHO 2000 - 2004.
According to me JUM is "NFS" or "Norway's Foremost Serialswindler".
I chased JUM out of his CRU/Crew fraud and his partly under way INTEX Resources fraud. Russian Severstal and Alexei Mordashov took over the two frauds from JUM. If JUM wants me killed he will contact Ola Maele.
- Ola Maele 19570129.
Billionaire in NOK.
One of Norway's biggest land owners. Loves hunting and accepts - grumpily - that the hunted can turn around and hunt him - with words... In secret O.M. is a LP fanatic and together with JUM Ola sabotaged the election for the conservatives, so that LP would win more votes...
I suspect Jens Stoltenberg and Ola Maele to hunt wildlife together - and to plan political and economical crimes...
- After the Parliament election in 2009 the leader of "Venstre", Lars Sponheim, blamed both Jens Ulltweit-Moe and Ola Maele harshly. Sponheim meant the investor elite in Norway had ruined "incredible much" by turning the Parliament election into an election about reducing the fortune tax for those who are incredible rich. Through a simple, and legal manipulation, Jens Ulltveit-Moe and Ola Maele made Labour Party look like the only party worth voting for for ordinary people in the 2009 Parliament election - and Norwegians, including Lars Sponheim, are just to dumb to understand when they are being manipulated...
O.M. would leave any killings to be Jens Stolteberg's decision.
- Carl Krogh Arnet 1956.
Founder of the only company I have found that was founded - according to me - as a fraud - NEXUS. Ex CEO and main shareholder of APL. Now CEO BWO.
In the summer of 2009 Carl moved up to the top of my list over people most likely to kill me. I showed his BWO CEO picture to a close relative of me and he said shocked: "Gosh! He looks like a creep!". I wrote this on a discussion forum in Norway and a few weeks later Carl came with a new CEO picture where he actually looks like he is smiling...
Carl would leave the decision to his own boss Andreas Sohmen-Pao.
Andreas Sohmen-Pao, Singapore, 1971.
Multi billionaire in USD.
NEXUS and BWO frauds - both in close cooperation with Carl Krogh Arnet.
Ahhhh Andreas... and the childish Chinese "loss of face" problem... "Mild mannered" Andreas is pretty much at the top of the list because of the "loss of face" rule...
AND because Andreas probably knows someone that knows some bad boys somewhere near where I live...
He - and his father Helmut would not care about 2xJens or anyone else...
Helmut Sohmen, Austria/Hong Kong, 1939.
Billionaire in USD.
BWGAS fraud (pre Fraud Triangle).
Helmut would tell his son Andreas what to do - but if he tells his son what NOT to do, his son may go ahead and have it done anyway...
Eike Batista, Brazil, 1956.
From 30 billion USD to minus - 1 billion USD...
Eike pretended to buy the worlds most expensive "Harsh environment" FPSO ship from (deliberately made bankrupt) NEXUS. Eike Batista did NOT need an expensive to run special arctic ship in tropical waters... (NEXUS was most likely built on order from Rosneft, Russia or Statoil, Norway.)
Eike has got enough problems and would not care about me...
Alexei Mordashov, Russia, 1965.
Valued to 13 billion USD.
CEO and main owner of Severstal.
He got the two JUM frauds CRU / Crew Gold and INTEX Resourses.
Alexei would let his friend Vladimir Putin decide.
Vladimir Putin, Russia, 1951.
Was earlier valued to 70 billion USD.
Shareholder and decision maker in Gazprom.
Gazprom / leading Gazprom employees are behind several frauds among them the AGI / Artumas fraud.
Vladimir would do what Vladimir wants to do, whit out asking his friend Jens Stoltenberg.
- Cameron Barton, Canadian.
The fraudster that can be anything... CEO, CFO and member of the board in AGI / Artumas.
Cameron wouldn't know about Rune, so he would leave it to whoever is in charge in DNM to decide what to do with me.
- My three original fraud teachers were Ola Maele, Per Kverneland and Gerald Engstrom - I learned all about fraudsters  deception and how fraudsters crush and suffocate a share price - by e.g. pretending to be complete idiots... They and then CEO E.M. did everything to make possible costumers uninterested - so that they could suffocate the company - and the share price - even further...
In the autumn of 2008 I sat almost three months in Ventspils in Latvia and wrote 58 parts with 310 issues about the Repant fraud.
Together Ola, Per and Gerald sat for years in the board of directors and planned how they should let the shareholders pay for the development of Repant / Microlux.
The joint company that now includes Bevesys OY, will go ahead with a claim guesstimated to be around 100 mUSD in compensation from "big brother" Tomra. 100 mUSD for holding Repant and Microlux down and for causing Bevesys to go bankrupt. But will Tomra let the fraudsters win? No! Tomra will send Ola, Per and Gerald straight to prison for defrauding their own shareholders...
Repant has also the patent of a special recognition system that can be worth a LOT of money if it can be used in all forms for vending machines.
First OSE listed Repant CEO - from Bergen - was innocent. Second CEO E.M was a part of the fraud, but I don't like to add the regretful sinner to this blog, when I released my findings of the Repant fraud in November 2008, E.M. got a sick leave of a number of weeks - to be a fraudster is not for everyone's liking... If present day CEO of Repant is a part of the fraud - or a witness - I do not know...
- Ola Maele is further up the blog. He will claim that he did not take part in the fraud and that Per and Gerald defrauded him. He is just lying - his sale of his own Repant shares was just a "pre made alibi" intended to knock the share price further down... Ola got his own deal with Gerald - and that deal is secret...
- Per Kverneland 1959.
Per was one of the original founders of Repant and later on CEO. Repant / Microlux was listed on OSE 20070103.
Per's main part of the fraud was to be a clown doing everything wrong. Like selling shares by mistake and then buying them back again... In June 2009 the fraudsters manipulated the share price up 358% in two days so that Per could sell his shares and Systemair AB could sell some of their shares. But like Ola Per has his part of the company, his part of the Tomra compensation and his part of the new recognition system - in a secret deal with Gerald...
Per would leave any decision about killing me to Ola. Per is a creep - but not that bad a creep...
- (Alf) Gerald Engstrom 1948. Skinnskatteberg, Sweden.
Billionaire in SEK.
Founder and main share holder Microlux. Second share holder was CEO M.E.
Gerald / Farna Invest, with Ola and Per in secret, passed 90% ownership and delisted Repant / Microlux / Bevesys 20150626 after they willfully had managed to crush the share price 99%.
I call Gerald "SFS" because his extreme stinginess has made him - according to me - "Sweden's Foremost Serialswindler"...
In November 2008 I mocked Gerald, leader of the board in Repant, for being Sweden's stingiest person after he had given his Norwegian wife 6,000 free and used bricks as a Christmas present... Then I mocked Gerald for always wearing suits from the 70's on Systemair AB photos. Shortly after he came with a new Systemair AB CEO photos in a "new" suit... If you "investigate" you can probably find out from the other photos who's suit he borrowed... Then I mocked CFO in Systemair AB, who then was member of the board in Repant, for being overly happy as if he daily took a too big a dose of happy pills. And shortly after he came with a new CFO picture in Systemair AB...
Gerald would leave any decision about killing me to Ola. Anything goes - as long as criminally stingy Gerald doesn't have to pay for it...
11.b Can the criminal unity of Vladimir Putin and Jens Stoltenberg please avoid "collateral damage"?
Vladimir Putin/Jens Stoltenberg, it is quite easy to avoid "collateral damage" when killing me. Tell the hit man - or woman - to shoot me early in the morning when I am busy cleaning an empty beach. If the beach is very dirty the hit man - or woman - should show some respect for nature and wait until I have managed to get the beach fairly clean. If I am sitting and drinking beer with someone I would like to finish the drinking session before I am shot. If the hit man - or woman - hasn't got time to wait it is important to see WHO I am drinking with.
- If I am drinking with a skinny 65 years old looking guy, then it is the English Professor from a city two hours away from me. He comes to me for a drinking session each time he is in trouble. Last time he came I warned him that he could become "collateral damage" if one of Putin's men came and sprayed the table with bullets. He just said he would be honored to be killed with a whistle blower like me. Wasn't that sweet of him!? So if the hit man - or woman - could shout "Enjoy!" to enhance the experience for the English Professor, it would be nice. 
- If I am drinking with a slightly big man looking 40 years old, it is most likely a Norwegian working four weeks on and four weeks off in the North sea. He always  says that nobody cares about my blog so if I am being shot while I am drinking with him, try not to shoot him.  If the hit man - or woman - could shout "Surprise!" when shooting me, it would enhance the experience for the Norwegian. If the hit man - or woman - accidentally should break his beer bottle, the hit man - or woman - risk choking on his - or hers - own weapon...
11.c Warning to the criminal unity of Vladimir Putin and Jens Stoltenberg: Someone WILL nail you for my murder...
How much hidden support have I? I have no clue, someone who likes to drink beer shouldn't even be told anything remotely secret, but I do know this: Everything possible will be done to nail the murder on Vladimir Putin. 
11.d To the hit man - or woman - sent by the criminal unity of Vladimir Putin and Jens Stoltenberg to kill me: Turn back and kill Vladimir Putin/Jens Stoltenberg and I will pay you twice as much as they are willing to pay you for killing me. Capice?
- To the hit man - or woman - sent by the criminal unity of Vladimir Putin and Jens Stoltenberg to kill me: Turn back and kill Vladimir Putin/Jens Stoltenberg and I will pay you twice as much as they are willing to pay you for killing me.
12. A few simple steps to prove that Labour Party and Jens Stoltenberg commit economic crimes as funding for political crimes.
- If you find Labour Party political crimes costing billions to implement, you know that the funding would be illegal. Points to: Labour Party run economic crimes to the tune of billions...
- If you find economic crimes in the billions that you know could not exist without the cooperation of Labour Party's protection. Points to: Political criminal Labour Party activities like "building" a state within the State.
13. Shortcut to prove Labour Party's criminal mind: Prove that the whisleblower prize The Zola-Prize is fake.
- According to me the Norwegian Zola-Prize is fake and exist only so that Labour Party can map Norway's whistleblowers to detect those able to reveal Labour Party's criminality.
A prize to detect the next Synnove Fjellbakk Tafto BEFORE a whistleblower can stop or cause problems for LP. I do not know if the prize was high jacked or if LP's own people started the prize.
The prize makes it clear that ONLY people who are open with full identity can get the prize. And it is named after the French author Zola - who was killed by suffocation... Google "whistleblower killed" and see how many articles you get - BUT ONLY - those who are open and unafraid can get the prize... The point with the prize is to get in as many names and details of Norwegian whistleblowers as possible -
and the to find those that could threaten LP. I like to think of the prize as: "Show Labour Party your face you stinking whistleblower, so that LP can make sure you newer will bother LP..."
Look at the winners of the prize... do you really think those are the gravest problems Norway has?
Summa sumarum: LP would not create or high jack a prize like the Zola-Prize unless LP has something to hide!
14.  Shortcut to prove OSE stock fraud:
- Contact the leaders of Tomra. Tell them you will arrest Ola Maele, Per Kverneland and (Alf) Gerald Engstrom and that you will stop any claim from Repant / Microlux / Bevesys guesstimated to be  around100 mUSD in compensation from Tomra to Repant & Co for holding Repant and Microlux financially down and for causing Bevesys to go bankrupt.
You will give this in exchange for information from Tomra good enough to arrest the three fraudsters.
However Ola Maele is cunningly sly and he may have bribed the leaders of Tomra or have trapped them in some kind of illegality trap. If they refuse to cooperate,  go via the main shareholders who will force the leaders to cooperate...
15. International fraudsters using the Fraud Triangle MUST be trusted. The simplest explanation is that they belong to an international fraud ring where each and every fraudster has been quality stamped by someone else...
 Jens Ulltveit-Moe, Norway, quality stamps Alexei Mordashov  / Severstal, Russia, and Helmut Sohmen , Austria/Hong Kong. Helmut Sohmen quality stamps Andreas Sohmen-Pao , Singapore. Andreas Sohmen-Pao quality stamps Eike Batista , Brazil. Jens Stoltenberg quality stamps Vladimir Putin / Gazprom, Russia.
They are all in the list over people who wants to kill me...
- JUM , CRU / Crew Gold and INTEX Resourses both frauds taken over by - Alexei Mordashov (13 billion USD) and his company Severstal. 
- Helmut Sohmen, BWGAS fraud (pre Fraud Triangle).
- Andreas Sohmen-Pao, NEXUS and BWO frauds - both in close cooperation with Carl Krogh Arnet.
- Eike Batista, pretended to buy the worlds most expensive "Harsh environment" FPSO ship from (deliberately made bankrupt) NEXUS. Eike Batista did NOT need an expensive to run special arctic ship in tropical waters... (NEXUS was most likely built on order from Rosneft, Russia or Statoil, Norway.)
- Vladimir Putin. Gazprom are behind several frauds among them the AGI / Artumas fraud. 
16. Angela Merkel has been manipulated and outsmarted by Jens Stoltenberg.
- Look at pictures of Angela Merkel; she is dressed like a woman in East Germany would dress - something that points towards that Angela Merkel still is stuck in GDR mentally.
But what is a woman born in 1954 and who lived her life in GDR like? In 1990 I cycled through East Germany on my way to Istanbul. It was the first and last summer it was possible to cycle in GDR. I had wished to cycle through GDR in 1988, on my way to Cairo, but it was forbidden - so I cycled through Poland instead.
In 1990 any woman in a loveless, platonic relationship in GDR, would seem like they were both needy and a bit lost - longing for any attention from a western man. Fast forward 15 years and Angela Merkel comes to power. In 2005 Angela Merkel,s mindset was still stuck in GDR, cloth style stuck in GDR and in a loveless platonic relationship. And I guess judging  from pictures from earlier years, her manlike style didn't get her too much attention from males neither in teenage years nor later...
Then in on the scene comes tall Jens Stoltenberg and sweeps Angela Merkel off her feet... But smart Jens Stoltenberg sees only someone he can manipulate to like him, someone he would be able to use in later years... One of those opportunities came in 2013 when Jens Stoltenberg - no doubt - somehow managed to manipulated Angela Merkel to suggest and support him as the next leader of NATO.
Ask Angela Merkel and she would with her whole heart say it was her own idea - but really - it wasn't... - It was Jens Stoltenberg's / Putin's / FSB's idea planted in Angela Merkel's mind by the manipulator Jens Stoltenberg...
- Any interrogation of Angela Merkel would still make her say it was her own idea - but that is not the point.
The point is that Angela Merkel, like most people, is unable to see that there is something wrong with Jens Stoltenberg. She has to be told that the security of Europe is at risk and she has to tell every small detail that Jens Stoltenberg ever has told her - and then the interrogators and other experts have to put the puzzle together in order to try to figure out what Jens Stoltenberg/Putin/FSB is up to.
17. Angela Merkel has, like so many other European leaders, probably been asked by Putin for minor help to secure Gazprom's deliveries of gas at a low fixed rate: Putin: "Support my friend Jens Stoltenberg as the next leader of NATO - or risk losing the next election...""
- Accoring to me, Putin sometimes asks Western European leaders for minor favors to secure a steady flow of gas from Gazprom at a fixed and predictable future price. Gazprom where Putin himself is a part owner - and reportedly is interested in even the smallest of decisions. It is natural that Putin does this because HE HAS THE POWER to do so...
Any disruption in the flow of gas and Putin will make sure the press knows whom to blame... In other words; follow Putin's rules or you will lose the next election. Did Putin use his triumph card to get Angela Merkel to suggest and promote Jens Stoltenberg as the next leader of NATO - or was it all Jens Stolteberg's brilliant manipulation? How many other NATO country leaders did Putin use his triumph card to make them support Jens Stoltenberg? It seems such a small favor just to secure the flow of gas. But it will have such serious implications...
If I was an average dumb and gullible European leader, without any real life experiences, I would probably have gone in the same innocent looking trap... So don't judge some of Europe's leaders too harshly for undermining Europe's security by letting Putin dictate who became the next leader of NATO.
Putin's mind in cooperation with FSB's best minds came up with a really brilliant solution to place Putin's friend Jens Stoltenberg as leader of the mightiest military force this world has ever seen...
18. NATO's leader Jens Stoltenberg and Labour Party has been manipulated and outsmarted by Putin/FSB, and therefore Jens Stoltenberg puts at risk not only Europe's population - but also the worlds population.
- Jens Stoltenberg thinks he knows the final Putin/FSB plans for NATO - but he doesn't. Jens Stoltenberg has been served a version of the plan that suits Jens Stoltenberg and suits LP.
A version of the plan manipulated to Jens Stoltenbergs liking by his friend - or "friend" - Putin. J.S. thinks he and Labour Party can outsmart Putin/FSB if they get in a tricky situation, but they can't - and the reason is simple: Jens Stoltenberg and LP plays by some dodgy rules but Putin/FSB plays by NO rules whatsoever. As long as Putin/FSB plays by NO rules whatsoever - they will always win. - AND Putin/FSB will ALWAYS win against ANYONE who follows rules...
I do not know what the worst case scenario will be with Jens Stoltenberg as leader of NATO, but I do know that if any of your children survive, they will have to speak and write Russian. But Russian isn't that bad a language - or is it? I am stuck in Asia and here the population will have to speak and write Mandarin-Chinese - thanks to the Jens Stoltenberg/Putin/FSB/Chinese Communist Party plan. And Mandarin-Chinese is so much harder to learn properly, than Russian is...
19. My tablet computer has died. Anyone with a laptop computer for Christmas?
I got my tablet computer in July or August 2014. I was googling "Vladimir Putin psychopath" and "Vladimir Putin net worth" when i stumbled over a" trip wire" and got a white feather on my screen. That white feather made me wonder - until I had my first "Factory Reset" and I discovered it was the tablet's own default wallpaper... A few weeks later i visited a free porn site for the second time and I got automatically redirected to a homepage of a Norwegian / Swedish insurance company, but I had other things on my mind... so I left without looking on the page but I think the web address was, a web address that doesn't exist. Someone clearly wanted to tell me that they are watching my every move, but the interesting thing was that I triggered an alarm IN Russia but was warned FROM Norway...
Since then I have had a lot of troubles with the tablet starting it, so I have to take it to a shop that will fix it for 200 Baht, they fix it with a worse copy of the software than what I had before. Today I got it back from a new repair but the battery plummeted to 0% and I can't get it to recharge. I complained in the shop and they gave me my 200 Baht back, with a dry remark that the tablet was ready for replacement. Drop to 0% has happened before and each time it starts recharging after 100 tries - so I will not stop trying...
20. I have always loved mocking and annoying people - and it has always been a threat to my life...
For almost 40 years I have loved to mock and annoy certain types of people - and it has always been a threat to my health because 40 years ago my chest was reassembled in a rather bad way. That means that a well placed fist would / will break a chest bone - or five - and puncture my heart. Now the problem could be bullets or knives or something else - but the worst case outcome is the same as before... 
21. Was current Norwegian Prime Minister my childhoods bullying "friend"?
I am from Bergen, Norway, and so is the current Norwegian Prime Minister. She is six months older than me and she has kept her maiden name. Her sir name is the same as my neighbor, classmate and childhood's best friend's sir name and she reminds me so of my childhood's best friend's cousin. She was big and scary and she always wanted to decide everything and bully us around. I think it was that big and scary girl that made me decide never to get married and never to have any children... If current PM really was that big and scary girl and she now complains because I have created so much extra work for her and her Government to restart Norway after Jens Stoltenberg and Norwegian Labour Party's economical and political crimes, then the current PM can thank herself for partly making me the way I am...
22. Why I am educational superior to most of the world's politicians...
I have only high school but still I am educational superior to most of the world's politicians. How? 
I started earning good money by working in the docks unloading and loading ships, in weekends and school holidays, from I was 15 years old. That way I could earn money so I could start travelling on my own. I started travelling alone when I was 16. First by train to my eternally beloved Istanbul, then by plane and train to Morocco and then by train and ship to 1978 horrible Northern Ireland. That makes a boy turn into a man... A year later I tried to travel in the Tunisian and later also the Algerian parts of the Sahara - in July - but it was slightly too hot... In 1982 I traveled North East Asia for months. In 1983/1984 I traveled South Asia and South East Asia for months. In 1985/1986 I traveled, hitch hiked and walked in North and North West Africa for months.
Then in 1988 I became a world cyclist and between 1988 and 2008 I cycled approximately 154,000 kilometer on six different bike rides in 50 countries. If I cycle between Ventspils in Latvia and Denver in Colorado, USA, I have cycled - bit by bit - three times around the world.
Several times I have been tried robbed but no one so far has managed to rob me. I had hardly anything stolen for thirty years until I was the victim of several thefts in 2008.
All in all: All my experiences during all my travels and all my living abroad has made me educational superior to most of the worlds politicians. If you don't believe me I am willing to be tested...
23. Why I can understand fraudsters, murderers and mass murderers: I am 98% kindness and 2% pure pitch black evil...
Really I am 98% kindness and 2% pure pitch black evil and I proved it in my new blog:
How and where did I become evil? 
- In 1982 I spent three months traveling in China, I was among the first Westerners to be able to travel freely - or almost freely. I had to apply for travel permit from The Public Security Bureau every time I wanted to go somewhere. PSB had, at that time, photos of some of the "criminals" they had caught and "trialed" and publicly executed. Each picture showed a person who obviously was badly beaten and who had a white cardboard hanging from his or hers neck with words telling the crime "committed". Someone told me later that PSB and the Chinese Communist Party were not interested in actually catching the correct criminal but more interested to show efficiency and show cruelty by warning that execution awaits if you do not follow CCP's rules.
> So I probably got some of my pure evil from the Chinese Communist Party and The Red Army.
- In 1990 I cycled from Denmark through newly liberated Eastern Europe to Istanbul. It was the first and last summer it was possible to cycle in East Germany.  I Cycled to the Nazi death camp of Sachsenhausen, but I came in the wrong way and walked over land to get to the main entrance. A few hundred meters away from the entrance the bicycle and I fell through the thin crust of hard earth. I looked down and I saw my feet had disappeared in something grayish black. Even though I had never seen it before I knew what it was, but my brain tried feverishly to find another possibility. It couldn't find another possibility so I just had to face reality. I was standing in the cremation ash and bone fragments of hundreds - if not thousands - of victims from the death camp. Something very few people actually have done... I walked around the death camp and I knew I should have complained to them for not finding and burying human ash that was dumped around the outskirts of the death camp. But I also knew that that obviously would not be something GDR would be concerned about, so I kept my mouth shut...
> So I probably got some of my pure evil from The German Nazi Party.
- In 1994 I cycled from Kuala Lumpur to Macau. Even though Khmer Rouge stayed in power from 1975 to defeated by the Vietnamese in 1979, small pockets of Khmer Rouge strongholds still remained in 1994. Government troops in the town of Battambang had been shelling the Khmer Rouge main stronghold of Pailin and one of the shells had entered Thailand, so Thailand closed the border. Still I could leave Thailand and enter Cambodia without a visa. The road was no longer existing so I had to take a boat to Sre Ambel. From Sre Ambel I cycled, in one day, via Campong Spae to Phnom Pen. Even the UN cars didn't dare to travel alone but came with armed guards. At any moment I expected to be kidnapped as Khmer Rouge did with foreigners in 1994. Khmer Rouge kidnapped and later killed them. I managed to cycle from Sre Ambel to Phnom Pen in one day, going into the evening. In Phnom Pen I visited the Khmer Rouge prison / torture center Toul Sleng. A horrible place where Khmer Rouge's evil lurks in every corner. I didn't go to the killing fields outside Phnom Penh because almost everywhere I stopped along the road to Phnom Pen I had seen bones and fragments of bones with pieces of rotten cloth nearby. Clues that when Khmer Rouge killed almost 2 million Cambodians, they turned the whole of Cambodia into one giant killing field.... 
While I was in Phnom Pen, Khmer Rouge issued a warning that every foreigner outside Phnom Pen was for them to kidnap. But the bike ride to the Vietnamese border went without problems,  and I was very happy to leave the most creepy country I had been to at that stage of my life.
Later, until 2008, I returned to cross Cambodia five more times on bicycle, and I have learned to love the country. But each time I am faced with a Cambodian in Cambodia of my age, or older, the question always lurks in the back of my mind: "Did you take part in the killing of almost two million people?" The same question lurks in the back of my mind when I here in Thailand are faced with Cambodians my age, or older, that seems a bit dodgy... I should ask them? I do not want to upset them because a upset ex Khmer Rouge soldier could do serious damage to those who are too nosy, and anyway, I do not expect a truthfully answer...
> So I probably got some of my pure evil from Khmer Rouge.
The rest of the blog is unchanged. Unchanged because I have no money and a clump foot that makes me sick with high fever if I sit too long. I would like a laptop computer, but no one has a spare one - and my tablet is a joke that doesn't work anymore.
Go to "October 2014" dated "17 January 2015" for the rest of the blog.

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